August 27 - Update

The AI is too easy in Expert difficulty. Please increase the difficulty. I don’t feel any improvement.

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Yes you are correct,just been trying medium,hard and expert,medium now is easier in that the CPU was painting the lines too often and Reilly Opelka now is not serving aces constantly and was too over powered. On Expert the devs have got the cpu moving sometimes quicker to the center but needs to be consistently faster to beat the players wide angled shots,the more highly skilled players just keep onto them about expert and cpu movement then i am sure eventually you will get close to what you want.

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They need to fix cpu stay one seconde in place when hit the ball. She is too slow.

And her serve is ridiculous, i return 100% the cou service easy and i take advantage with my first return.

They need tonfix this two points

And more agressive, i want to see cpu more more more agressive

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@JNT_BA Please fix the difficulty! The game is too easy!

I don’t think they understand well where the problem is…

First, it is CRUCIAL that the CPU has a better strategy than left-right shots because it’s just too predictable.
Then, as other users said, unforced errors were more part of the game before, and it was great, because errors are actually part of tennis, where most of the rallies don’t really last longer than 7/8 shots…

And finally, of course, it’s really time to fix the career mode, you can’t release a game with a MAIN mode remaining broken…

@JNT_BA @RossSymons


The AI is one-sided, with no imagination in its play.


I know career mode is broken but haven’t seen anyone complain about the challenger surfaces all being the same? Red hard court is the same for clay and grass?


@JNT_BA @RossSymons

The AI does nothing but hit forehand side, backhend side, forehand side, backhend side. There is no imagination in his game. The way he plays is boring. Please fix it, please improve the AI game.


After today’s update
Master 1000 Monte Carlo Final
against Alexander Zverev
Level expert
6-0 6-0
44 successful shots against 3
6/7 break points against 0/0
Points won 50 to 8
Important question:
Why have 120 real players if everyone plays the same?
Why do challenges, 250 ATP, 500 ATP, 1000 ATP etc etc if nothing changes from one pitch to another?
What is the physical condition bar for?
8 months of early access and then come out with an unacceptable game, why?


Totally agree with you! It’s a joke!

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Carrer mode bug

Career mode has launched and I can’t distribute points. I’m at lvl 7 and the doll doesn’t change, will I stay at overrall 43 forever? as well as bugs where I need to go back to the menu and back to be able to see the lobby. the tournament schedule is also completely bugged