Early access 2 launch

Seems like it’s on steam page so should go live soon hopefully

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I’m so exciting to try this update !!! Unfortunately no Stade Toulousain for the moment but i’m aware lol


nah don’t get excited yet, it’s still a pain to play, some bugs might have disappeared but so many more added at the same time so, nope, huge disappointment again, lets give them a few months i guess. My game broke after a lineout, that was the only thing not bugged lol !!! Passing is still a disaster, running is dumb ( when you pass to a player facing a hole in defense, he’s is going to catch the ball running towards the defense and gets instantly tackled), support players still run ahead of the ball carrier… yeah sure there are finally some rugby tackles and not just league rugby tackles, but hey, wasn’t it supposed to be a rugby game from the start ?

But where is the fun if you cant pass and run the ball the way you want. Even less control of the receiver than before patch (button selection for passing doesn’t show up anymore on rucks…), still no control of the receiving player so he catches the ball where he wants and it’s usually so close to the line that you can’t do 2 consecutive passes without getting tackled… ruck mechanics have changed a bit but it’s still such a buggy mess with teleporting and diving players everywhere… on every steal i made i instantly passed the ball back to the opposition with a lousy floating passe being intercepted…
sure, stuff is happening to the game, some might even say it’s improved, but unless you agree to suffer trough all the bugs to have a mere glimpse at something presumably enjoyable, it is still a pain.

As far as content goes, i don’t know what’s been added, couldn’t care less, for the game is unplayable as it is, so it has no meaning to add teams competitions or stadiums at this point when i don’t even appreciate a single half of a game.


Have to say patience is get less with this game now, we go to steps forward and ten steps back seems like all we will be doing in this update is kick to get forward momentum


every patch has made the game worse. im sick of the its early access give it time excuse because there has been no sign of improvement in 4 updates


@Valhalla_Vagabond , Your positivity is requested on the Discord, I repeat, we need you.

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Yeah atm it feels we are just playing ruck sim 25 because all you do is ruck pass can’t even move your player because they go straight into getting tackled so you can’t play the game as it’s just ruck pass get tackled


Ooft yeah this update has not helped playability - nice to have new tackle animations and teams, but everything else is worse and more buggy


They’ve managed to lower the amount of floaty and inaccurate passes by ensuring passing is nearly impossible lmao


Time to scrap plans they had for EA3 for adding teams and and player creation, EA3 needs to be all hands on deck fixing gameplay because I don’t think many off us will be able deal with this again. A lot of bugs that has been solved is back in especially with the rucks no one joining and the good old ball that stuck till refs blow for scrum


I’d love to know where this game was 12 months ago when they announced delay 1. Sounds like it needs another 12 to be semi-playable?


I thought maybe December 24 for full release, after this patch maybe summer 25 :joy:

Yep, feels worse.

I cant string any passes together, not only do i not get the passing options from the ruck, but players are instantly tackled after receiving the ball.

I have also get a delayed tackle animation that seems very frequent. Where i would pass or kick and the animation begins, but then i am sprung back and i am suddenly tackled to the ground.

Kicking in open play is impossible at the moment. I have also been takled during a box kick several times.

I have had an invincible player after being tackled during a kick, he just stood back up and carried on.

Ball stuck in a ruck whilst trying to box kick.

Some positive notes, game looks nice, the new photogrammetry looks decent, the ruck steal indicator helps, the new tackle animations are good.

Unfortunately, for me, i expected more from this update.


Ha ha sorry mate. This message of yours alone tells me that Discord is no place I want to be, especially right now :joy:

I am just going to play plenty of games, see what I like and what I don’t like. Write up my feedback and then post that and wait for the next update :sunglasses:


I’m feeling for @JNT_BA when he comes on he will be seeing this place being burned down, we keep earring people working on this game love union but what we playing doesn’t reflect it and atm all honestly feels like major issues we have on gameplay is falling on death ears. I even start to wonder do the team actually play the game because there is no way if they did that they will think this update is acceptable


Problem is they want feedback, however fewer and fewer people are going to play because the game is in such a poor state


You can always send me a DM in here mate, and you can join my server when I create it closer to full release :slightly_smiling_face:

The major update is as I expected it to be. Not major. Disconnected.