AFL 23 - Megathread

I’d say the packs in regards to pro team points would range from 300-4000

I’d be shocked if it’s $150 for 12,000 pts like EA FC

If they did something similar I’d want to see there most expensive point purchase at least half of that if not less.

If the game mode is a success and works well with no bugs then happy to see the price bumped up.

‘But the week isnt over yet’ :joy:


never said that at all, if you wanna play mr cool guy at least tag the person you’re having a go at.

I said if you read Jnt’s posts that something will be happening this week, be it info or the mode.

I’m just as on edge as everyone else with wanting it to launch, no need to be a clown about it though.


The people that got this game for Pro Team are going to be in for a rude awakening when they launch into an online game hehe.


If it is anything less than a launch this week people are going to riot.


I’m just living on in hope and anticipation like everyone else!

At that point in time the week wasn’t over, and I, like everyone else was hoping to see some info drop on it all.

Not sure what exactly you’re getting at there!

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It was never going to release over the weekend, i dont care how much optimism one has :joy:

Does anyone know if Hamish McLachlan ever got added into the game? I never heard his voice on commentary. Is it only in VFL play now or state leagues?

Who said anything about it being released on the weekend?

I was saying we might hopefully have seen info over the weekend.

@Pink_Panters Release / information it’s all in the same wishful thinking category. :tipping_hand_man:

As i mentioned last night, information doesnt make sense when we have all been told ‘as soon as it’s approved it will go live’


Definitely not in the same category.

And info / new can most definitely come before the mode drops.

Suggesting otherwise is bizzare to be honest.

All it takes is for a progress status report of the approval to be sent through from the platform holder and presto, we can get news and info before it finally drops.

Thats just 1 example of how it could play out.

wow over 99 comments today not one about pro team releasing


I get it, you’ve got a relation with BA so you’ll back them publicly - No issues there.
You’ve also seen ProTeam so you have what everyone else hasnt seen - proof that this all exists.

It was stated that next update from BA is that it is ready. It was also stated that once approved it will go live - so it doesnt make sense for a delay to be there.

What also doesn’t make sense is JNT teasing something is coming ‘very soon’ and ‘not from him, which is good’. - Now let’s say that this gets announced tomorrow and it’s news telling us it will be release next week.

How did they know it was getting approved a week out, to then tell us to basically wait when ‘it’s ready to go’

Or let’s say that it’s news tomorrow that it’s dropping tomorrow. What happened over the last week where BA has recieved some form of information to make a somewhat cryptic announcement and then delay that by a week.

So forgive me for being skeptical, but when you’ve been let down a number of times you tend to be.


This has nothing to do with backing anything or anyone.

Im simply stating that your suggestions or trains of thought arent the only possible options.

There a ton of variables at play that mean things can happen in a different order than you suggest.

A lot of you are overthinking things and making it worse for yourselves, and no one wants that.

A lot are also forming their own theories without any condideration for the other side of the coin and why something may be possible to happen or not happen.

All im saying is approach these things with an open mind and try steer away from thinking there is absolutely only 1 possibility and 1 reason why this is the order etc.

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So that’s why you’re always positive and backing BA? Dude i get it, but don’t deny your opinions and views are skewed at all due to that relationship.

How can we think the other way when we get told absolutely nothing? Sure, i get there is NDA’s in place for things.

But talk about the mode more, the thing that is their property.

It all boils down to communication which we have had barely any of.

We paid our money, a long time ago and still don’t have what was promised. When there’s silence about that promise, it doesn’t fill one with confidence.

I’ll probably get banned for all of this, but oh well.

I love the people who are like “I’ll get banned…” I’m literally watching all this happen. You get banned when you break the rules not for having an opinion. But there is a correct way to share that opinion.

If you think he is “always” positive you should watch more streams. I know I do and there has been plenty or criticisms.


So the one point you take out of what i said is about PP not always being positive?

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Read your own post mate, it’s quite literally full of conspiracy theories. What about this, what about that….

Anything that is said, is over analysed to the nth degree by you or some other Tom Dick or Harry.

It’s like I said the other day. All the info that they can give is there - it’s just not the answer you WANT.

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Ok fine “talk about the mode more” I did a while ago and explained it when PP was talking about it.


so r we getting closer to it releasing because a while back you said as soon as it is approved by platform holders it will go live so does that mean they still haven’t approved it