EA5 Feedback general, gameplay, graphics and options

Hi, this is my feedback after play many games on EA5:

  • Players have no inertia, they go from one side to the other without any brake animations
  • The R2 / L2 trigger system is interesting but generates too many strange animations during matches, since it is complex and many times you get confused by pressing the wrong trigger
  • The movement is too free, the game needs some guides with transition animations, so as not to see players running in circles all over the field. When a ball comes from high, for example, it is very difficult to position the player to make a smash.
  • Ai cpu makes too many mistakes near the network
  • You can hardly make winning shots at difficult and expert levels, the players have too much speed and reach all the balls
  • In the serving turns I can do 4 aces in a row if I want, even at an expert level serving crossed with a kick or slice. Must fix this bug
  • Graphics: Hard surfaces and grass ok, but clay looks horrible. The night lighting is very good, but not the daytime lighting. Line judges are missing and ball boys are reached.
    It should have a camera zoom and height editing option.
  • The player editor is spectacular, you should just add short beards
    The game has a lot of potential and many very good things. I hope you can correct what is still not right. Thank you so much