Extended Patch Notes - 11 March

A new patch will begin rolling out tonight for Rugby 25, the following is included.

Added Ruck Hold Ball option
Holding the Xbox A or PlayStation X will hold onto the ball in a ruck, protecting it against being stolen by the opposition. Holding the ball for a long time risks being penalised for not releasing.

Adjusted Evasion Controls
The controls for evasion moves on offense have been adjusted. With the right stick, Up is Bump Off, Left and Right are a Sidestep and Down will Fend. These controls are camera relative as per the movement of the left stick.

Improved Stamina System
The stamina system has been better balanced, including how difficulty level impacts the stamina drain rate.

Increased Custom Competition Clubs
Increased the number of teams for custom competitions to 20 and corrected issues with playing finals formats other than a single grand-final.

Improved Stability
Resolutions to stability issues reported to our support team have been included in this patch.

To be sure you have this version, please check the version number matches the number for your platform:

Steam 2790
Xbox One 2792
Xbox Series 2793
PS4 2789
PS5 2791