Editing of Licensed players

Hi Team,

I think this issue is important to all rugby video game players in the community. Being able to edit and adjust skills of Licensed players. I hope this can be in Rugby 24.
There is always differences in opinion on player skills ratings such as speed , acceleration, tackle ability kicking ability, passing , break tackle, etc.
I think it would be grea if it’s possible to make all skills attributes editable so all video game users have the freedom to adjust the skills of all rugby players.

As we see over time, real life rugby players form and skills can increase or decrease in real life so it’s good for the longevity of Rugby 24 if all the skills can be edited and adjusted.

  • Licensed Players appearances.At least the freedom to edit and add tape/body strapping , headgear, boots style, shirt tucked in or tucked out would be ideal. Not sure if body weight or general body appearance could be adjusted.

  • Adjusting licensed team attack and defence abilities and team sliders would also be good if possible.



Definitely think it would be a great thing to be able to edit the skills of licensed players. Also the likenesses if possible too.
Sure some of the players face models might be done with photogrammetry, but even then there have been players with wrong hair colour, style or facial hair etc, so a degree of editing even with those players would be great.

Big Ant usually have the best editing possible in nearly all their games, so I’m hoping these kinds of changes can be made.


The more freedom to edit player appearances the better. It’s good to edit players to keep up to date with how they look in real life. I often would update player’s appearances in previous rugby games. Players can change hairstyles, facial hair and hair colour so I definitely see the need to have that as an option if it can be possible.
Also hoping players based on their primary position and their weight can really show the realistic bodies of the players.