Gameplay input from fanbase things we would like to see

Customised running routes labeled as instructions in team management e.g could be simple as having 3 options “cut in” “stay wide” “crash ball” cut in being a short ball close to the ball carrier, stay wide being a route running towards the outside defender and crashball being a run it straight. Having a meter for passing e.g a tapping O for ps5 could be first receiver a slight hold 2nd receiver etc ability to pass accurately to 3rd 4th and even 5th receivers will depend on player skillset like flyhalfs or centres with great passing attributes. Players to have special flare traits e.g wingers could have “speedster” or “hot stepper” strong wingers and centres could have “crash ball expert” where 9 times out of ten they break the first tackle, flyhalfs could have “general” or “magician” where they could either have high percentage kicks and passes or for magician have the ability to do inside balls, trick kicks, trick passes e.g that stuns defenders for a second. Just a few ideas


Who is looking forward to a Career Mode in Rugby 24. What are your expectations?


I’m just looking forward to any sort of news from the team :sweat_smile:


Be sure to see Gamescom

Yeah I was thinking the big announcements would be then. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: