Launch (EA1) Feedback

Please add Team management so we can make subs before and during the game. And please could you add the real Springbok player names even without photogrammetry for the time being.

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Get out of here with your insults. This is a forum for constructive criticism so BA can attempt to give us the game we all want.

I promis that you are almost alone with wanting to play a completely unlicensed rugby game. And players customizations are important to alot of people to show player likeness.

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I am okay with the insults and saying it sucks cause it does.

But just saying it sucks without giving feedback as to why and what they can fix is wrong. You at least gave feedback with your insult other than the other dude.

I agree that there is not much hope. Going to take over a year to get this game where it needs to be, if they even can at all

Only real issues I’ve had so far is the 9 not being able to pass the ball at the ruck and then some attackers being in front of the ball carrier

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Sorry I hurt your feelings. But in all honesty, if the feedback on this thread is about cosmetic features that need to be improved then they’re a waste of time.

The rucks suck, a Ps1 game from 1997 JLR are miles ahead of this game 24 years later…

The passing mechanics are terrible with the ball just floating in the air. Just make all passes 100% accurate it’d make for a better game. None of this ball going behind the player etc. it’s too hard to try replicate an authentic game to this detail.

The kicking is ok. I liked it in RLL4 and in this it’s ok.

The players look out of position the whole game. In RLL4 you had players in a set zone most of the time, in 2024 rugby players tend to know their zones they stay in, yes they do move around more than league players but peel it back a bit make it easier for yourself BA & have the 1-3-3-1 formation for forwards staying in their zones by default and backs moving around, have an option to set 2 playmakers, ball handlers if you want to call them that & have them closest to the ball as much as possible so you’ve got an option to always find them with both bumpers. Have the d-pad to set what kind of play ur having at each ruck, whether it’s hit a pod or have the pod run through & hit the backs etc.

^ if BA don’t understand any of this, the games too far gone to be saved. Yes you can get “competing rugby video gamers on board” but in all honesty, you’ve gone out and captured faces of professional rugby players, why not have them capture the animations/motions (idk the right word for this lol) and have the animations seem more realistic.


That’s more like it.

Yes, posting only about cosmetics with how bad the game is makes no sense with all the bigger problems in the game.

But writing about customization options as just a small part of your overall feedback is completely Reasonable.

Saying you don’t want a licensed rugby game is fully brain dead though

My suggestion is less focus on photogrammetry and more focus on mocap capturing players movements. This doesn’t even need to be the official players but can be mocap of players who play the game to a good standard and can replicate basic movements that are not present in the current game. I think this because the game looks great in the cutscenes with the captures of the faces but in the game you can’t even notice them because the gameplay is not up to standard in my opinion. I hope you take this on board and hope to see a good game by console release.



I see good in this game, i’m getting the hang of it.
I see good animations on rucks, when you get a counter ruck and steal the ball.
Kicking the ball is satisfying.
Scrum is ok.

Graphic is really cool when there are no glitches.
Animation a really cool.


Everything is really slow.

Tackling is strange and buggy.

Passing is ok but players that receive the ball stop.

Rucks takes too much to begin to form.

No fauls are in the game, apart from the “collapsing the scrum”

The selection of the player is buggy, in offensive ruck the selection is not locked leading to problems such as not be able to play the ball.

Some stadium are glitchy.

In the “Competition” mode points are in Rugby League style. 2 for a win… Rugby Union is 4 + bonus point.


Kia ora big time Rugby league live player here… and love my Rugger so.

  • Kicking (RRL) Rugby league live 4, Had a great kicking system grubber’s,bomb’s,etc
    do find it alot easier in this which is good.

  • Forming of ruck’s my team will not bind at anytime seem’s they rather stand around or do i have to do it manually?
    When the half back on the ruck get’s the ball passing is either on the chest of player’s or out the try line lol.

  • Switching of player’s has 2 button’s which is annoying (A) or (X) or top R1 button’s making it abit of a mess trying to get to near the ball maker.

-Tackling is there a button? RRL4 (has below the feet tackle and a few other button’s for different type of tackle’s,like ankle tap etc

  • Audio i have Com’s turned up all the way still pretty quite also.
    to add to Com’s do need to be up a little more not too much)

-Passing off the ruck isn’t as smooth say as RRL4 (sorry i say that but last BA Rugger game i play well to this day lol) they either lob it off not smooth action.

-Ai Positioning is really werid as most of the time my hooker and forward pack are pretty much my back’s seem’s tad werid

That’s all i can find for now will update more as i test away.

Cheer’s ET1980


All posts that have literally no feedback and are more social commentay are gone. “Feedback” not complaints about nothing please.


How often can we expect updates on the early access?

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Some thoughts on what games to look to for inspiration in certain areas of gameplay which need improvement:

  1. Rucking - Rugby 22 is a great rucking mechanism imo, the ability to actually influence the ruck as a player and also the ability to very quickly win the ball by securing the ball when outnumbering the opposition. This allows for the opportunity to play slowly and build phases then act quickly when space opens up.

  2. Set plays - RWC 2011 had some great intricate set plays which relied on good timing and choosing the right players to open up a defence.

  3. Line outs and Scrums - Again Rugby 22 had a great line out mechanism, particularly being able to move the lineout pods and utilise dummy jumpers is great for playability. I dislike the scrum aspect of Rugby 22 but the ability to influence the ‘crouch, bind, set’ to gain momentum is a feature which makes scrums more interesting to the user. Beyond that, feeding the ball and collapsing the scrum makes the game more realistic with regards to penalties.

  4. Player customisation - BA are typically very good at this so hopefully this won’t be a problem with the full release. The ability to change players body sizes, heights, speed etc is important; rugby challenge 4 nailed this part of the game. Hopefully the final release of Rugby 25 will be even better. The players in the early access are largely the same height and size and forwards don’t feel quite like forwards.

  5. Game speed and flow - Rugby Champions really looks like rugby when you play it, albeit some of the animations can be quite slow and unrealistic. The feel of the game is something you should definitely look to replicate though IMO

  6. Team tactics - Rugby 22 nailed this. Changing the pod systems, the line width, depth, backfield positioning, defensive system etc… This is what real rugby fans love to engage with so please consider it.

  7. Animations - Animations are hit and Miss across rugby games, but they shouldn’t be rugby league animations as they currently are! Rugby challenge 4 has some great sidestep and bump animations which could be useful. As others have mentioned, just getting in a player who plays at a reasonable standard to do some player movements would be great.

On the plus side, you’ve nailed the graphics side of things, the atmosphere is great, commentary is good, players and lots look brilliant, kicking animations are reasonably good but implementing different goal kicking styles and feet could be interesting. Overall, a good base. I hope you can build upon some of the areas other rugby games have done well across the course of the early access to make this the rugby game everyone, including BA, want it to be!


Watch some rugby & you’ll see the forwards (1-8) are usually flat off the halfback or the 10 whereas in your game everyone’s about 10 metres deep of the halfback lol. Rugby these days is played very close to the gain line/advantage line & this game doesn’t really emulate that at all.


I don’t agree about Rugby 22s rucking.

Although from a gameplay perspective it worked, it did not look like a real ruck. There were 4 players from each side in the ruck and looked like a small scrum.

Also, it took way too long for the ball to come out whichever side won it. When I real rugby, rucks are a second or two.

It needs to be a mini game, with favor towards the team with the ball, but with good realistic animations.

2 players per side. Clear outs. And defensive player looking like he’s actually going in to poach the ball

Also agree with having an animation for defensive team trying to poach and being cleared out

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Also the defensive shape is so random, you should make them always be moving forward. And at a decent pace. At the moment they just stand there waiting for the attack to come lol. And the winger always marks the other winger all the way on the otherside of the field meaning there’s always a massive hole in the middle of the field.


Yeah I totally get that. Visually it didn’t look like a ruck. But the ability to influence the ruck with player momentum is good. Also, you can generate quick ball with one player joining at the right time, quickly tapping A (I think) to secure the ball - which I use a lot when playing to do quick rucks after line breaks.

They definitely shouldn’t copy it exactly but the mix of some slow rucks and some quick rucks with just one player is needed imo


I know it’s way too late for you to change ur scrum mechanics but here’s a suggestion that I reckon fits the mould of rugby more.

Should have a timing button for initial hit, if you’re outside of it by too much you miss the hit, collapse & get penalised. If you hit it within time but worse than ur opponent you lose the hit and have a mud scrum. If you win the hit then you should win the ball. Just keep it as simple as that. Make scrubs quick in the game because they take far too long in real life lol.


Too late? Nothing is ever too late. Much like all the functionality changes we have done with the Tiebreak community. Things can be changed and adapted.


If this is the case…
Have my idea. For free mate