Early Access 2 – Interim Update 1 - Feedback

game is playable again, some good stuff but still miss a bit of smoothness here’s a global return from our french rugby discord :

  • game need to feel less robotic and more smooth
  • time windows is better but still need improvement to have space to do something
  • passing feel a bit better but still unable to choose where I’m passing and struggling with the time frame when I’m pressing the pass button , need more offload
    -need more room for the kicking we have no timing or time to place a kick, same for the drop can’t make a single one
    -Tackle radius feel a bit better but still need improvement so many teleportation on tackles
  • collision are really bad need to work on the physics of the game
  • obviously need some new fresh animation for defense and offense cause on 4 games it feel really repetitive
  • lineout and ruck same thing feel boring and unreal not smooth really robotic way really repetitive
    -hand off are really bad need to be rework
  • carrying the ball into a defender seems like a default animation just being tackle not winning the line or breaking tackle
  • we asked for reducing the defensive speed line not making them poorly placed.

So yeah the game feel playable again so thanks for that this time we can feel a bit of amelioration on this patch but still a lot of work to do to feel enjoyable to play after 2 games i feel bored so it’s a bad indicator but it’s more the fact that we don’t have any offensive line to make something so can’t wait the next big uptade to see if we getting closer to play actual rugby union. Keep working

Can you guys please have forwards in different pod shapes we can choose from? Also we should be able to adjust depth , width of attach and defence like rugby22 , attacking shapes should be adjustable . Set plays, allow full back in attacking plays too, props running low as well etc

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Crashes happens way to much now with all other updates barely had crashes however with this update played more than 10games and non of them made it to half time has it will crash.


Hi BA,

Today have played 3 games. All 3 games have “Hung” unable to progress at a ruck when I am in possession and players teleport to join the ruck in strange positions as below. Not sure if the file change 8 hours ago had anything to do with it but I was not experiencing this yesterday.

It seems the opposition counter ruck ability is excessive in their own 22 area also. I was counter rucked 5 times in a row each time just as my players had joined the ruck, had to pick the ball up, get tackled into another ruck and repeat process. Though this does not happen every time it happens very often. I don’t feel your team should be suddenly bad at retaining the ball simply because they have entered the opposition 22.

I’ve been enjoying the most recent patch, bugs aside and it’s great to have some of the core gameplay mechanics back in action. However, I’ve noticed that the defence has become significantly easier. It seems the adjustments were more about tweaking the defensive structure to allow extra time on the ball rather than modifying the tackle radius itself. While maintaining the defensive shape is important, the current implementation has made the defence a bit too passive.

One key issue is that defenders are too quick off the line, especially with the large tackle radius, which was a problem in EA2. A potential solution could be to limit the defenders’ acceleration during the initial phase of closing the gap—perhaps within the first 5 meters. This would prevent them from rushing out too quickly while still allowing them to maintain their shape. (Edit: Slowing their movement on the Y axis only, not the X, allowing them to still move into defensive positions)

Reducing the tackle radius is a good step, but once within that radius, the defence should engage more decisively. At the moment, defenders often seem to hesitate, allowing attackers to bypass them too easily.

Additionally, the attacking line’s positioning could benefit from being more consistent. Even if the formation is fixed in early access, it would be helpful for players to snap into formation quickly after each phase. This would make it easier to evaluate and provide feedback on other aspects, such as line speed, passing mechanics, and tackle radius.

Finally, a faster kicking animation would help establish the basics of play, allowing us to focus on refining the core elements. If you have a build with these adjustments, it would greatly improve our ability to provide more targeted and effective feedback going forward.

Thanks again


I’m randomly getting the odd ‘controller disconnection’ alerts with this patch but am still able to use my controller to navigate out of that screen? +1 with random crashes as well.

Hello !

Following this new Interim Update, I have three additional comments. Previous ones are in the blockquote before these bullets:

  • Please implement system pass as on the previous opus (Rugby 22) : with RB/LB, and the pass length + power shall be determined by the duration of press on one of these buttons.
  • Give a shorter reaction time in order to perform offloads : in 95 percent of situations (including when playing in Easy or even Easiest difficulties levels), it is almost impossible to do them because the defence is already on the passer, so he prefers to keep the ball rather transmitting it!
  • It shall be offered to prepare the kicker, for a clearance kick, a drop-goal attempt, … with the Y button, for example.
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I find the turnover mechanic quite weird at the moment. The entire ruck falls over in unison (really weird animation), and then you need to run to the ball which is now just a loose ball on the floor. Surely just have the ball come out the other side of the ruck? RC4 got the rucking mechanic pretty well imo, albeit not perfect, and I’d prefer something similar to that

Also, incredibly frustrating to see a player get tackled low, his hands be free, yet be unable to throw an offload. In a situation like that, you should be able to throw it every time, with varying degrees of success of course


Wanted to jump in with some things that have crept in with more time in the game.

Had a lot more issues in the last 24 hours, including a number of crashes for all manner of things, most of which seem to be passing out of a ruck.

The AI mauls now always get stopped and scrum awarded, they never pass the ball out.

I drove a defensive maul back from the opponenets 22 well over the try line and went over the dead ball line, ref never said to use it. The clock and scoreboard also disapeard off the screen, for some reason they are pressent when I screen capped the game, but on my monitor they were not visible.

had an issue with the AI taking a conversion, all of my players were stood feet away from the tee


Talk about a pressure kick :rofl:


Especially when youve got Marcos Kremer staring you down point blank, cant believe none of them put their hands up to stop the kick after the kicker took his 1st step forward :joy:


Any chance of a second patch this week to fix the enormous tackle radius? Would certainly make the game far more playable

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you are on the right path now, we can feel the progress on this new patch. the game is playable again. We now have to work on the kicking game in all its forms; it is not usable at the moment. Also review the tackle radius to add fluidity to the moving game. The animations and graphics are excellent. Passing is improved but you have to press the controller a lot. They are not very responsive like a lot of movements on the controller. Keep it up, I think that within 2 months, we will have in our hands the best rugby game ever released :wink:


Just played my first game since the update then, was a lot more fun than previous incarnations. Can really see solid steps forward with every update

Defence still feels a bit quick and field positioning for players is still seemingly random, not that any of these have been said they’ve been fixed tho

I feel like the devs could benefit from playing a little bit of rugby 22 just to compare and get some inspirations, I feel that game did a lot of things quite well, its a nice pick up and play rugby game


Good shout, I think the game almost feels a little too ‘loose’ to use a better term. I think it needs to be a little tighter with forwards crashing up to create a base of attack. The game does give me Rugby Challenge 4 vibes where your props are getting the ball and throwing 12 meter passes and in Rugby 22 forwards would tend to be setup in pods ready to carry and setup platforms to attack and tie defenders in. I.e more realistic rugby

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For me Rugby 22 is no benchmark to base a good game on. I would rather see BA’s current system made to work. There is a benefit in being able to target your receivers with specific buttons.

It just needs to be refined so the buttons show every time and they reflect the correct receiver every time. Also be good if there was some sense to the order i.e (Not in actual order of button) +A was closest, +B next closest … +Y always widest and have one as a pullback pass deeper etc so you could just get used to it and not even need to look after some time.

Edit: Although not totally against a hold down to pass further mechanism of some sort either. Just not the rocket on a string version that was 22.


From what I’ve played, The targeted passing is better and I can see it feeling even smoother once players are in their proper positions on the field and are running onto the ball more often.

The icons are still hit and miss for me playing on the “behind” camera angle.
Speaking of camera angles, I’d love it if a “behind dynamic” from RLL4 camera angle was added. It’s one of the better angles to play on for a Rugby game.

Biggest issue is I’m struggling to get through a 14 minute game. The hud disappears and then it eventually crashes.


Totally agree mate around the passing and camera both.

If the HUD disappears just pause and resume the game and it comes back. Usually disappears after going to replays. But yeah totally needs a fix.

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5 games, 5 crashes………

Come on now guys!!!

Is it ok to ask when the next update or patch is?

I really want a playable game, but it hasn’t been that way for two straight updates and has gotten worse in my experience.

So many tackles look like red card level high shots, so far greater accuracy is needed by you here as this still feels like a rugby league game cosplaying as union.

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I saw this clip on YouTube and wanted to highlight this as I’ve been vocal about it on here before. I know we’re still working (somehow) on tweaking the basics like making a player actually throw a proper rugby pass so may be too early to ask for this but just wanted to flag it.

I’ve seen players run this pattern here and there. It’s a very important pattern and needs to be tweaked. In this case the front runner that’s attacking the line does not time the run. The player should have a second (maybe less maybe more) to decide to pass it to that player and the player should be running close to full speed onto the pass. As we say on the pitch, he would be ideally “running at spaces, not faces” and hit the gap.

The player took the option out the back here and it resulted in a try. It’s a big mess and they all look like they don’t know where they should be, but if you use your imagination, that was a good play. Tweaking the timing might go a long way. Run this pattern with forwards and backs, pods. Very common to see throughout open play.


Thanks for the update and continued work! No camera problems for me but game has crashed at ruck time.

Game is definitely playable and having fun with it, but some fixes needed to become more easy to play and for the fine tuning to occur to create the great game that will eventually come.


  • Still struggling to get passes away
  • Feel fixed on a running line when nearer tacklers and frustrating I can not go into open space
  • Button options for passing over 50% of the time not there (I get some players will have lower passing scores than others and will be limited, but would be nice to have at least 1 or 2 buttons visible each time)
  • Winning counter rucks but after the players push over then the ball just becomes in open play and it is 50/50 if its the team that won the ruck who picks up the ball. Numerous occasions of losing team picking the ball up from offside positions and firing long passes to the wing when I can’t get more than 2 passes away off a set piece
  • Pressing A to pass off the line out but always goes to a maul unless I mash it like crazy. Only pass off the maul if I win opposition ball
  • Can not punt in open play, even in open space I hold A button and nothing happens
  • Box kicks are hard to get away and also challenging to direct - small movements with analog stick take the kicks far into touch
  • Defensive line does not react during maul. Lots of players join the maul and backs do not fill in to the 9, 10, 12 and 13 channels leaving massive gaps
  • Following instructions at the scrum but always losing (I may need to practice but can not see how else I can improve)
  • at ruck time it is not clear when the contest is complete and can proceed to pass the ball or stop committing players. On occasion the 9 will just randomly pick and go without instruction and before an option to pass is presented
  • at maul time it is not easy to do quick ball off the maul and end up committing to a war of attrition or until ball is trapped

A more general piece of feedback would for the game to feel more responsive, such as when you press a button to cause an action, such as hook at scrum time, pass or maul off the line out, attempt a steal at ruck time, so on, there is something on the screen that shows you the instruction was received, perhaps the button icon flashing. As a gamer I feel quite disconnected from my actions versus what is happening on screen.