Game too easy , No agressivity to IA

I want sliders to modify agressivity of IA and percentage of acceleration

Here, this topic is not intended to brag about my level of play, I have more than 20 years of tennis experience, game and practice so I think I am an exception.

I play with legendary sliders, and I have taken into account your remarks to complicate the game… but you will see there is no difficulty in putting 6-0 to the AI ​​for the moment. As I said, the real problem comes from the aggressiveness which is not modifiable for the moment and the choice of zones as well as the absent accelerations.

I am posting a first set in which I voluntarily
put 35 AI speed and 24 human speed.
So I am concretely Much less fast than the AI ​​but I am never put in difficulty and I finish all my points with winning shots.
For comfort, I had left 65 AI assistant for me and for the AI.
I lowered the AI’s fault rate, it makes almost no mistakes as you will see but the result is clear

with Rublev I walk on Djokovic … 6-0.

To also take into account the remark of putting assistant movement human to 0 I did it and I left assistant movement AI at 65.
The ball speed is 70, speed AI 35 and speed human 24. So I might as well say I put everything as easy as possible for the AI ​​to hurt me, and I play against Djokovic the best player in the game with the almost zero fault rate

Identical result !!! 6-0 without really forcing, I made a few mistakes to adapt but overall I always walk on the AI ​​and I finish all my points with a winning shot!!
. I don’t want to distort the game more to have artificial difficulty. Sliders are missing for the AI’s aggressiveness, that’s clear and simple. And I see you coming “you have to put it at 99 ball speed” well no in fact, they are still custom sliders otherwise there is no point and we lose all interest in sticking to the real speed. Especially since I am sure that I will put the opponent 5 meters from the ball once again more easily…

ps: big precision I do not play with flat shots but only with the topspin to have a ball that can not take speed from the AI. Because with flat shots I make winning shots in 2 strokes and for that I keep it under my elbow for fun only.

the game is not too easy at all, u have issues with your slider setting, we are not facing the above, mix the sliders, dnt chose legendary for everything, it makes the game left right not harder

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You have no idea what you are doing with the sliders i have told you before,i know i am a decent player as i could beat Topspin 2k25 on highest difficulty before trading it in and i could beat AO2 on Grand Slam difficulty. I do Custom Hard and sometimes Custom expert never even look at Legendary and always have great matches with many different cpu players,i can win or lose a first set 6-1 then win or lose the next set and have had countless thrilling tiebreak sets going into the third set sometimes winning and losing. I have the unforced and forced errors on 4 and comfort threshold on 80 with both AI and human speed 35,assisted movement AI between 70 and 80 using World Tour Movement.All i want is the slicing across all players looked at and the cpu serve bug running in to the side stumbling and leaving the other side of the court open for clean winners which only happens with certain style players anyway.

this game are too easy , i won all my matches with 6-0 , and i modify sliders

speed ia 35
speed human 24
assistant movement human 0
assitant movement ia 65
grass 78
hard 58
clay 57

ia won any winners … it s a problem , agressivity is too bad

speed ia to be 60 not 35 lol

And your court speed is pathetically low, anybody can win easily on those settings. Just watching the AO tennis now and even in the 90’s for court and ball speed the game is still not as fast as real tennis so you are wrong all round. Are you incapable of correctly saying AI,it is not IA.

i think our friend boydeouf comes from spain maybe…“inteligencia artificial” there you have the IA :wink: other than that i have nothing to add lol xD