Added Drop Pocket option at Rucks
Holding the D-Pad down button at Rucks calls a kicker to drop back in preparation for a kick. Use LB+RB (Xbox) or L1+R1 (PlayStation) to pass to the kicker out of a ruck, then choose an appropriate kick button, for example, Y (Xbox) or Triangle (PS) for a Drop Goal attempt.
Resolved Pod Passing issues
Pod passing out of a ruck (LT/RT) has been corrected.
Corrected Rules
Resolved rare cases of tries not being awarded out of a scrum near the try line, resolved cases where 50-22 kicks were not correctly detected and corrected rule following kickoffs which go out on the full.
Adjusted Career Player Generation
The player generation system has been balanced to avoid generating rookie players with ratings outside the expected ranges.
Improved Stability
Resolutions to stability issues reported to our support team have been included in this patch.