Judiciary - League/competition gameplay

Hi guys ,

I was hoping this game had a judiciary feature for licensed competitions. After completed matches you would have to risk contesting the charge at the judiciary or accept a guilty plea with your cited players. I think this would really add to more challenging squad management gameplay during a tournament or season for Rugby 24. Needing to find potential replacement players for unavailable suspended players.
In saying all this I know that programming this might be complex in terms of what is the basis for a player to be Cited ?

  • Could it be two consecutive Yellow cards during a match ? The Red card then being issued after 2 Yellows is the reason to refer the player to the judiciary ?
  • Any automatic Red Card issued by the referee for dangerous play then causes a citing and judiciary charge to follow after the match ?
  • Will only dangerous tackles be high tackles ? Or lifting over the horizontal?
  • Will players have certain skill attributes that put them more at risk of dangerous tackling ? For instance an Aggression meter ? A Discipline meter ? Or if a player reaches low stamina is he more prone to causing a dangerous tackle ?

Thanks guys

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There was certainly something like this in RLL4 when you got pinged for a dangerous tackle in a game. In between games you then had to then decide whether to plead guilty and accept the charge, dispute the charge or dispute the ban length, something like that. Worked fine so hopefully something similar in rugby 24

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Yes exactly I totally agree with you and played RLL4. It worked well. I liked how they set up that judiciary gameplay.

Also I think a penalty for a high tackle which does happen in real life rugby games usually does not warrant a referral to the judiciary. I am thinking it could possibly apply just to Yellow or Red cards for Rugby 24. I guess its working out what triggers a card or how high the tackler goes or if they are a repeat offender during a match which then warrants a judiciary referral.