Extensive Feedback (hope devs can see it)


I am collecting feedback according to my impressions and I hope that the developers can see all this and take note. I know they are doing their best but I think it’s important not to think it’s enough and keep improving the game. It’s the tennis game with the most potential for a long time and I think it’s a great opportunity to make it the best ever. @JNT_BA @RossSymons


Zoom → Option to disable it
Serving → Fixing the serving mechanics is key to improve the game. Having the possibility to make aces, double faults (depending on your skill). The second serve has to be more risky if we want to serve with the same power as the first serve and if not, in general terms it should be slower (like in real life).

Return → Stretch to reach angled returns. Possibility to try a powerful return no matter where the ball goes (being a very risky shot).

Option to serve and volley


Lateral movement > 360 turns and the option to remove the LT/RT buttons (on or off) should be avoided.

Sliding: Depending on the surface, sliding is very important (e.g. on clay), especially on running shots for returns or passing shots.

Approach to the net: The animation to go up to the net should be more fluid and faster (taking into account the stamina of the player).

Net play

Volleys: Volleys have been improved but not enough. They need to be more fluid and more connected to the point and the transition up to the net. Also, volley dropshots are still not very realistic.

Ducking/Stretching: Depending on the return of the ball, the player at the net should try to accommodate the body according to the trajectory of the ball. If the ball is low, crouch down and bend the legs. If the ball comes high or in a semi-lob, stretch to try to get as far as possible.

Passing: For the player at the back of the court, it should be possible to try to pass in a realistic way, either through a strong flat stroke or by making an angle. If the passing is executed correctly, the player at the net should not be able to touch the ball.

Game life and atmosphere

Exits and entrances to the court: It is important that the named player exits first. Nowadays a player is named on the loudspeaker and the opponent comes out first. This is a mistake that should be corrected. Both players should come out from a tunnel or have more animations. At the moment of entry, all players have the same animations (the same salute, the same racket out and the same stretch). In that sense, the game is still a bit dead at the start of the match and during the match. Please, try to put more animations and make them more varied.

Audience: Many times the audience looks the same (two people very close with the same glasses and the same cap). They don’t seem to animate the players very much.

Camera: The camera does not have panoramic vision and you can hardly see the stands or a more panoramic view. Really, we only know which court we are on by the name on the ground. There are only close-ups and you can’t see the stadium.

Apologising: Players don’t apologise when the ball hits the net and falls into the opponent’s court. Also, it would be nice if they could complain and shout looking at their box (no need to throw the racket).

The players’ bags are white and do not correspond to any brand. Sinner’s is realistic, please make the others the same.

The game needs to include linesmen and ball boys.


The academy needs to be more complete than its predecessor AO 2. Possibility to create racquets, shoes and include logos on them. In addition, it would also be necessary to be able to recreate the grand slam courts as I’m afraid no grand slams will be licensed.

Career mode

The career mode I assume is not complete yet there is much more to come. However, I would like to see more depth when creating our player, more customisation options and even more animations if possible. Also, it would be interesting to see a training mode with challenges to gain experience points and improve attributes. I think it would add a lot more realism and fun to the career mode.

The figure of a manager to manage contracts, press relations and other off-track issues would also be interesting.

To finish, I would like to thank all of you for the awesome effort you are doing.

Lets contribute for Tiebreak to be the best tennis game ever!


You said almost everything except some points :

-AI should be better on Expert Difficulty, less easy to beat.
-AI should made powerful shots and go to the net.
I love made passing shot but I can’t do this now in TieBreak.
-Stamina should have more impact on players


I didnt mention difficulty since they have already said they are working on it but yeah I appreciate that you can add what you think is missing. Teamwork! :slight_smile:


You’re welcome. I really loving playing TieBreak. I have more than 230 hours on it.

It has the potential to be the best tennis game ever : 120 real players, all 250/500/1000 WTA-ATP venues, the Big 4, Djoko Challenge, signature moves, a big career mode, community editor.

If they work hard in 2 or 3 mouths, the game will be even better!


It would be key if they are planning post release updates. This game could last for years if they don’t abandon it and they fix things every now and then. Who knows, maybe we can even get Grand Slam licensed at some point in the future…


Feedback for improving serving mechanics, need to overhaul the serving to have similar serving mechanics to ao tennis 2 serving with a power timing gauge. I should have freedom with the serve, doing a underarm serve to surprise an opponent thats well behind the baseline. Nothing more thrilling than serving an ace with a powerful server like Nick Kyrios. I should have the ability to serve a similar ace count to what the top servers in the game are doing. Should be a serve shot modifier that allows for special signature serves that the top servers in the game have. I want to have the choice of doing a fast or slow serve the more power I put into my serve the more taxing it is on my energy levels. Going all power on a second serve should come with more risk than going all power on the first serve. If you’re in a 5 set match and serving power serves in a fifth set have it impact on the energy levels of your player. I want to have the choice of serving a 180km serve in the corner out wide or down the t with a bomb at 230ks plus I want to take the risk and serve a bomb on a second serve this would make this game worth a purchase if they implement all this and I want hawk eye just like it was in ao open 2 with challenges. For second serve if you take the risk of doing a maxed out power serve just shorten the timing response on the power gauge to increase the risk of a double fault. The more power generated on the serve the more risk of a double fault have an accuracy gauge with increasing the difficulty of the timing when more power to the serve for first serve and for second serve make it even more risky on second serve. Slower the serve the easier the timing gauge is on accuracy gauge. Forcing players to serve slow on second serves when playing safe on crucial points just making the game more intense when playing in big matches. A nice addition to implement in the game is a pressure gauge which measures how much pressure the player is feeling in a big match or moment which increases the chances of a double fault or hitting the ball out or hitting the net which would be great to add to the game as momentum is a big part of tennis.
Not having the ability to score an ace is an epic failure serving is a big part of the game of tennis. I want to know what speed I’m doing for every serve and not be foced to look at the speed clock in the stadium, not every stadium has a speed clock so I wont know what speed my serve has done. Big Ant hope you’re reading this comment bring back the thrill of serving an ace whats the point of using a player with an incredible of serve if it cant be a weapon in the game. Make it harder to return a fast serve by having a timing gauge on the returning shot and depends on the returning ability and energy levels of the opponent to the success of the return. I want to do an ace with nick kyrios one of the best servers in the game give me that ability. Have the speed of serve beside the power/energy timing gauge or beside the names of the players and scorecard at the bottom of screen. Come on big Ant u have potential with this game just upgrade the serving and return of serve. Should have a skill to the serving where you enter into two different timing gauges for power and spin. Also on a final note a nice touch to serving would be giving me the choice to bounce the ball before serving gives a sense of realism to the game. Bouncing the ball helps with the ball toss another component of serving that should be addressed ball toss should have a timing gauge for this. If you time the ball toss and power gauge perfectly with a powerful server should be rewarded with an ace against an opponent that has poor awareness or defensive skills or a good player with low stamina levels that’s positioned in the wrong part of the court. Will be closely monitoring the early access of this game to see if any of this has been implemented. My last purchase was ao tennis 2 please make this game my next tennis game I purchase since watching wimbledon I have the desire to play a new tennis game. I think the serving mechanic should have 4 components in order to serve a perfect serve and ace an opponent, ball toss gauge if timed well will increase the overall accuracy to the speed spin and accuracy of the ball, then entering 3 timing gauges that need to be timed simlutaneously increasing the skill for serving the perfect ace for power spin and accuracy with a button on the control assigned for each of these 3 components of the serve. If the ball toss gauge is timed well it increases the size of the other 3 gauges allowing for a potential max power accuracy and spin. Having 4 gauges ups the difficulty of making an ace but rewards the player if timing it all perfectly. Less power increases the ability to be more accurate timing the ball toss increases the chances for better overall accuracy power spin and increasing the overall speed and of the ball. Double faults dependant on the ball toss, power and accuracy also pressure meter on big points. The ball toss can be a gauge or using the directional stick up if done with a timing gauge to know how successful the ball toss is allowing for bigger gauges for the other power spin and accuracy gauges. Pressing down on the stick for bouncing the ball and having the pressure meter decrease when bouncing the ball. The pressure meter can be broken into two parts pressure and focus if player does well under pressure the player is rewarded with a focus meter that allows for possibility of making a great return of serve or serve or chance of making an on the line high light passing shot in a rally.

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Man, you kill your tab touch on your keyboard?


Not only that, he wrote a book as a feedback then he said that he haven’t even play the game yet…

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