Career mode with a created player

Are there any players doing the career mode with a new self created player? As a matter of fact , is there anyone even playing career mode ?
I am just wondering because I see a lot of people talking about playing with star players.
I do ask this because I am playing career mode with a new player and come across some bugs/errors/missing options that I don’t read about anywhere. Besides that I think gameplay experience is different with a new designed player with low stats then it is with a star player.

The bugs / errors I encountered are for example the venues on the challenger and Charity tournaments.
The venues , no matter what tournament you pick are all the same and so also on the same surface. No matter if the tournament is listed in the schedule as grass or clay , the venue that is loaded is always the same and a hard court. Only when there is a community venue of the tournament and you have downloaded it and marked the option to use community you get the right court and surface.
But there is not a community venue for every Challenger and none for Charity. And if you go in to a venue and go to the option “match to career event” and choose the tournament from the list it also does not work.
Neither does creating a new venue and then match it to a career event work.

I still think the Futures tournaments should be included in the Schedule. Just like it was in AO1 and AO2. That’s the way to start a career with a new created player and climb up in the rankings.

I miss a ball marker. I have no clue how to aim. It often feels like it is just random and would like to see how the aiming is working. In AO2 you can decide to use it or not, as I recall you can even decide if you only want to use it with serving.
I think this is also a bigger problem with a new created player then with a star player because with a new player you have to play the Training drills and with a star player you don’t have to.
Some training drills are hard to do and without a ball marker i.m.o. not possible to do. It gets really frustrating.

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Hello, yes I only play in career mode with a created player, I also restarted plenty of time after major updates to appreciate the changes. I noticed this points to correct:

Alternative versions of players (djokovic, Nadal, Murray etc) unlocked are not available in career mode, it will be cool if you can choose the version you want to encounter when you start the career

The coolest point of the career mode is that it includes created an downloaded players and offer the possibility to play against them along the year : indeed we can play one round against Sinner and the next one against a created Alex Corretja and see dreaming encounters like Kuerten VS Nadal in our tournament BUT THERE IS A DAMNED BUG that involves the disappearance of all the created/downloaded roster when you reach the second season !!! (experienced 5 times) fix it please!!! Like everyone I think, I don’t care about a Evans or Hijikata if I can have Agassi, Sampras or Edberg to play with in Australian open even if it’s a created one!

We also need the possibility to see the results of tournaments we haven’t play and the other players results by clicking on them in the rankings like a bio (it will be very immersive)

You gave us the opportunity to create a carreer including all the greatest tennis players of all time at once, it’s very frustrating to see them disappear! Fix it and with the improvements you made and you are going to make about gameplay, animation, outfits, major tournaments you will have the greatest tennis game of all-time!

Adding Futures tournaments, as in AOT, would be great, but I don’t know whether BA has the license to do this, as Futures tournaments are under the ITF not the ATP. It’s a good question for BA.

If that is the case it should not be a problem because they just have to change the name of this type of tournaments. In AO they had only the AO license but gave the other 3 grand slams also just an other name.

But do you have experienced the same bugs/errors and problems I have? Wrong surface , always the same venue , no clue where you are aiming?

Yes I have the same problems with the surface and the lack accuracy. Many players pointed these problems of gameplay and textures

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Great update last 14. nov. for the gamleplay in itself. The work that need to be done is in the Career mode. Just tried the one where we create our own player, but there are some issues or missing features that will take it to new hights.

  • PIF ATP Ranking system +/- points does not work after 1. season. it only says 0 after every event. This should also track “live” ranking while a tournament is playing.
  • AI players stats should be more available, and you should before every match in the fixture be able to look at each players stats, overall, prefered playstyles etc. like when you have to search by last name in the ranking system and click inn.
  • Information about AI players season should also be there. Now it only says attended in X events. But what did they attend, and what was their result?
  • Activity feed should contain more information about other tournaments and players, see results (tournaments you attented, and of course tournaments you did not attend), injuries etc.
  • The reputation system is also just not existing, dont know what its for, and its yeah, whats going on there.
  • Also the management section needs improvement, not just for fatique (travel or rest), but also more XP bonus, Training bonus, PR (dont think the Photografer does anything even if you spend money on it) or Sponsor. Maybe alot of it will make sense when the reputation thing starts working. Right now the only thing you worry about is fatique.
  • The importants for a career mode, espesially when you create your own is the opportunity to develop yourself as a player in many ways, not just by playing match after match.
  • Not sure if injuries even occure, even when the fatique is at its lowest, i never get injured.
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I fully agree to your comments. In general gameplay is going the right way but career mode is way to thin.

Personally I would like options to choose a trainer/coach from a number of coaches , each with there specialties and getting training drill from them.

I would also like more depth to sponsorship. As it is now you just choose one and get money and don’t have to do anything for that. For example , you can get sponsored by Nike and wear Adidas clothes.

But at the moment the most important issue I have is that no matter what tournament I choose I always get the same venue , the one with the ugly green color hard surface. Last night I got to the Olympics and as we know this was played at Roland Garros and so a clay court. But I got the same ugly green hard court again.
On two occasions it worked well and that was when i had downloaded a venue from the community , namely Blois and Den Bosch , but even a downloaded Roland Garros did not work. Why the other two did work I don’t know. Also self creating a venue and matching it tot the career event does not work.
I did sent a ticket in but did not get a real answer.

The second issue that I have is aiming.In training you have drills where you have to place the ball in a square. I want a ball marker so that I can see what I am doing with my LS. For me at the moment it feels like aiming is random and ain’t able to complete the drills.
In AO2 there is a ball marker and you can turn it on or off. So if you prefer to play without a marker you can.

Because of these things I am going to stop playing Tiebreak for this moment again and wait for a while if with coming updates the venues error is getting fixed and a ball marker is going to be added.

As I was going to stop for a while I decided to finish the first season by simulating all coming tournaments and play some training drills in between. And I did not take a rest and so my energy level was at a certain moment complete zero. But it did not have any consequents , I could go training and ran just as fast as if my energy level was 100 % . So I don’t think you can get injured.

I’m playing Career Mode with a self-created player, and I’ve noticed several bugs. First, after my first match, I had a cutscene with an interview that affected reputation. However, after that, I’ve never seen another one. I’ve been playing for a whole in-game year, and there haven’t been any cutscenes or reputation changes since.

When I won my first 250 tournament, the game showed that I only reached the semifinals, and the points awarded matched that result, not the win. Overall, Career Mode feels like a ghost mode where nothing really happens, making the game increasingly boring. Even when you win something, it doesn’t feel properly acknowledged or concluded