Complete Gameplay Breakdown after EA 7

First of all I really appreciated the work that the devs have put in and this update may be the biggest in term of improvement yet, its the first time that I enjoyed the gameplay at some glimpsed but theres still a lot of issues. The main focus for the official release should be balancing


  • Risk and reward when using precise shots(LT/RT)

  • Serve system is better but the aces/double fault ratio and the precise serve/safe serve needs more balancing. I will expand on next section

  • The signature shots of many players is much better, help making each player feels unique

  • Many player faces has been updated and more alternative fit has been added

  • They added branded cloths and shoes in player creation

  • Ball visibility is way better but buggy some times(edit: its still almost transparent on madrid court specifically)

  • AI takes more risk on his baseline

  • The reach of the player is now way more realistic(no more teleporting to the ball)

  • Running forehand has been improved


  • The aiming sensibilty on serve needs to be reduced a tiny bit because now its so sensible that we can only aim 3 different spot which leads to too many double fault and less aces in some case. (Best solution would be to add a sensibility slider because everyone have their preference)

  • The timing logic on serve is bugged, sometimes red serves goes IN and perfect serves are out or hit the net

  • Serve speed is only based on the player we control and serve type and is not relative to our timing.(Each player have fixed serve speed attributed it should be dynamic)

  • AI first serve % is still too high(should be between 55-75% instead of 90+) and they still make almost 0 double fault specially on higher difficulties and they should make more aces on hard-expert

  • Aces when aiming the T using slice serve should be heavily based on timing because it happen even when the serve is very slow

  • Aces aiming wide using flat shot should happen more often on every difficulty. Its almost impossible to do rn it should be the most common aces(fixing the aiming sensibility should help)

  • Flat shots are now as safe as top spin shots which is not realistic. It may leads to flat shot spamming in the future

  • Cross court shots needs to be nerfed because its too effective, ~80% of winners are from cross court shot

  • Slice physics has improved but still needs some balancing, right now they are more effective than dropshot because sometimes the bounce is too low to be reached and theres no velocity into them

  • AI dropshots should be buffed a bit, they missing too many

  • AI aiming when hitting the ball while going towards the net should be buffed and they should make better decision specially on higher diff

  • Gameplay sliders are still missing and is very needed specially aiming sensibility on serve and shots, player movement speed and serve ace threshold or serve timing difficulty

  • Different animations on serve return is lacking which is probably one of the reason why serve return is so effective and the returner is very rarely in difficulty. Serve returns should go out or into the net when the serve is well timed and powerful(or be an ace)

  • Marks and wear on clay was a great addition on EA5 and its now completly removed, please bring it back

  • Stamina system should matter short term and long term in term of shots power and player speed and reach

  • Some venues are lagging, example on the Madrid court the fps are dropping

Im aware that theres not many time left and that theres still a lot of issue to be fixed so I really hope there will be post launch updates


I forgot to mention this in my support ticket but you are correct. Certain courts are now lagging. I havent checked, but seems like CPU utilization spikes or something similar. The lagging on the ATP finals court was terrible.