Any news ?for the game


I appreciate that. Not only for me, but all the other gear heads out their

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Itā€™s out on steam now :speaking_head:


Youtubers please think of us lowly console players and get a video up as soon as you can :joy:

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Not on my steam account yet

Maybe different for different countries? Iā€™m in Aus
https:/ /

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Me too :slight_smile:

Someone is streaming on twitch now, its pretty rough atm

I know itā€™s only early access but it looks and plays very poorly and this is with a 9 month delay.


Unfortunately, seems like BA will need another 6 months-1year to improve on everything wrong w the gameplay.

I know itā€™s only early access, but I expected a little better than this given their Cricket and AFL gameplay looks great.

Me for one, although I wanted screenshots or more trailers, I wasnā€™t one of the ones pressuring BA to release early access if it wasnā€™t ready. I was happy for them to delay the game for however long it took if it meant we got a very polished game.

I feel bad that they felt so pressured to release it in an essentially unplayable state and are going to face a ton of criticism on the game.

Although gear and customization options (high/low socks, branded boots, grip socks,etc) for players is important, thatā€™s hardly a concern for me anymore as it is worse than I couldā€™ve imagined.

Iā€™m hoping the game doesnā€™t release for at least another year now.


Beyond disapointment. The game is unplayable, everything is broken, from rucks to scrums, lineouts, tackles, passesā€¦ they warned us about IA being experimental, but there are so many issues to address before even going into the IA (wich is, indeed, a mess) ā€¦ ball bounces after a kick are disastrous, lights and shades in the stadium are awful, so i tried playing by night, still got full sunshine with ugly shades (contrast is awful, players are darkened so the sky isnt overexposed). I was really looking forward to giving some feedback but ā€¦ i dont even know where to begin, it doesnt even look like rugby (no rucks after a tackle ? you have to wait for the tackler to get up before support comes to bind ? so unrealistic, not even arcade like playable, makes no sense and kills the most important aspect of rugby)ā€¦
Gameplay is pretty bad, actually awful, sure after 6 months of feedback some stuff can get slightly better, but the basics of rugby being not respected, Iā€™m afraid some adjustments will never be enough to come close to what a rugby game should feel.

Regarding graphics, face scans look good during cut scenes (but who watches those after a few games) and during scrums (the camera zooms on the scrum) but in game, graphics are just ok, grass seems to have no texture. Many details around though (more than on the field ?)

Content wise, there is only ā€œplay nowā€ and ā€œcompetitionā€ modes, so to all the people who hoped for an era modes (like in nba2k), ultimate teams (like in fifa), itā€™s not there, and no sign whereas if it will ever be.

So console players, donā€™t envy us pc users, you arenā€™t missing anything. The amount of work before the gameplay becomes just ā€œreasonableā€ is huge. I watched streams this morning, but wanted to try myself. It does feels as bad in hand as you see it on stream, hope future updates will revolutionize the gameplay.


100% I have the exact same thoughts. Pretty much.

I have a lot to say, but will hold back everything till the devs ask for constructive criticism so they can fix it. But one of my biggest things is how horrible the rucking is like you said. But even the fact that defensive players donā€™t bind to each other at the breakdown in real life, they go for the ball with their arms which is not portrayed in this game. Itā€™s like BA doesnā€™t have a firm grasp on Rugby Unions intricacies as a whole.

Scrums actually look good and realistic, as it just stays still for the most part and one side doesnā€™t push another side 10 meters back like weā€™ve seen in other rugby games. But thatā€™s about all that I saw good with the game.

They did confirm many other game modes that just arenā€™t in early access. Career mode both player and manager are the highlights.

Iā€™m okay with them releasing the full game as far out as it takes, but I agree that it seems like some things just canā€™t be fixed unless they do a complete overhaul and start from scratch.

Itā€™s just surprising to me because their AFL and Rugby League games look and feel like the sport theyre trying to represent, and wondering how they couldnā€™t do the same for Rugby Union.

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I havenā€™t played, only seen videos. I knew the game would be scratchy, thatā€™s what happens when a new developer tries rugby game from scratch*. It takes time and multiple attempts.

*It looks like they have taken RLL4 as some sort of base for gameplay to make this game. In theory itā€™s ok because RLL4 was a good game, but to make it a rugby game requires a lot of chopping and changing. I preferred if they just started from scratch. You can see from the way players run, 1 up nature, the tackle types are from rrl4.

Anyway Iā€™ll be supporting, canā€™t wait for console version.

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Give this man a raise


Why are these peoples names on the forum? What am I missing?

Fire the marketing manager pls ross

Why? There is no finished game to market yet.


I was more pointing out the lack of marketing during the past year