Feedback For Patch 1.0.3739


Another good update from the team. Very impressed with the addition of Djokovic challenge difficulty and locking players out of the unlockable players if they set difficulty too low. Exactly how it should be.

I just want to say that this is all meant as constructive feedback and is based on expert difficulty.

• Make flat shots slightly more consistent to get over the high part of the net when attempting a down the line shot in certain situations and easier to hit closer to the lines. Its currently almost impossible to paint the lines with a flat shot even with prep. It really doesn’t like you attempting this shot while on the run and will usually hit the net regardless of position, timing and power.

• Make flat shots easier to trigger. The current requirements for the animation to trigger are slightly too extreme with 50% turning into reflex shots massively disrupting rallies. (Are we being handicapped in some way against the CPU as human to human is fine)

• Some aggressively set players are attempting too many flat shots and not mixing it up enough. Because they are attempting so many they are making an extreme amount of errors.

• Make CPU returns more varied instead of flat shots all going to the baseline forcing the player into a reflex shot.

• Fix the issue where the human player will run off in a random direction when in a rally without me touching the controls.

• Fix the animation issue where sometimes in a baseline exchange at the back of the court the human player will be moved several feet and court position reset.

• Fix CPU errors, especially on hard and expert. They are ruining the game at the moment and have returned with a vengeance. Sinner today with 12 winners and 37 unforced errors and Alcaraz yesterday with 27 winners and 47 unforced errors. This is actually a huge issue at the moment.

• Fix CPU net cords and constantly winning the point this way. Happens many times during a match.

• Fix doubles and allow human players to hit balls into tram lines like the CPU.

• Add more customization to endless tutorials and allow us to select scenarios to practice volleys and smashes etc.

• Do not let old character models go to waste as they are all very good. Please allow us to select the different models in the roster selection for those that prefer the players with the old or new looks.

• Make the top spin shot more penetrating and less floaty for certain players.

• Make the CPU better at close to net shots, they still hit the net too much when too close as they are still going for crazy flat shots. Make them more intelligent and allow them to hit drop shots or more nuanced shots near the net.

• Increase player grunt volume for players and add grunts for certain players that don’t currently have them. Federer was a very quiet player but he did have a grunt when exerting himself and sometimes on serve. Del Potro has grunt set up to trigger on power shots and serve but has no voice so does not grunt at the moment.

• Some players could do with their signature shot animation tweaking like Federer’s forehand when he lifts his one leg off the ground which only happened in real life when he would run into court and hit a top spin winner off a short ball. Please make his default forehand have his feet planted on the ground. Please tweak Alcaraz top spin forehand as his flat shot forehand looks more like his normal shot. This is an issue with signature animations that affects a number of players with their flat shot variant looking better than their top spin. Largely because the game was initially designed to have the flat shot and animation be the default shot. We just don’t get to see those better looking shots quite as much anymore.

• Please continue to tweak likenesses, Alcaraz could with slight tweaking as could young Federer. But please allow us to still select the old models in case they are preferred.

• Any chance of adding players like Nalbandian and Roddick etc.?

Thank you for the new endless practice for strokes and serves. The only things I would say about this is that regarding the strokes, is there any way it can eventually be expanded on a couple of fronts? Could you allow us to choose what kind of balls the ball machine shoots out in terms of their direction? Right now, it fires them out quite short so its not possible to hit flat shots directly from the baseline and behind the baseline you have to stand mid court for the flat shot animation to trigger, otherwise it does the reflex shot.

They are also too narrow so you can’t practice shots out wide across court or down the line. If we could preselect the balls direction it would be very helpful as practicing for different situations is very limited with the current implementation.

Just additionally, if we could also preselect the ball machine to do drop shots, much shorter balls for volleys and lobs so we can practice smashes that would also be helpful. Or have a CPU player at the other end that can be set up to do that?

I currently don’t have any issues to report with serves other than the fact that they could do with a little more speed. The 140mph serves feel okay but 128-135 feels a little slow.

Doubles still has an issue of not being able to hit balls into the tram lines, but CPU can do this.

There is also a huge issue with movement where occasionally my player will move off and run in a direction without me pressing a button putting me at a huge disadvantage.

Flat shots are still a little too difficult to hit in certain situations over the high part of the net down the line but the positioning for them has changed greatly. They were changed already pre patch but feel even more so now.

They are extremely sensitive regarding the triggering of the animation and seem to be heavily impacted by how low the ball is and what type of bounce is coming at you and how fast the ball is coming. It may be a realistic direction to take them in which is great, but they feel too sensitive at the moment. Even if I am 100% in position to hit one and the ball is bouncing high enough to my eyes, at least 40-50% of the time the animation is not triggering, and a reflex shot is performed. Its massively disrupting many rally’s at the moment and stopping me performing point winning shots when I have worked hard and have the clear advantage. I appreciate that people will most likely say skill issue, which I don’t disagree with, but with the other changes to movement that have happened and the fact that the CPU is banging all serve returns right to my feet which once again leaves my player no choice but to reflex shot, the general gameplay at the moment is very stop and start sometimes. Again this is usually just an issue with playing the more aggressive CPU players as they make too many errors and 90% flat shots isn’t realistic.

It’s not helped at all by the fact that on Xbox the CPU is making a crazy amount of errors, especially on expert and hard. Its actually kind of ruining the game if I’m honest. All things combined and as much as I am liking the game and the new updates, the whole experience is one of slight frustration at the moment. The CPU also have a massive problem with hitting the net cord and are constantly winning points as they trickle over.

Regarding CPU errors at the moment, please see the attached pictures. This is on expert difficulty.

An hour ago I had a match against Sinner on hard court. Difficulty was expert. I won the 2nd set 6-0 without doing anything. After two sets his stats were 12 winners to 37 errors. I made 13 winners and 8 errors. Yesterday Alcaraz made 47 errors…


Not going to write big essay but just a few points to hopefully help future updates.
1 . Slightly reduce net errors and slightly increase line errors as the balance at the minute is to heavy in favour of net errors.
2. Double faults need to return as they don’t exist in this current version and it very unrealistic.
3. Don’t make timing any easier for any shots if anything make it more punishing, it’s supposed to be hard and require practice.
4. Exactly as cricket 24 a visual speed slider would be a great addition and let people tailor the game speed to their preferences.
5. Similar to 4 , sliders for players timing early and late and same for ai would be great, in cricket 24 and afl you can tailor the experience to exactly how you want and that would help this game a great amount.
6. Not urgent but female umpire with male voice clearly needs addressing and also the ai in the break between games does very awkward motions at the chair really just needs to sit down …

Definitely heading in right direction…


PS5 framerate issues seemed fine until i played a community downloaded venue then framerate stuttering was back,restarted match and it went back to normal. Why is there no crowd in the created stadiums ?

1- Backhand style not apply on created player, we have a generic backhand, but its ok for forhand. this issue is with ALL backhand style. please fix that

2- serv on new training mode is only one side, we need to serv in each side please.

3- there are a big issue in ranking career, if we win first tournement, we pass 900 to atp 250 because others players don’t play tournament.

4- Return serv must be more difficult, Ai return with flat shot on base line and we hit reflex shot…
and for us is same, we return serve Ai so easy

5- reduce speed of flat shot little please, when Ai do that sometimes i dont see the ball :sweat_smile:

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My Career crashes as soon as I finish my first match on my first challenge, I started a new career and it does the same…
Please fix it…

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It’s pointless to write anything here, the developers only hear what they want to hear. Since we’ve been saying make AI harder, it’s been ignored. We asked for licensed venues ( Adelaide, Rio, Chile Open, etc. ) to be made available in Exhibition mode, they don’t care. The developers removed 3 Australian venues. Since two updates, there are no judge sounds. Developers are not interested. No marks on clay courts. Developers are not interested.


Crowds are missing in created venues when you play on them.Also playface texture isn’t downloading when you download a community created player with playface texture attached.Please make this possible I know you can’t upload a playface texture on PS5 and Xbox but you should be able to download them from the community on to the consoles like you can logo’s.


In Career Mode the “Training” Week don’t have a lose condition.
You can stay doing the minigame as long as you can to get the extra point you need, making the entire thing something that could just be 2 clicks and a little extra fatigue percentage.

Also, if you want to upgrade more than 1 thing it will only cost you do the minigame once which is weird considering i could have 1 movement minigame and win 2 extra power points “for free”.

Also, nowhere in the Career Mode there’s an explanation on how to get you attributes upgraded.

To be fair, the AI on expert isnt too bad but they are just making way too many errors. I havent noticed the judge sounds but will take a listen next time I play. I believe @JNT_BA did say something like the 3 venues were removed but will be coming back. Maybe there was something about them leading to performance issues?

I also dont have the issue with marks on clay. Mine are really noticeable on Xbox but i can still see them very easily on my Steam copy.

Although the support team dont reply to me anymore, i cant fault them too much as many of the positive changes in the last two patches are things that I directly submitted tickets about recently and in the past.

Loving the game so far. Finally a recreation of the sport that is worth playing and represents the game well! Some key areas I feel need improving are as follows…

  • Serving. Serving is just not a big enough advantage over returning. When you hit a perfect serve it does not feel powerful enough. The AI opponent can almost always return it. It should be hard to get the timing right to hit an ace but when you do it should be so fast it’s almost unreturnable. Any first serve that goes in but it isn’t perfect or ace worthy should still be difficult for the opponent to prepare for - not easily hitting winners off. The same goes for when I’m returning. It should be harder to break an opponents serve. At the moment I find it easier to break an opponents serve than win my own service game.

  • Flat shots when moving/running. These almost always hit the net. They are nicely effective when you’re stood still for long enough to prepare for but feels unbalanced that they typically hit the net when hit moving.

  • Movement. I’m still sometimes getting stuck in an animation or it makes me run away from the ball when I’m trying to use L2 or R2 to prepare a shot.

  • Volleys at the net feel underpowered so it’s not satisfying to play at the net. If I time it right and body position is right, I’d like to hit big winners from the net that feel fast/powerful.

  • Would really like to be able to customise/ add sponsors to the grand slam courts. Having an authentic feeling Wimbledon is a big one for me.

  • Would like to be able to use all player outfits on different era versions of the players. For example, some prime versions of players don’t have an all white outfit for playing at wimbledon. If this is the version of the player I want to play with then I’d really like to have all the options of outfits from all of the eras to address this.

Great game. Please keep improving!


The ai are horrofic at the net, any time i hit a dropshot, they always hit it out, really needs fixing

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I agree with flat shots on the run. I think its because they have reduced animation lock distance to help with teleporting but has an impact on certain shots like the attacking running forehand and backhand and the running forehand and backhand defensive slide lunge which doesnt seem to trigger anymore when running out wide

I also constantly get the issue when using triggers where it will make my player run off in a direction on their own. Its happenning for a while now, hopefully they can fix it.


I’ve played it again tonight and further to what I said in my previous post, I’m finding flat shots almost unusable. It’s not only that they hit the net but more often than not the command is producing a defensive shot. Top spin shots feel lacking in the power required to hit big winners so without a strong flat shot you are reliant on the AI to make a mistake or end up right on the other side of the court in order to win your points.

Serving not effective enough. Trying really hard to get aces or make my opponent struggle with their return and it only happens every now and again. Serving needs to be far more advantageous.

Volleys at the net are really dissatisfying and ineffective unless you hit a drop shot. Trying a fast volley with x button and it seems to take all the pace out of the ball coming at you, which allows the opponent to reach it and return. In real tennis, players regularly use the pace of the ball at the net to fire back a fast return into the ground that the opponent has no chance of returning. You just cannot do this in the game and it’s a big part of the sport.

Really hope these areas can addressed in a patch! Keep up the good work.

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Hi there guys, I made several tests and it came out that this could be a possible solution to always crash to desktop in career mode :

Go to settings tab
Graphics settings
Set limit fps to 144

Keep in mind that you have to restart the game to save the new setting

This solved my problems with crashes, before applying this fix I suffered of continuos crash to desktop even when pausing the game during career.
Let me know if this helps.

I’m really don’t find that the shoulder buttons function is as good as it could be. Having to use them for both sprinting and preparing a shot feels clumsy and I’m forever pressing multiple inputs at the same time which are often doing conflicting things. This results in my player getting stuck in an animation or not doing what I’ve intended. It’s too many buttons to press!

Id prefer just one trigger for preparing shots on either side. Trying to decide quickly enough whether to use LT or RT when the ball is coming at you fast and you’re also trying to run towards the ball and determine the right shot type to power up is just too much to think about and execute in the time.

I’d also prefer not to have to press buttons to sprint. You just end up holding both of them down all the time anyway so it’s kind of pointless. Could it not be responsive based on speed/force on joystick? Or the players just generally move a bit quicker?

I liked how the triggers worked in AO tennis, where if I remember rightly they executed a more powerful/risky shot? I also remember that it was too easy to just use the modifier all the time but if it were better balanced in terms of risk vs reward, I think this would be a positive move. In this game your most powerful shots rarely feel all that powerful.

Would be great if inputs for volleys at the net were also more responsive. Often I press the command to volley but the delay means the shot passes my player without him even taking a swing at it. Volleys also generally need more power when you’re right at the net and using X. At the moment all the pace is taken off the ball and it defaults to what feels like a soft/slow tap over (unless you’re a bit further back and taking a proper swing which works well).

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On PS5, the Dualsense didn’t mouv now when I hit the ball. Only on serv. Before it was ok.
I’m the only one to have this issue?

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Dear developers.

in ps5 version players can’t get “On A World Tour” trophy!

Regarding volleys, they arent actually too bad at the moment. If your finding they are not fast enough when pressing x, theres a good chance you havent done the volley tutorial because x is actually the button for a drop volley, basically a drop shot at the net. For a fast volley you need to press A or B and yiu can also power these shots up to make them faster. Y also does a lon volley.

I’m on PS5 so it’s X for the hard volley. I just find that if you’re right at the net there’s an input delay or lag that often prevents you from getting the racket to the ball. If you do manage it’s still tends to be a very soft return, even if the ball is coming at you at speed. It’s much better when you’re a little further away from the net and your player is able to swing and volley. I’m enjoying these kind of volleys much better.

i read a lot of good suggestions here…the problem is these are the same problems the game had months ago and still not addressed by the developer! The only thing they really did was to pump up the AI a little bit–>but still makes to many easy errors on shorter balls or high balls for example!

  • Wide Serve is abusable(you can ace against AI 95-99% of the time)

  • Scramble Mechanic has to go!

  • Risk/Reward in rallies not there(btw why is it so hard to make the RED overpowerd shot a miss no matter what and the BLUE Blinking shot the Perfect shot that really goes deep with a good amount of power?)

  • Serving is uninspired and is really just a point starter and almost a disadvantage right now(in case you don’t use the abusive wide serve)

  • Returning(player+AI) is overpowered because you just have to press LT+RT and wait till the AI serves…than press a shot(preferebly flat shot) and you are good xD

  • everything that has to do with short balls…transitioning into the field or to the net doesn’t really work! The game can look pretty good when it goes into left/right rallies but oh boy…if you wanna attack a short ball for example the game mechanic breaks down. I feel there are also some forward moving animations missing(for example forward moving forehand shots.

  • Sometimes the game turns into ping pong where you just can play drive volley rallies xD super unrealistic and immersion breaking.

  • as you said flat shot isn’t triggered sometimes and the player just uses a push shot…maybe a bug don’t know. Good luck if you have enough time and wanna play an inside out forehand for example.

  • A lot of times the AI doesn’t really know what to do with Modified(high) Top Spin shots.

  • that damn ugly forehand jumping slice animation has to be reworked!

  • Andy Murray still doesn’t have his right Serve Animation btw!

  • Overall it would be good to have a bigger pool of generic animation for all players when it comes to close balls they barely get back.

  • i am sure i am forgetting a lot now but i think there you have the starting point xD

  • a yeah…gameplay sliders :wink: