08.28 - Update Review

Dear Developers,

@RossSymons @JNT_BA

After the update, the AI is too easy on Expert difficulty. AI is still too predictable. A bit better than yesterday, but still not good enough. Please fix it! Thank you for your work!

Did you just get the update have not got it yet on ps5,has the cpu serve gone back to normal not just serving down the middle ?

This update is horrible and yesterday’s you can’t hit the lines with the topspin shot on PC. I can see why it’s harder to hit the flat shots but this is ridiculous to nerf the shot might aswell not play with LT RT because they’re not helping bring the ball to the line or over it :upside_down_face:


Its easy for all the wrong reasons. The CPU is playing with way more variety. They are less predictable in some ways but are now hitting the back behind shot way too much. Medvedev just went back to the same side of the court 9 times in a row despite having open court in the other direction. They are making way too many errors, 28 from Medvedev in the first set on expert and we are still being restricted from using precision shots in the course of the rally.


@JNT_BA this update is better, we can see CPU more agressive and this is good point.

more reactif then yesterday

1 - maybe we need nerf shot with RT and LT, its so easy to find angle against CPU, i never did fault with RT and LT shot.

2 - and CPU need to do Aces when she serve, i retun 100% of service Ai for now

3 - Cpu do lot of fault again, maybe reduce a little please.

thats my 3 points i see with this new update but the game go in the good direction

thank you Big ant :pray:

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Do not nerf LT and RT oh my. This was nefred already 2 patches ago and its bad enough as it is.

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I know :sweat_smile: well they already have it’s a disaster as you know :sweat_smile:

Why are people still saying they are too strong? They literally dont work anymore…

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The precision trigger shots needing adding back in. You can’t hit any decent winners anymore. Haven’t a clue why they have removed/nurfed them but it’s ruined it. Can’t hit close to the lines anymore. This recent update is a mess. The AI is now making 30 errors a set on expert.


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I know it’s ridiculous are they actually playing on the same game😅 I was looking forward to today’s update thought the Dev’s might of rectified the silly mistake of not letting us hit to the lines or beyond but no they’ve made alot worser now.

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U are misinterpreting what the others are saying, they are saying that trigger shot needs to be more precise and more risky so we can aim wherever we want(Like it was on early access). Nerf=more risky more ball out more precise, they are NOT saying to reduce the winners when using it. But even the normal shot(without the triggers) needs to be more risk/reward like before too. Aiming is just meaningless right now


yes, that’s what i said.

i hope dev will work on that.

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@JNT_BA I see the difficulty of the AI ​​in expert well, in addition to the variety of directions of his blows and recovering his position in the center of the court (he does not leave you the entire court as before so that you can make him the winner in 2 hits. That part, I think it could be more or less being You just have to correct the following:

  • Reduce constant blows to the AI ​​line. This, in addition to being unrealistic, has increased the general speed or rhythm of the ball, which seems to me to be perfect as it was before. I miss a little more pause in the points sometimes, not constant shots from side to side.
  • I have the feeling that one of the bugs that EA6 had has returned (or 5, I don’t remember), and that is that the AI ​​reaches absolutely almost everything and it is almost impossible to make a winner. And even more so if you play against Djokovic for example.
  • Reduce a little the unforced errors of the AI, which right now is disproportionate.

At the hard level, these problems are somewhat reduced, but they still exist.

With those 3 things moderately retouched and not spoiling others, I think we can now be close to having something serious. And they are things that really are not difficult to correct at all.

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now im an ace master

so i have just played the new update

Djokovic challenge is broken - im on expert the first challenge the ai didn’t hit one ball back … just won every point complexly broken please check

2nd - the online match i just played is that same bug - when u return serve there is a glitch on every shot your opponent hits to u the ball disappears then re appears only on return of serve points

Ive told them about the Djokovic challenge not hitting balls back. They said its set to that difficulty to make it more accessible for people who are not good at the game…

So they basically made a djokovic challenge where theres 0 challenge at all in most of it, Yikess… only this is enough to see what direction the game is going and why people are not buying it

I feel like some of the decisions must be publisher driven, especially with the cost for the ATP/WTA license.

Some of the decisions seemed to be aimed at people who not only may have never played a tennis game before but have never even picked up a controller.

They must try and realize that its not the super casuals that will stick with this game long term, its the people that are desparate for a decent tennis game. They have to be careful not to lose that player base.

Liking the latest update we can call a fix and really enjoying the matches,back testing Medium and AI is mixing it up well and see that the cpu is using slices more which is more realistic. As far as hitting straight down the line i can get closer to it at different times maybe a combination of positioning,directional and trigger but definitely getting closer to the line compared to Aug 27 patch. Now AI needs to make less unforced errors and get back to the center quicker on higher difficulties. Everyone should push devs to make a PRO and Legend difficulties with AI making very little mistakes,surely this is possible.