Career mode issues/positives/ideas

Thought it would be worth starting a topic specifically for career.

Want to start by saying it is fun, and the player progression is super important (something that killed the RC series imo).

A couple of issues:
There doesn’t seem to be a link between fatigue in the squad management section, and when you actually enter a game.

In the squad management bit, it is also far too slow to regenerate - if I have a month between games, it is a bit silly that lots of my squad are still shattered. Even between regular game weeks, it should max be losing 20%, I shouldn’t have to fully rotate the squad weekly.

Transfers and contracts
The budget needs sorted out. Entered a career with the blues, and immediately couldn’t resign a single player as I was unable to offer anything higher than their current wage, and they all wanted a lot more money.

Maybe worth rejigging to better reflect real life caps?

It is all a good start though, and I appreciate that at this stage gameplay is the priority (not sure how the different internal developers etc are split).


Idk if this is just me but I layout my squad based on positions, so I put all players of one position next to each other in order of back and forwards. But everytime I exit the squad management it resets the order. Very annoying and would love the order to be saved, makes things easier with injuries, red cards and fatigue.

  1. When saving your squad in career mode all the players not in the starting 23 scramble every time. Which can be quite frustrating for someone that likes to sort them by position and rating

  2. Unsure if this is a bug but you can’t continuously scroll through the squad, it would be really nice to get to the top press up and go to the bottom. This is helpful as the props are one of the most subbed positions

  3. I’ve noticed no injuries on career mode even on extreme injuries


Started my career with Miami dolphins in the MLR. won the competition and then the following season I’m in the European champions tournament :person_facepalming:t3::joy: which just ruined the experience for me and ended up deleting the save! I wanted to start in the states and work my way up! Also signing players didn’t really understand when is the transfer window open? Need something in calendar to highlight important dates.

Hopefully the lineup changes not staying bug can be fixed soon

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I am liking this game, only thing I am having trouble with is Super Rugby is missing a round, instead of a 14 game season it is a 13 game season. Since Super Rugby is a short season as is, I would like to have the right amount of games for the season. Also, is there a possibility NPC and Currie Cup coming in later? If this is the case can we have the ability if for example you play as the chiefs, you can select an NPC team to play in the same career mode such as play for Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Counties Manukau or Taranaki to extend the number of games in a season?

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I think this might be a bit advanced for the level the career mode is at now, but that is a quality idea!!! If big ant are listening I hope at the very least look at taking this forward for future games (rugby 26 releasing 2042!)

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just an idea for the whole game i believe if they added different kicking tees and kicking styles to the game it will make it a bit more realistic when creating players or teams as you can add that extra touch. examples of kicking tees(, rugby bricks, dan carter tees, different Gilbert ones)
i would like to see this done.

i also believe they need to sort the transfer system out because it’s ridiculous when you are 1-2 seasons in and look and bristol bears have the highest rated players in the game. they need to make it more realistic i believe and being able to loan players and have them come in mid season if needs be

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Started my career in the MLR. And wanted to earn my way into Europe with a bigger team. But after winning the MLR my team was in the European champions cup :joy:

I’m a big career mode player and this mode needs a lot of attention to make the game a long standing and forever fun game !