Changing licensed players shirt number's

Why can we not change licenced players shirt numbers? i dont understand why considering pretty much every other sports games has it can we please get this added in a future patch

They will say this is locked due to the licensing.
However I did submit a ticket to change Rabada shirt name as this said “Kagiso” originally and it was corrected.

In every other sporting game such as Madden,Fifa,Nba,Mlb and Nhl you can change licenced players jersey numbers and because players wear different numbers for all the diffent teams they play in in cricket i think its more essential in cricket 24

I know, play some of those games myself. It’s just not numbers, you can’t change bats, shirt names, batting/bowling styles with certain licensed players.
Just takes away some of the authenticity. Best thing to do is submit a ticket and :crossed_fingers:

you can edit licensed players by unlinking them .

I don’t understand why the shirt numbers are linked to the player and not the team like in every other sports game ever.

Seeing Jack Leach wearing #4, Will Jacks #9 and the stream of just wrong County numbers because of The (ew) Hundred or BBL/PSL and having no way to change them stinks.