Difficulty must be a top priority

I can’t stress this enough: in my opinion, this should be the top priority for the game. The highest difficulty level needs to be very challenging, but still realistic and not impossible to win a point. There should be no easy exploits against the AI to win points effortlessly. I would prioritize fixing this issue over having better animations. While good animations are important, if the game isn’t challenging and you win every match easily, it will die very fast.

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I think they should know this by now :face_with_monocle: :sweat_smile:

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I am not sure about that

They’re working on it

Thanks for this, this is great to know.

Just out of interest, on what platform did the dev state this? Was this on here or Steam?

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Yes they work on that.

They recieve 1 million feedback about that since Update 6 :smile:

on Steam, when replying to one of the reviews

They are. They even confirmed it.