Latest Patch Thoughts And Feedback


I feel with the latest update there have been some positive changes, especially to certain areas of gameplay that maybe weren’t quite as challenging as they should have been. My observations on some of the changes below. These are my general observations based on hard and expert difficulty. Interestingly some of the changes I am picking up are not changes that have been noted on the patch notes.

Auto lock/animation lock seems to have been reduced and in some cases is no longer possible at all.

The animation lock (pull to the ball) seems to still be in effect for many top spin shots but reduced for flat shots.

In some cases I notice that, especially when running sideways in defense on the backhand side, either scramble speed has been reduced, more inertia is being applied or because of the auto lock distance being tweaked in many cases it is no longer possible to get any assisted pull to the ball and any shots that are out of your reach will simply sail past you instead of your player doing a defensive slide lunge from a few feet away. In this regard it feels a little like Tennis Elbow where you have to actually run to the balls and be very close for animations to kick in.

There generally seems to be more weight to your players movement, even if scramble is in use. Possibly related to an increase in inertia or tweaking scramble sensitivty to not have it be so snappy.

Its now a lot harder to direct balls to the lines, or paint lines with either top spin or flat shots when using shot prep triggers. It seems its much harder to do this with flat shots making it extremely difficult to hit winners with flat shots that are very close to lines or painting lines. I believe flat shots in general should be slightly more consistent to pull off as they were a few patches ago. Its currently extremely difficult to hit a flat shot down the line and have it even go over when attempting a shot over the higher part of the net. This may in part be due to the reduced effect of shot prep triggers as they assisted in balls going over the net as well as ball speed and precision.

In previous updates you had full control at basically any moment where you wanted to place your ball. If you wanted to do a down the line winner painting the lines you could do providing your timing and court position were okay. I would like to see some improvement in this area to allow us a little more control again. I feel this is only fair if the CPU can still do it and makes a big difference to the enjoyment of gameplay.

The CPU is still able to paint lines with all shot types very easily and in some cases from unrealistic positions.

Shot prep triggers and the fine control that we had over ball placement several patches ago are still in effect on return of serve and the next hit of the ball but get heavily reduced thereafter. I am not sure why this is?

On occasion when in perfect position for a flat shot and an opportunity to take control of the rally the game will not allow you to hit one, even when holding prep triggers. Instead it will force you into a defensive type shot where your player will just pat the ball over the net. I cant figure out why this is happening at the moment, possibly a bug?

On occasion but quite regularly there is now an animation bug, usually when in a baseline rally where after htting a shot back to the CPU the game will move your player several feet and reset their position on the court.

It may now be a little too easy to serve well and get aces which is apparently having a big impact in the online mode.

The CPU now has much more variety but i believe they are playing too aggressively with the flat shot specifically. Because of this it is giving the impression that gameplay speed has increased because of the consistent very fast balls that are coming to you. Once you get used to some of the new patterns (which is still very difficult) you can have a situation where the CPU is hitting extremely fast non stop flat shots to you and you are pinging them back with top spin. Rallys can end up looking unrealistic and far too eratic. I think a better and more natural balance needs to be applied here with the CPU throwing in a mix of aggressive flat shots and more top spin shots. The way the CPU plays on medium currently looks more realistic. The measure of how difficult the CPU is should be more nuanced than just having them hit loads more flat shots.

It appears that the running forehand introduced in EA7 on both forehand and backhand wings has now either been removed or because of animation lock distance being tweaked no longer really happens. I am guessing the lock distance was a requirement for the shot animation to trigger? That being said it may still happen sometimes for forehand topspin shots but not any others. Need to do more testing.

I would just like to say that I am not necessarily criticising the above or think all of the changes are negative. They are just my observations. Some of the things I am noticing are changes thst i have asked for myself previously so they are welcome. I think the patch is generally positive but believe a few areas could be further tweaked.

One of the bigger issues for me is that many of the changes are not being communicated to the player base in patch notes. This is creating needless arguments and divisions amongst people because some people see the changes and some people dont. So when people praise or critique certain things its causing arguments.

Another reason to have more detailed patch notes is that if people know exactly what has changed they at least know where they stand in terms of having to approach gameplay differently. Instead its giving people reason to complain because no one knows if the changes are deiberate or may be bugs.

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Agree with CPU need to alernate between Flat shot and Top spin and slice.

For now they just do powerfull flat shot on baseline, its not fun and unrealistic.

In real tennis, 90% of shots are in the midle of court.

And serve must be more impacting. CPU in expert mode returns our serve 230 km/h very well 100% with powerfull flat shot on base line :sweat_smile:

We can’t do anything :grin:

Need more rally.

But the game go in the good direction, continue to fix Ai please with our feedback.

Dev do good job. Thank you big ant :+1:

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I will agree that they do seem to be able to return fairly decent serves with extreme pace. I need to test it again as i am not sure if they are using flat shot to return but i suppose they must be sometimes.

I forgot to note but even though its slightly unrealistic now with the amount of flat shots the CPU is going for its a very good baseline for further tweaks. Its definitely the best the CPU has been in terms of difficulty and the unforced error counts at the end of sets are now much more realistic.

In my opinion they need to allow you to hit flat shot and top spin shots closer to the lines more consistently. As stated you basically can’t hit a flat shot near the lines where as the CPU regularly does this. Flat shots should also be made slightly easy to produce. A couple of patches ago the precision shots were in a much better state and I’m not sure why they changed it.


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I think it’s a big exaggeration that 90% of the game takes place in the middle of the court, I think the current gameplay is not bad, especially since the last update. For me, the AI varies the game. It spins, it hits flat, and sometimes it slice. I like the AI plays on the line, it would be boring if he only hit the middle 90% of the time.

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I agree that the computer shouldn’t all the balls be on the baseline, it’s very unrealistic.

At Expert level, the game wouldn’t be very exciting if the AI kept hitting the ball into the middle of the court. If it’s too hard for you, don’t play at Expert level. I hope it stays as it is.

It’s not a question of whether it’s difficult or not, it’s simply unrealistic. He can improve the difficulty in other ways, rather than simply putting every return on the baseline. Now, it’s almost common to hit volleys from the baseline every game, which is stupid.

There will be no challenge in the game if you keep getting the ball in the middle of the court. I don’t think it’s realistic to have all the players standing in the middle of the pitch and playing as if it’s a warm-up. I like the fact that the AI hits hard close to the line and moves you while doing it.

What I mean by this is that it’s too easy for players to hit good balls and need to add things like aiming, so that even if the computer doesn’t hit all the balls on the baseline, it’s hard for players to hit the perfect shot. It’s correct to add difficulty, but it shouldn’t be that impractical.

For some it is impractical, for many of us it is not.

What are you talking about? I mean, in the actual game, it’s not about your level in the game. Isn’t this game always talking about the most realistic tennis simulation game? Then it would be nice to base it on the actual professional game.

At the moment when you hit deep wide into the CPU corner when they stretch on their backhand they will always return with slice into the net,I have not seen Djokovic get one ball back over the net when stretched on his backhand side.

That is one of my gripes also at the moment. There are certain shots that you can do to put the CPU in different positions that will basically 100% of the time result in a pretty scripted outcome with no chance of variation. Usually resulting in the CPU hitting the net.

Also, sometimes the patterns of play are very predictable, even now. If the CPU fires a serve to me and i nail one down the line, as long as i move a couple of steps in the other direction the CPU will think i am moving to cover the cross court, but then i just move back again and almost every single time the CPU will fire their shot down the line where i am literally standing and ill just hit an easy top spin winner out wide. I can replicate this play over and over again.

After playing some more today, i am still enjoying the difficulty, even if there are sometimes easily exploitable patterns. But i have no idea what has been done to flat shots. I dont know if its a knock on effect of nerfing the shot prep triggers but flat shots now can be extremely frustrating to attempt because 50% of the time even if you are in good position it will not allow you to hit one and just does some weird defensive block shot.

I really wish they would give us back more precision and control over shots. I really miss being able to paint the line with a down the line winner. Its so random now. I am not hating it or anything but was definitely having more enjoyment a few patches ago.

One of my Xbox’s is still running the launch code before the patches and from a gameplay point of view in terms of how we were able to play and the freedom in shots when we still had full precision with the triggers was way better imo.