All Feedback is not Good Feedback

Seems it’s conflicting interests that are clouding or misconstruing what the game truly needs to get better.

  1. Big Ant choose what your direction is for the game and stick to it! — U will not please every segment of the community. Best to go with the original direction which was a SimCade. A fun game with Sim aspects. — Add sliders so everyone can tailor their experience to their liking or a gameplay setting of (Casual, Sim, Competetive)
  2. Filter out bad feedback. Many complaining everything is too hard, simply have not been playing long enough to adjust or haven’t even went thru the tutorial and are hopping right in with no practice expecting to be a high level.player. Many of the changes that have been made to cater to them are hurting the game. ---- Make assists to help those still learning, but don’t nerf the gsme or its mechanics. — Serving has never been too hard, nor returning. This varies person to person and should so it’s a skill gap that exists. — Flat shots should be harder to use bc it is like that IRL. Keep it as it was in the Patch on 8/26. That was a good balance.
  3. Make Prep Shots more risky for players.
  4. Flat shot should never be more reliable than a Topspin shot, and should not be able to be used each shot in rallies.
  5. Make Topspin shots reliable, but when powered alot with prep shot, make risky (risk should vary player to player on ratings).
  6. Fix the side to side movement and snapping to balls when moving in the wrong direction. Players should be punished for moving to the wrong sides, or at the least have to recover to get to the Shot. Depending on the level of speed they were moving In the wrong direction with should decide how quickly they recover to the ball.
  7. Tight angle shots have been nerfed badly and painting lines is impossible now. Instead of nerfing us. Make Prep Shots, tighter angles shots more risky to make instead of removing the ability to do so from us.

I think this is the best feedback/comment I’ve read. Big Ant should really read this and focus on all the things you’ve mentioned, especially regarding the movement side to side and the high risk/high reward way of balancing shots


Agree with everything. I prefered the game when it felt like it was heading in a more SIM direction. Spot on with your last point. They really need to revert the precision shots back to the way they were and the way they are playing on Xbox now but add risk to using them. The first thing they should do regarding this is make it very difficult or near impossible to hit the prep shots by cheating the system and holding both triggers. They used to give you an advantage in a rally before they were nerfed, so make it so you must hold the correct trigger side down to hit a forehand or backhand. It then rewards the player based on their skill at positioning themselves on the court.

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100% agree with this

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I hope BigAnt read this!


running forehands/backhands animations that was introduced in EA7 are now removed too. Its replaced by the weird tap shot animation, theres literally 0 person on earth who asked for that


@JNT_BA @RossSymons
Please fix it!


I also noticed a weird tap shot that kept happening to me when attempting do quite a few backhands. Even if charging the shot, the ball comes to you and instead of just hitting a normal backhand it would stop me and just hit a little forehand pat shot instead. Have the running forehands been taken out or possibly has the animation lock actually been reduced? It did feel that something like that had been changed because the animation lock was no longer allowing me to get to really wide balls and hit them back defensively on the stretch.


I noticed that these animations weren’t removed but they seem to be bugged for flat shots. Using top spins shots the lock in to the running shots is happening to me, but for flat shots I need to press always both triggers (scramble). The triggers separately aren’t working properly in this case.

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