Game Crash on career

Hi, thanks for the update, i like gameplay now, but i have a new problem.

my game crashed in my career in the Australian Open, I restarted the game 3 times and always the same thing. since January I’ve never had a crash, never.

so there must be something new in my career that’s making the game crash.

if you can investigate, thank you


Its crash always in Australian Open.

I tried with 2 players.

And when i load save, crash again…

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I played French Open. And after two games, the game crashes. When I restart my computer, I Come back to the same match because the save is corrupted.

I simulate the game and after the summary board, the game crashes.

It happen with a new save and an old save.

Can you fixed it please?

A lot of players have had these crashes in career mode since the new update EA7.

And yes save will be corrupted i think. I restarted the game, load save and same issue.

Please fix that before release.

If it happen when game launch, many players will be frustrated.

Thanks :pray:

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For me the game crashes after I finish every match of any tournament in carrer mode. I need to simulate the last point always. The problem happens during the match when I pause sometimes too. Unfortunatelly these crashes are happening to me since the star player carrer mode was introduced in the EA 5.

So telling us it crashes while it’s good to know. We need to have it reported to the support team so we can get saves and work out what may be going wrong.

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Thanks i have made a ticket. I thinjk it 's when the game wanted to connect to Academy. A message “connect to Academy” appears on the top left corner of the menu

After that, i’ve got this message when i want to resume my career mode

I hope it will solved this big problem quickly


@JNT_BA thanks for the link

I posted ticket. Thanks for link

I have same message as fifa-man posted above.

It happened to me with 3 different players, so i stopped playing the career for the moment.

thank you for considering our feedback :pray:

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Amazing! Anything like that always let them know asap cause we want to get all those sorted.

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You’re welcome. We think about the release date. If the first experience for a New player is this message. It will make a bad advertising for the game. You deserved good vibes🤞

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