Game is too easy on expert AI

Please… the gameplay feels great, I think the game is in its best state ever… but the AI is really not challenging at all… this is my main concern about the game right now, please increase the difficulty of the game or add sliders so we can change it manually :pray: It’s sad that I enjoy the game but can’t compete properly because of this easy AI… thanks again for listening our feedback!

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I play on Hard and since updates it feels just right,just trying to work out the serving. AI is getting slices, dropshots and having great longer rallies that are varied. I really believe some players are out to exploit anything they can find,there are many players who complain medium difficulty is too hard now.

Dude, the game is way too easy… if you think it’s hard or anything like it, it’s definitely skill issue… I play the game without abusing of anything, and there is 0 challenge for me. I have a youtube channel and everybody can see my gameplay videos. It needs to be harder, if it’s hard enough for YOU, that’s on YOU… I can’t keep scoring 6/0 against the HARDEST level in the game, it’s not fun.

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See here’s how to not break a rule. Just cause someone else is enjoying it and you aren’t when they said nothing against you. Don’t throw “skill issue” in there then say they’re wrong. Keep the way you word things civil and don’t use skill issue for some saying they like how it is in something.


It’s easy to understand… if you think the game is too hard, you can always put on a lower level, you can play on medium, on easy, etc. But if Im beating the expert AI by 6/0, there is nothing I can do to make my game more challenging.

But I’m enjoying the game as well, probably even more, cause I produce content on my channel with this game :joy: And as I said before, if someone thinks the game is hard, they can always put on a lower level… but what can I do if I keep winning matches by 6/0 on expert? That’s what I’m saying! And the game was harder before yesterday’s update… :pensive:


I’m not saying you’re wrong. It’s how you said it.


I understand it, 100%, maybe I was rude… but I was just trying to make it clear that we already have a solution for someone who thinks the game is hard… but for me and for many friends who have been playing the game, it’s a little too easy right now, and there is nothing we can do about it… And again, I wouldn’t be complaining if I didn’t like the game, I really do! That’s why I’m here to give my thoughts @JNT_BA


I agree that the game is improving in several ways with the updates, but it’s really very easy on the expert, it’s as if I were attacking and the AI ​​was just defending itself, this ends up making the matches boring. I think the ideal would be to insert sliders to balance this.


Exactly! The game feels great, my only issue is with the difficulty right now

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I also only use World Tour Movement using right trigger to run to net and seldom use it any other way as the movement is far more natural and i still can get to most balls. The Tiebreak method with 2 triggers sprinting looks so stupid to me and way too chaotic and will never go back to them,maybe you sprint all the time to make it easier,

I 100% agree.

I play my career mode on expert with a 55 rated player and am beating guys like Sinner and Alcatraz in straight sets. They’ll make those sets close on occasion, but I always end up winning the set in the end.

It’s very frustrating to not have the challenge and the possibility of losing.

***ALSO, I’ve only had this game for 2 weeks. Never played a tennis game in my life prior to this, and already killing the expert CPU. That says all you need to hear.

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I play with World Tour mode as well… not with 2 triggers

Exactly… that’s what I’m talking about… For me the gameplay feels great right now, my only concern is the lack of difficulty… for me they should add more levels above the EXPERT one… or add sliders, Idk… but it’s definitely too easy right now for someone who is really used to the game

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What in the world game are you playing?

I play on expert and not once has the CPU ever attempted a slice shot or a drops shot. Swear to god, not even once.

I said on Hard the cpu is getting back my slices and dropshots, i too have never seen the cpu do a dropshot i have mentioned this before. I do disagree with you as some cpu players do slice shots on hard difficulty. Maybe the cpu dropshot is all the net cord shots they get that dribble down the net being impossible to get to.

i have to agree a little bit with @Robertoleal25 the game got easier again BUT hold your horses before @JNT_BA pump up the difficulty again with Things like unrealistic AI flat shots all the time plus nerfing us players with Top Spin shot placement! So yeah the fact that you can now aim closer to the lines again is a factor that it got a little bit easier again! I have some more testing to do but pumpin up the AI again isn’t a solution! First step to a higher difficulty should be Serve and Return system overhaul imo. I think a lot about where the easier difficulty comes from and i think it’s little things in the game mechanics! A big thing is Shot quality on Half-Volley Top Spin shot! (a top spin shot where you hit the ball shortly after the ball hits the field and is rising) That shot should be nerved a bit IMO. Thoughts folks?

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The blueprint on how to address this is 2 options they already done in cricket 24.

  1. Make 2 different options/ arcade and pro control exactly the same as cricket 24 , playing that on pro control is like playing a different game compared to arcade and way more realistic and punishing with regards to timing . Don’t need to change the input method just decrease the timing window and the forgiviness of angles.

2 Add custom difficulty again exactly as cricket 24 and afl , allow people to customise there timing and ai timing etc .

Ideally again as cricket 24 having both these options together would allow people to customise there experience.

This is easily the best tennis game available but just let people customise their own difficulty and it will be a very solid game .

Clearly you have the people capable of creating great slides and custom difficulty options and this game is screaming for them .


Adding sliders is the best solution for everyone :+1:

I really love the game, the gameplay but if i can modifie the difficulty like a want, it will be the perfect tennis game ever.

AO2 and Full ace tennis simulator have both Sliders and all gamers love that.

Its not easy to give best difficulty for each player, thats why “Sliders” will fix 100% this problem.

I hope they work on that for futur update :pray:


100% agree,it is the only way to keep everybody happy. AO Tennis 2 was my favourite tennis game before Tiebreak which has so much more potential.