They have touched on many things and in some they have gone forward and in others, in my opinion, backwards.
They have put much more rhythm into the match, something that I don’t like very much. Everything is much crazier, to the point that there are animations of tennis players that they don’t have time to do even if you have been pressing the button for a long time, such as Federer’s wonderful backhand slice, which he often does in a generic way and if he does it with his animation he does it at an exorbitant speed, not like before when it was a pleasure to watch the animation.
The AI, for me, is much worse now. Here, for me, they have gone backwards again. In expert, which is the only game I play, now they only hit the back of the lines, the center, one corner and another, all close to the back line like when they return. They no longer hit short and slower angles and so many counter-attacks. I don’t know why they touched and went back with that, if the AI was what they were fine-tuning the best. Not only have they not corrected the return, but now the rest of the rally is like that. Anyway… let’s hope they revert it.
Now in some points there are no celebrations and you go from one point to another very quickly. I don’t know if that is positive or negative… it depends on the situation.
There are positive things, like the fact that flat hits can be used again without having to do a weird emergency hit animation in half of them…
They have also touched the physics of the ball bounces. I think they have improved somewhat in all the shots, but especially in the cut balls, which have improved a lot. They no longer die as if it were a wet ball that bounced.
The lifts continue to almost all enter the lines and the planes are similar… In that regard, little has changed, a shame.
And they have finally fixed the problem of the career mode that many of us who played in ultrawide had that crashed.
Well, they are doing things, solving some serious things and refining some things. The problem is that they are going backwards in things that were starting to be good, like the AI. We will see what future patches bring and if they manage to go forward in everything and not improve things and go backwards in others.
They removed all the cinematics at the end of a point, now the point ends and in half a second he is serving again, ridiculous is an understatement
- Everything accelerated to 1000%, totally disgusting
- The physics of the ball is now definitely like hitting a plastic or paper ball, it looks like a mobile game
-Federer’s face was better than before, now he has a 2019 variant that I don’t like and I see that many on the forum have the same opinion.
In my opinion, this is the most horrible update they have released.
@JNT_BA I hope you read this post because there are things that have been done well and others that have taken a step backwards. I hope that the situation is reversed in those details that I have mentioned.