Early Access 4 (EA4) Interim Update 2

Hello, my opinion, a welcome update :slight_smile:

                                         - Negative point-

-At the end of the wing, 1 time out of 2, the ball goes into touch as if the game didn’t detect the support on the sidelines.
-As for the footwork, I find it too powerful, with the ball bouncing around half the pitch, which lacks realism.

  • I find that even in hardscrabble mode the game is too easy to win.

                                           -Positive point- 

-The graphics are too good and the pitch looks good.

  • the passing is much better overall and we’re starting to enjoy it.

                               - my wish for the future-
  • Addition of penalties
    -Be able to place players in drop positions

  • review the maule
    -Be able to set up defence/attack: tight, wide etc…

Tips for when you decide to improve animations

1- The curved running in RLL4 was quite ok. It’s better than the robotic movement players have now.

2- In most tackles, both players keep their bodies low, knees bent and ready for impact. Consider these aspects, especially if the game will use the mechanics of propelling your player with the right analog stick.
Madden screenshot for reference

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Hi Big Ant Team,

Thanks for all your hard work. I really like the way the passing is going. I find I’m actually making some line breaks now and getting some half decent moves together. It’s become a lot more fun but there’s 2 big problems that I’ve noticed though.

  • I’m finding myself with 2 v 1 on the wing, more often than not when I pass the ball will go out into touch, and not to the target player! So frustrating and it’s happening a lot (I know sometimes in real life players mess up 2 v 1, but not this much). I’m not sure if it’s something to do with the support lines or just the passing logic, or maybe a mix of both

  • On passing logic, I find if there is more than 1 player in a direction, sometimes it’s almost random which player the pass will go to. I know it’s not always going to be obvious to the game engine which player you’re going to want to pass to. I know it’s not the easiest system to try and perfect, but I think by default pressing L1 or R1 should always pass to the next player in the line, at least that way it’s predictable for the player. We still have L1 / R1 + face button to pick a specific receiver. Also, I’ve mentioned this before, but would it be possible to implement a command something like a quick double tap of L1 / R1 to give a one out skip pass?

Apart from passing, I’ve said this before but I still don’t understand scrums :rofl: (this might be just me and maybe a tutorial/ training mode will fix that). Also rucks still seem kind of random to me, as to when a steal is possible or not


Stamina needs reworking I shouldn’t be loosing all my stamina with a backline player before I even have hit the gap. Seems like only we have stamina and ai has no stamina to loose as they are running full speed the whole game

:joy::joy: why is it alway the most fun and intense matches that has to crash when the game is going down to the wire :joy::joy:


Agree to everything mentioned here. I would add that if you introduce a transparent mini map, as I had previously advocated for, where the players of the two teams are represented by their respective colours and the players represented as dots, when aiming for a kick, you not only have a directional line on field, but also like a yellow cross or circle on the mini map indicating the approximate area where it might land, with the actual landing affected by player kicking stats and wind, etc. Also the controlling player is highlighted in a different colour to the team colour.

I was actually thinking that a doubletap could be used for a dummy pass. I’ve noticed a lack of those in the game and I think that their use would greatly expand the offensive side of the game, especially when you’re just one player away from a complete line break

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IIRC, in Rugby League Live, you would hold one pass button and tap the other to do a dummy pass, maybe that would work here also?

I just think the option to give a quick skip pass would open the game so much, whether that be a double tap or a tap and hold


I have some problem with my costum Team.
I’ve created a Team with logo, 25 Players and kits but unfortunatly the game doesn’t recognise on “Play Now”-“Costum Team” section.

Why it happen?! Spent a lot of time and i can even play with…

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Dummy passes have been in the game since release

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Another re-occurring Bug Issue that might have been mentioned in the patch feedback by others is that when offside penalties are issued by the referee against my team and awarded to the Ai team when the Ai kicks for lineout field position, the lineout feed will then be awarded to my team to throw the lineout.

It’s been happening when I play with a custom team against a licensed team and might have been occurring also when using licensed teams


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Can you put a ticket in with the support team - they’ll probably need to get your save files - it should show up once it meets the criteria to make a valid team (eg 23 players on the roster)

There’s two aspects to stamina - the “sprint” and the overall stamina. So the sprint is what you’ll see drain away, the boost run from the trigger. If you’re more sparing about when to sprint before you get to the gap you can utilise it more.

That said, it’s certainly something to balance, especially relating to the AI to ensure that anything that’s normal rugby isn’t penalised with draining sprint too much, at least for players with good enough fitness stats.