Please submit this to the team as I believe this is extremely important.
I didn’t realise it was quite this bad as I have only just got back onto these challenges.
Whichever patch was added that updated that challenge difficulty needs temporarily reverting back to the way it was urgently. I understand the idea behind the change and on one hand makes sense to have each challenge go up in difficulty but this feature just isn’t ready yet with all of the balancing and tweaking that is going on with difficulty at the moment.
You absolutely cannot have any of the challenges or re-write history challenges set to either easiest or easy difficulty. Both difficulties are completely broken and the CPU will not hit balls back at all, even if they are slow and right next to them.
This is bad enough on the first challenge against Tsonga but gets much much worse when you play re-write history and have to slog through two sets against Federer who is not hitting the ball back. Its basically like playing online and hitting balls past an AFK player.
The reason why this is such a huge issue is that this game isn’t in early access anymore. With the Djokovic challenges being a pretty big selling point many people buying the game will probably try the challenges as their first experience and it will be nothing short of disastrous.
Its a massive mistake having this be some players first experience and will be a huge instant turn off.
These points in Djokovic’s career are supposed to be a celebration of his achievements, there were no easy matches or finals. Easy difficulty in any capacity has no place in these challenges. They should be at the very least set to normal or hard.
Its also a massive disservice to both the game itself and all the things it does right which only get shown when the difficulty is set higher than easy, and also to Djokovic himself and all of the players he played against in his career finals.
I truly believe that easy difficulty of any kind should not be a factor in these challenges. Have the difficult part of the challenges be the challenge objectives and additional objectives themselves.
The only history that is being re-written here is an alternative version where Federer was actually one of the worst tennis players to ever play the game, its not a great look.
On a side note, some of the challenge objectives simply cant be completed. The slice winner for the Tsonga challenge doesn’t register unless its secretly still set to the previous objective which was a slice volley I believe?
Some of the other objectives are buggy also like winning a match without being aced.
Others objectives are just impossible because they are old and haven’t taken into account the new gameplay changes.
Where it says win the match with a smash, there is literally no way this can be done anymore. Possibly in the old code where lunges were a much bigger thing and the ball would go up very high sometimes but this simply doesn’t happen anymore.
Now with the changes to serve (not all positive) it becomes virtually impossible to complete any challenge that says you need to get so many aces in the match. On the lower difficulties this can be achieved but on the challenges with a difficulty of hard or expert there is simply no way to consistently get 6 aces in the match. You may get one down the tee if you are lucky but the CPU is simply too good at returning them now especially now it auto moves itself to cover slice serves before you actually do the serve…
Trying to complete the serve objectives I find myself being forced to go as wide as possible and try to get a ridiculous angle which isn’t realistic but the changes that have been made to serve have forced this approach now.
I understand the change to the safe serve to allow people who are not very good to at least get a serve in, but it has its downsides. It was more realistic to be able to finely control the ball placement on the safe serve before it was nerfed into what it is now. And essentially it gave you more variety and options because if you were not having much luck with first serve against the CPU or a human player you could mix it up and throw in something with reduced pace.