Launch (EA1) Feedback

Hello guys
First of all, thanks for the game. The graphics, menus, musics, cutscenes are great and you added referees, wich is good for immersion !
Now, the animations and gameplay must match the qualities above !
So here’s my feedback :

  • Placement of players is too deep and inacurate.
  • The game is a bit fast, so It is hard to keep the pass button and chose the right player in time. Default receiver should alway be the closest to the defense line.
  • Animations are quite steep for the moment.
  • Rucks need to be clarified and debugged, as It is impossible to clearly know how to steal the ball.
  • When a player escapes a tackle, he stops moving.
  • I currently saw no offside (maybe you should add a round flashing circle to show it)
  • Technical gestures should be more visible, with larger and smoother overflows and fends off with a clear tight arm. (those of rugby 08 were great)
  • Penaltys and conversions are a bit too easy. Maybe adding an accuracy minigame with a bar would be better.
  • Closer camera angles would be great ! Players are looking good, it’s a shame not to see them better !
  • Kicking is a bit too powerfull and ball rebound too far.
  • All players size and weight are similar.
  • Player skills (speed for exemple) feels the same.
  • There are double transparent players (graphic bug ?)
  • Lineouts are too basic for the moment

To conclude, you should really be inspired by games that are references for players!
For example Rugby 08 is still the best game for animations and fun. It had flaws (unrealistic racing angles, basic scrums, setplays and lineouts) but the rugby gaming community is still enjoying It.
I really hope rugby 25 will be the new reference !


*We would like a Player Career mode with realistic transfers like a transefer from The Sharks to Toulouse.And young players should have realistic names you cannot have Zimbabwean player named John Smith.
*A Manager career mode where i could buy players to my club,Realistic club budgets,Realistic Possible transfers,Retirements,Press Confrences
*The SA Currie Cup,A realistic world Cup,Six Nations,Four Nations,URC,English premiership,French top 14 and The rugby Championships,EPCR Challenge Cup and Champions Cup
*A training Center to practice some kicking,scrums and passings
*Latest Updated National and Club squads
*Some fixing in tacklings and some glitches
*Realistic stadium names


Major lack of movement, really clunky controls. the rucks are really poor and it doesnt look realistic, rugby 22 rucks were perfect. the tackling isnt good what soever and it needs work. theres a major lack of tactics and being able to put in basic rugby structures like there was in rugby 22. Lacks fluidity in every aspect. The graphics are great and so are the kits but the gameplay is worse than any rugby game in the past ten years, however it is early access but please stop using the rugby league live tackling, thats a league game for a reason. It has big potential but its so buggy, clunky and unfluid that its unplayable

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I understand its ea, so i guess lets address the obvious glitches that make it unplayable as it is:
-cpu ball carrier standing still, not being able to tackle him. I’ve noticed this happens maybe after a missed animation, the ball carrier doesn’t fall, he stops and no player can tackle him. Nothing else to do then quit the game.

  • previous glitch gave me the opportunity to test the tackle joystick and what ever way i’m running and whatever the direction i’m aiming the left or right stick, my tackle always goes towards the ball carrier, wich doesn’t seem right and maybe explains why those arent enjoyable even when effective. You feel as if the animation of the tackle isnt related to your joystick direction, nor to the momentum of the play.
  • so many bugs in rucks ! i don’t know where to begin. First of all the scrum half not being able to pick the ball, awarding scrum to opposite team. It happens to me every 2 or 3 rucks, happens to the cpu to.
    Then there’s binding in rucks, wich makes no sense as it is. The tackler isnt supposed to leave the ground before the bind, this looks like rugby league, much like many tackles animations actually. And you dont feel any momentum between the tackle and the bind, or the ball release. So many players stand around the ruck watching doing nothing.

Kicking is ok it seems, except the landing, ball bounces are awful, being after a kick or a loose pass.
I’m not found of the scrum mini game but that’s your call. Graphics is nice but if i dont see the backlien, does that mean that i will never be able to launch set plays from the scrum depending on the defense ? That’s your choice, i had hoped for more advanced options out of the scrum (8 pickup, 9 pickup, 9 kick, 8 9 15, 9 8 15, 9 pass to ten classic play, or 9 pass to set plays ).

Lineouts are ok i guess. Havent really done many of those but seems like lottery buton contest and maybe after in case of contest you gain the ball depending on stats, i will check on that after updates cause right now its unplayable.

Ball running and passing is disastrous. Players walk backwards when catching the ball, passes fly everywhere, bounce through the field to touch when not catched. Often when my team has the ball, i cant control the ball carrier but only the guys around him. If i have the ball and control and pass with my 10 , i will control the winger while the center catches the ball ! That’s unplayable.
Speed isnt right. Most players feel slow then all of a sudden one speedy gonzales can run the field running around the defense (i have circled around defenders, that’s not normal).

And tackling is bad. You can tell the direction of the joystick has no impact so why not only use a button ? When i run into a player nothing happens, i have to use the joystick and can only dive tackle ? When i tackle too late, i still get the ball carrier with the same animation everytime, and he always falls. Nothing seems physics based. If 2 players are commited in a slow tackle, i cant dive in to help, or bind for the coming ruck. All players stand waiting for the animation to finish.

Those only points make the game unplayable as it is, but the amount is huge.
As stated before, licences arent the issue, and Rugby Champions remains the best rugby game to date, as gameplay and fun while playing are the most important part of a game. This low graphics game has very nicely captured the gameflow and its pace, rucks are good because the outcome relies heavily on the momentum of the play, meaning the impact of the tackle, proximity of support, and a bit of stats you can clearly feel from one game to another. Over-animated rucks as in Rugby25 kill all this flow and do not represent the pace of modern rugby at all.

This might seem harsh but i’d rather be honest: I would rather you drop this game wich is hopeless regarding the direction taken, buy Rugby Champions’company, update two or 3 things in the gameplay (new rules also), pimp it with your licences and modes, add a ladder mulitplayer, and the gaming world would thank you forever and your game would be remembered as the modern Jonah Lomu.


Again. Keep the social commentary out. If it’s not about the game I will remove it.

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Hi Guys

Can we please consider Attack and Defence line options to choose from for Rugby 25. Some examples of screenshots from Rugby Challenge 4 below. You would use Directional buttons to adjust line width and depth for attack and defence.
This would help move your line up and down, compressed or wide when attacking or defending. Also I noticed that Locks and Flankers would drop out to the back 3 for defence in Rugby 25. This is not ideal or realistic. Please see screenshots
Last point - The Sound effects for the Rugby ball :rugby_football: kicked or passed at times it really sounds like a “Tennis Ball” :softball: and seems unrealistic. If you could please consider improving this aspect.


Was really hyped for this game, but apart from the graphis, I’m quite dissapointed. Issues:
Rucks are more League-like, as it’s impossible to win a turnover
Teammates receiving the ball are always standing still, so passing the ball only makes me lose ground.
Tackling is a joke, both manual, auto (by teammates) and by AI. So many missed tackles.
Sometimes my player randomly kicks the ball, while I didn’t touch the button.
The idea of the scrums is good, but it’s almost impossible to get it right. Maybe add a feature where you can practice scrums?
Sidesteps work half of the time, hand-off and shoulder charge don’t work for me.
It’s too easy for 1 player to run criss-cross across the field and scoring. Combined with standing still while receiving, I’m just running around with one player and go as far as I can and repeat it with the next one. Really unrealistic.
When I hold L1 or R1 in a ruck to select a player to pass to, I can’t play the ball and get a scrum. Holding works in ‘free play’. Therefore impossible to get from a ruck to a deep player who kicks the ball.
Overall; physics and gameplay feel very 00’s, outdated. Not what I was expecting from this game.

Can we send some youtube video link from gameplay from the different assests the olds rugby games had that could be a really good addition for you?

Great work on the kit/player designs.

I have noticed a few things in my time playing, a lot have been mentioned on this forum already so will quickly cover them.

I’m finding the kicking mechanic enjoyable, and actually quite enjoy the scrum mechanic. To me, it feels simple, but maybe a more visible prompt to hook and the specific button shown on screen could be implemented? The prompt in the corner can be easily missed.

Rucks are very difficult to turnover, not clear how to defend a ruck. And only 3 people to a ruck? I feel like I should be able to put many players in, obviously there should be a limit to how many but i feel like 3 is quite low.

Different tackling types as opposed to just a dive tackle bound to the right stick.

Different try scoring methods like in RLL3/4 (press x for try/double tap for diving try). This was a satisfying mechanic. I’m not a fan of the one button for all. I would like to choose how I score a try.

Players being out of position. Will have a number 8 always getting the ball out from a ruck. Also, the fullbacks seem to be pushed way too forward. Whenever the opposing team kicks it’s always a chase back to the ball and hardly ever a catch.

A proper pendulum system for the backfield. On defence I notice the two wingers are standing even further back than the full back. I would like to see some rotation depending on the ball position on the field.

Box Kicking is the only kicking feature I am not really liking. The supposed 9 at the ruck will take a big jump back then kick instead of doing a kick almost from the side of the ruck, similarly to Rugby 22 (rugby 22 did this well, however there was only one animation for this so when kicking to the left side of the field, the kicker would still kick from the right side of the ruck). Also, box kicks are carefully taken in real life. They take time. I feel like I am in a rush to take a box kick as there is a timer on when the ball is kicked. I think a release the Y button to kick would be a better option, similar to kick-offs and goal kicks.

There is a chip and chase option but not really any high bomb kicks for players to chase down. Only a little dink over the top is available.

Another thing I have noticed was also a problem I had with RLL4. When jockeying a player (the left trigger button), this button also seemed to be bound to a mechanic that keeps your currently controlled player in position. This can be frustrating when jockeying an attacking player as a fullback and then the game can drag them to the backfield for example. Maybe an option to alter key-binds/controls can be implemented instead of choosing from a selection of pre-determined controls.

This isn’t a bug or feature problem but I think a counter near the score on the top left counting through the phases would be cool, similar to the number of tackles in Rugby League. And maybe an option to enable/disable this.

Looking forward to what the future brings!


I hope my feedback doesn’t come across to critical or non constructive. I’ve tried to offer suggestions where I feel something isn’t right. (Except with blatant bugs, I’ve marked them)

I personally feel that tackling, player positioning and rucks are the main points of difficulty.

Major issues:

Bug: Sometimes if you miss a tackle the opponents player keeps running and none of your team can make a tackle even when standing Infront of them and you can’t make a tackle either so they scored a try. This state only ends when they score or when they pass. It can happen in your favour occasionally too.

Tackling I feel should be the 4 buttons and each executes a different type of tackle. (Dive, pin to prevent offload, chop/tap if behind the player and a standard drive at hip height)

Rucks are very league esque. It’s basically a league ruck with 6 players animated over it at the moment. The amount of support should have a larger effect on winning it. I believe there should be a button that results in 1 of 3 outcomes, turnover, conceded penalty, won penalty. If you get a dominant hit, have more players over the ball and your guy got there first you should either win the ball or get a penalty with a very small chance of giving one away. If it’s even you’ll probably give away a pen but might win one and if you have less it’s deffo a pen. It will lead to long phases if you don’t challenge but you can chose when to try win the ball if a high percentage opportunity arises.

Bug?:The 9 rarely seems to pick the ball up at rucks and it’s frequently someone else filling in. I’m all for this during breakaways but imo the 9 needs to be following the ball more actively so he’s always near enough that there is little delay if he goes to it.

Bug?:Positioning in general is off, frequently players in the wrong position are on the wing and it is slightly irritating. Another positioning issue is support runners are frequently Infront of the player with the ball, this happens most when going wide.

Minor things:

Bug: Occasionally you get a really floaty pass (usually when played more backwards than sideways) this sometimes gets picked off as it’s hangtime is insanely high.

Bug: The AI occasionally bullets a pass half the width of the field and out of play.

Some way to get your fly half in a pocket so you can pull the ball back and kick would be nice, currently holding the pass button while selecting the furthest back player leads to a pass in front and by the time they get the ball there is little time to kick. ideally the pass goes to where they are and when powering up a kick they don’t reach a sprint unless an opponent is behind them. (ie. during a breakaway)

I feel the ball bounces a little to far on kicks.

Goal kicking is incredibly easy, a return to RLL3 would be nice.

Throw ins while reasonable (they are a lottery irl) seem to happen insanely fast and it’s not clear how to poach them.

The Positives.

Punting/up and unders feel good when you have the time, but for reasons outlined above it’s frequently only when you’ve been kicked the ball that you get to do them.

Scrums are nice control wise and penalties exist (though I seem to only give them away, doesn’t seem possible to win them even with consistent green timing)

Running with the ball feels good, maybe a slight tweak of animation so the player leans into a turn would be nice, there seems to be no change to the run animation even after a massive switch in direction.

Drop goals are finally well balanced (they’ve been insanely easy in previous union titles) even if hard to understand initially (a tutorial for many different things would be great but I suspect this is already planned)

Commentary is good only seems to trip up off throw ins sometimes stating facts that are the opposite to what happened.


They’ve already confirmed most of this. Idk if they’ll have “realistic” transfers in player career though, but think they will have some sort of transfer

Here are some of my thoughts of how to make this game improve:

Lighting - First things first is the lighting, when you’re playing a night time match it looks like there’s orange fog which makes it hard to see and doesn’t look right. I love the glares of the sun in some shots which makes the game look wonderful but when it switches back to the normal camera angle you can notice the orangy fog again. Also the shading from the stadiums is nice but it’s definitely way too dark/way too much and needs to be improved. Also when it’s night in some shots it looks like the players have eyeliner on. When you choose the night time game, it’s more in the late afternoon and not at night which doesn’t make sense. Night time should be pitch black sky with the floodlights on the pitch instead of a late afternoon looking type with orange fog. The day time lighting is great, not much to improve apart from the shadows.

Rucking - The rucking in this game is very delayed once a player is on the ground it takes about 2-3 seconds for the other players to bridge over the ruck. The tackler contest never works unless your on attack and you don’t put anyone in the ruck, I think the tackler or the closest person to the ruck should be able to quickly try and jackal/contest for the ball and then if an opponent comes they either will smash you out of the way or won’t be able to smash you out of the way depending on your strength. Also I think there needs to be different ruck animations like a box kick one where a half-back tells a forward to latch onto the back of the ruck (holding the other players t-shirt otherwise the defenders can come up and tackle the half-back) and tells them to stick their leg out as far as they can so it’s harder for the opponents to charge down the kick like a realistic box kick in real life. Another one could be the tackler is trapped in the ruck and cant get out which either resolves in a penalty or he’s just there and the ball is free and the half back can use it. Another one could be when a player is tackled you can put the ball on the ground let go of it then get up and pick the ball back up and run off, obviously It would be way too good to have the mechanic in every ruck so maybe you only get the option to do that move when your tackled on your stomach as that would makes it more realistic because if your on your back you’re obviously not gonna be able to use that move. There should be a counter ruck animation as well, if there’s less opponents in the ruck there’s more of a chance you can counter ruck which would be very handy. I don’t know if this is too hard to code in or put in but maybe if a player is trying to clear the ruck out he accidently tackles with his shoulder into another player’s head resulting in a red card or a yellow card. When a player tackles another player the player that makes the tackle stands up and goes back to the defense line which is realistic in some cases but in most cases players mainly stay in the ruck trying to jackal the ball or counter ruck by pushing through. When the opposition contests the ball in the ruck and gets it they stand still for a second which stops the momentum. I think there should be different animations for rucks as the animation for the ruck now is decent but it has no intensity and no counter rucking etc, and also looks like their starting up a scrum. Also as soon as the players go into the ruck the half back picks the ball up immediately which doesn’t give anytime to think. When you go for a pick and go with the half-back it teleports you back to the ruck and then lets you leave. I think adding pick and go’s in the future would be very good as it builds up momentum and intensity.

Tackling - Tackling is very disappointing at the moment, most of the tackles are from rugby league live 4 which is a different type of tackling game compared to union. League you can get away with high shots but in union you cant and alot of the tackle animations are high. There needs to be animations from the defense tackling from the waste either pushing the attack backwards or letting the attacker fall over you. The right stick diving tackle is very bad at the moment, if you use it most of the time the person with the ball stops and 3 seconds later they drop the ball for the defenders to pick up (the diving animation doesn’t even show, and even the commentators say, “ohhh what a ankle tap”). Just like in RLL4 how if you press down on your right analog stick it dumps the player, I feel like this should be added in or some sort of this as it gives intensity to the play. I see how you guys are using the RLL4 of just standing in the way of the defender and it should auto tackle but it’s not working, you may get the odd time where it would work but it just seems like the AI is doing most of the defending. When you make a break and you’re close to a defender they will teleport to you and tackle you which means going through gaps is very hard. Also when the diving tackle works the player teleports then teleports into an animation of them dragging the player down from the ankles. The tackles are very rugby league style and are too high they need to be lowered. Also if you’re in your in goal the opponents can’t tackle you.

Kicking - Kicking is pretty good in this game, the conversions are pretty easy and simple which could be improved but is really good for now. I think there should be more conversion kicking animations instead of the improved RLL4 one. The grubber kick and chip kick are nice. Sometimes when I hold X to kick it the option doesn’t come up, but that can be fixed. I feel like there should be an option to fake kick the ball, like you holding X and then you see an opponent then you do a dummy pass (which I don’t think is in the game yet?) which activates a animation of the defender to do like a jumping charge down but misses the guy as he faked the kick. A lot of different ideas for kicking, but for now the kicking is good.

Line-outs - Me personally, I think the animation of the line-out is great but moves too fast. I think the players jump up, collect the ball and pass it to the scrum-half too quickly. I’d like to see the line-out mechanic slowed down. But the animation is really good, just a bit too fast. I’ve never been able to steal a line-out before so not sure if you can, I feel like you need to be able to steal line-outs because imagine you’re defending your line with 1 minute to go and you can’t steal the line-out to win the game. So I’m not sure if you can or not but me personally I haven’t been able to steal.

Side Stepping - I think there needs to be more side stepping animations, you’ve got the 360 one and the RLL4 side stepping, me personally I think there needs to be better animations.

Passing - The passing is pretty decent, but is a little bit fast and you still get those floating balls as well. There needs to be improvement on the running on to the ball as when I pass the ball the player stops and then goes which allows the defender to catch up. For example from a line-out I would pass the ball all the way to the wing but because I can’t run onto the ball I’m not able to get past the defenders even if I spread the ball, also the way the defenders teleport to tackle you if your in range of them ruins the play as well, so if your winger is open and you pass it to him the defender will teleport to him and tackle him even though the attacker had so much space, also not being able to run onto the ball effects that as well. When you’re in the ruck and you hold the bumpers (RB/LB) sometimes it wont show the options and when you let go of RB/LB the game glitches and awards a penalty to the opposition. In RLL4 when you use a set play and hold either RB/LB the player would run onto the ball which makes it a lot better to attack from. I think this should be implemented into Rugby 25 as in RLL4 when you double tap RB/LB it does a short ball, I think this would be really good to have in Rugby 25. When you go to pass the ball by pressing RB or LB it sometimes switches to another player which is annoying. I make a break and then it’s just the full back, I’ve got my winger on the right of me who has so much space to go and score a try but because you can run onto the ball the winger stops catches and then gets tackled, so we really need running onto the ball.

Set-Plays - Set-plays are very important to have a good game as that’s how you break the line, get through defense from scrums/line-outs/mauls, so I do think you guys will add set plays later on but here’s some examples of some, having a cross-kick set play would be good as if the opponent doesn’t have a player marker the winger you should be able to use a cross kick set play just like in RC4. There should be back-door/front-door to trick defenders and open up gaps. There needs to be pod systems with the fly-half or full-back or center behind the pod getting ready for a back-door from the pod or the pod just crashing it in, also when the pod is going into contact the players on his left and right could bind up and help push him gaining a few meters. There are a lot more ideas on what set plays to do but I trust in Big Ant to deliver good set-plays for us to enjoy and break the line with. From the RLL games there’s a lot you can use in this game as in the option runners, dummy runners etc.

Defense Structure - Having different types of defensive structure would be great as it would make every team different.

Attack Structure - Looking at in real life attack structures you can try and implement that into the game, example like having a ruck then you have a pod system, the fly half behind the pods with another pod next to the fly half to pass to them to crash it in or pass out back to the center or full-back to either attack the line or kick the ball. Attack structures like this will really help the game out. Having this is really important as that’s how you beat the defense in real life.

Try Scoring - When I press A to score and a defender attempts to tackle me everything stops and then my player just runs out, so that needs to be fixed. The animations of scoring the tries are pretty good but could be improved. To score tries you can just run your player to the left or right and then wait for a gap to open up and go through just like in RLL4 I feel like this needs to be improved but not teleporting the defender to tackle him like it already does.

Scrums - Scums are good although I feel like you should be able to keep pushing forward when you have momentum to be able to receive a penalty. The animation of the scrum is really sick and I love it.

Kit - The kit’s are very nice and good, but the socks? There needs to be low socks, high socks, one sock up and one sock down. Not too sure why the referee’s have low socks when in real life they all wear high socks. I’m hoping it’s just not in this Early Access and will be added in later. There should be inclusions of sport skins, like the long sleeve skins, calf skins like Rieko Ioane wears, and short arm skins like Aaron Smith wears. I like how you have the compression shorts as that helps the kits look nice but having those skins options would really make the kits look nice, also if there is a player career mode we can use those options in that mode. No headgear? I’m guessing that will be coming out in another EA release as well as head bandages etc. Other than that I think all the kits look perfect to how they do in real life.

Mauls - Not sure if mauls are in the game, I know the line-out one is but if there isn’t I think there should be a maul from a tackler holding the player up resolving in a scrum feed to the defender.

Penalty’s / Knock Ons - There aren’t any high tackle penalty’s when most of the tackling animation are high tackles, there needs to be more penalties also from my experience only the AI opposition has had a penalty. Never had a knock on happen so we’re gonna need that too. Needs to be yellow and red cards. More intercepts, in the settings you can add sliders so you can make the AI defenders/attackers harder to play against and also increase the chance of getting an intercept or a knock on just like in RC4. Anyway to add penalty tries?

Player Switching - In RLL4 you hold either RB or LB and then hold your right analog stick to the right or left depending on which player you want, I think this would be a good feature in this game.

Charge Down - There’s no attempt to be able to charge down? So I’m hoping you are able to charge down in the future unless it is too broken.

Positioning - The positioning needs to be improved, my forwards are playing full back sometimes which is because to contest for the ball you need to press Y which is also to select your fullback so maybe changing to button to select your fullback to pressing like RB/LB at the same time will help stop that. The scrum-half is barely at the ruck playing scrum-half sometimes he’s on the wing. In RLL4 you can change defense formations so including that would be great as you can choose to either have both wingers back or in the defense line. Also get some way to get your fly half in the pocket so you can clear the kick. In RLL4 you pressed I think RB/LB to pass to your kickers so something like that would be really helpful.

Additional Stuff - Obviously focus on the gameplay first but near the end I think everyone would like to see sponsor boards on those screens on the stadiums, paint on the grass of sponsors, camera crew behind the in goal taking photos and videos of the game. Security guards with the orange vest, fire when players come onto the field or when a team scores a try. Flags in the crowd could be a great shout, that will add more to the crowd and to the atmosphere. Speaking of atmosphere I love what you guys did with that, the chants etc is a really good start to building the intensity from the crowd. I’m hoping the anthems are going to be in this game as well as the haka etc.

Overall I think this game is promising, once all the ideas from us rugby fans are put into the game it will become the best rugby game to this date. Sorry for this long essay but I thought I’d give my thoughts on what to improve and make the game better. Cheers.


What is the feeling like amongst the BA team from the early access feedback?
How has the feedback around Rucks been? As expected?
How has the feedback around players being out of position/unrealistic been? As expected?
No need for a diplomatic answer just truth

Really we’ll said after a few more games 100% agree.
guess control’s feel weird for me cause i play RRL4 couple time’s a week

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Great to finally be able to play the game - kudos to the team for working on it for such a long period. The ability to play with an array of licensed teams and also tier 2 / 3 countries (hoping Korea is included in next iteration) is massively appealing and excited for the console version. The short non-gameplay footage e.g. around line outs is impressive and once integrated into the gameplay as well I believe will be a differentiating factor compared to previous games.


  • Auto select passing seems 50% correct and suggest two options to fix this, perhaps as different controls options:

a) Love the feature to hold down the pass button and select A, X, B etc. for which player you want to receive the ball - this could be initiate a 2s slow motion phase to give the player more time to choose recipient and avoid being tackled etc.

b) like older games, the amount you hold down the pass button dictates the length of the pass

  • Running is good and feels natural, always like side step and fend features

  • Haven’t been able to offload yet (could also be me being a useless gamer)

  • Option to have forward pick and go off the ruck, or running short lines off 9 would be great. English Prem fan so enjoy the excitement of pressure mounting on the try line for multiple phases


  • Tackling is hard and feel like my presence makes no difference on the game

  • Please consider a second controller layout option where ‘A’ button is tackle and another method for selecting player - currently find it hard to organise my hand to tackle easily with the control configuration. This will become even harder once I increase difficulty level as the attacking part is much easier by comparison

  • Gaps emerging in the defensive line and don’t know how to fix it


  • Goal kicking is great but could do with a wind icon for more challenge

  • Would prefer to opt in for arrows for punting, box kicks, up and unders to track ball positioning

  • Ball bounces a lot after punting

Line outs

  • Minor comment but the players look very small compared to the surroundings and fill less of the space

  • Hard to steal and it all happens very quickly with little time to react, the way the cameras adjust is disorientating


  • Players around the ruck act look and behave unnatural, would be good to see the guards around the ruck more at attention rather than standing and then centres / wingers more relaxed as they are away from the action

  • New to the game but I can’t seem to contest

  • 9 rarely seems to be following the rucks and is not the one passing which makes set moves feel more natural

  • Ability to have forwards running off 9 or ability to have players to protect 9 when doing box kick

Nice to haves / wish list for much later stage:

  • Crowd so far looks good and want to create good atmosphere - warranted that Stade de France is an abnormally large stadium but the atmosphere created by feeling close to the crowd in the game, stewards filling up the dead space, was very enjoyable in other games e.g. Rugby 08. Could have more sub players warming up, on the sideline, crowds becoming increasingly reactive / noisy to decisions or the score of a game

  • Players reacting in gameplay when penalties given, or if there are clear infringements not yet called - players look quite static and and monotonous currently

  • Players feel quite small in comparison to the pitch when comparing to other rugby games

  • TV replays and referees debating decisions, TMO tension, yellow cards being escalated to reds, etc.

  • Similar to FIFA or Cricket when setting fields, the ability to set aggressiveness in defence, e.g. speed off the line to pressure, or slow to hold a strong line, more players back for the kick

Minor glitch that my players are often offside and not penalised, and the ball is getting trapped in the ruck often and unable to pass. Caveat I am playing on a non-gaming PC so it may not be optimal.

Could you toggle the running analog to sidestep instead of a button and is there any room to wrestle in the contact and include the right analog for fending

The rucks really need fixing. They make the game unplayable. It’s impossible to challenge for a ball, almost no turnovers… and several times I have had to quit a game because no players from either side actually joins a ruck and it just leaves the game hanging…

Good start on the first release, so pleased we can finally play it!

Some things I’ve noticed below:

  • the graphics on the gameplay seems a little dated, the cut scenes seem okay but work on the graphics within the actual gameplay.

  • the lighting is very dark in places and shadows of stadiums on the pitch make it very hard to see.

  • scrums are not winnable at the moment

  • I can’t seem to drop goal as it just goes to a grubber kick

  • would be nice if we can have set moves in the game to choose from and importantly be able to have someone in the pocket to punt it. Would be good here if we could auto select or pass it to the fly half first

  • the referee hands and arms don’t move when blowing the whistle which seems a bit odd additionally could we have the faces of actural referees

  • can the referees also have actural world rugby referee kit.

  • add in cut scenes for yellow/red cards and bunker review/TMO review

  • At breakdowns I have no idea what I am doing trying to contest or steal the ball back

  • Passing seems a little clunky in places

But overall keep it up!

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Hello to the whole Big Ant team.

First of all let me express my feelings about this Early Access:

I was able to be understandable about the various reports of the game and I took into consideration the several tweets from Ross Symons. I took my time like everyone else, obviously impatient to play the “greatest rugby game of all time”. It was a huge disappointment when I launched the game the first time. I don’t want to be in the negative all the time so I’m here to share my feedback on the game.

First of all the attack:

  • the players are poorly positioned on the attack line, they do anything in the placements and the scrum half is very little, if ever, behind the ruck.

  • Aldritt hitting a return to the 22 is something unthinkable when you are a rugby fan, like Mauvaka at number 11 …

  • The passes are all almost perfect (a hooker cannot have the same passing technique as a scrum half)

  • the players take the passes by moving backwards which gives a jerky feeling.

  • Sometimes I no longer control the ball carrier but a player on the opposite side of the field and the player who has the ball runs alone.

  • The kicks are too powerful and all the players have the same skills (from the pillar to the back)

  • lack of combination during the attacks.

  • the positioning of the players when we maintain the pass touch is good but can be improved in terms of positioning because sometimes the players are too flat.

  • Being able to choose the depth of your attacking line.

  • Almost impossible to do Off loads.


  • Rucks are very slow to set up and we can clearly see that the ruck coding is that of Rugby League Live

  • Almost impossible to recover the ball.

  • We should add a way to recover the ball with the tackler or a nearby defender who can come and grab the ball directly. The grab phases are very long = one player who pushes the opposing player and another who comes to recover the ball. It’s cool as an animation but we should have the possibility to grab the ball directly.

  • Change the touch of the kick behind a ruck because too many times I kicked while recovering the ball when I wanted to keep it.

  • We should add the possibility with a touch combination to place a kicker in the axis of the ruck to be able to kick serenely and not kick in front of the defense.


  • Make a tutorial simply because I don’t understand anything about scrums.

The Line out :

  • Impossible to know how to win the ball on a touch except with luck. (Put a hint on the block that forms 1 second before the jump for example)

The Defense :

  • Add a touch (B for example) to perform a “normal” tackle.

-Choose your positioning of your line in defense.

That’s all that bothers me first in this Rugby 25! I thank the team if they read me and I really hope that you will not wait 2 weeks for the first updates otherwise it is very likely that this will sign the death of the game from a community point of view.

Thank you.



Ruck issue as the attacking team: Most of my attacks were stopped by the ruck getting bugged and my team being unable to pass the ball out at around the 4th or 5th phase, while being asked to use it.

Ruck in general: As has been mentioned, there is a big momentum killer in how play unrealistically stops for the ruck before everyone piles in

Defense: As a player you feel like a passenger, the right trigger for tackling is quite unforgiving, and there appears to be no way to turnover the ball, or even an indication of any progress to doing so/success. I find my tactic is just to defend and push the attackers back until they kick the ball upfield… which I guess is semi-realistic for how the Springboks May play, but it doesn’t really work in a 5 minute half style game where the AI will only kick in phase 15-20 and there is no risk of knock ons or turnovers (see point below on tuck defense)

Passing: My biggest frustration on passing is the delay in reaction. It feels like I may hit the button about 5 meters from contact (or about a second before making the contact) but the ball just gets held onto.

Player control: Player turning circles are too wide and thus make the controlling feel unresponsive

Ruck defense: If there is a feature there, the lack of communication to the player of what is happening makes it unrewarding. Hitting bind has a visual cue, but compete for ball doesn’t. Should I be mashing the button to compete, or is it a one off click and that’s all? Is there a compete bar that I’m filling up by hitting the compete button and the more players I have bound compared to the opposition has an impact on how much “right to the ball” bar gets filled up?

Ruck defense: I think the above is further complicated by the slowdown that happens when a ruck takes place. The delay in going into a ruck means that there is no penalty for an attacking team running away from their teammates as the defending Rick players will get there no matter what. So far I’ve had one ruck somehow happen very responsively where my players got there early, cleared out one of their players and the next player picked up the ball, which felt really rewarding… but simultaneously I had no idea what I’d done differently to cause that

Tutorial: I think a gameplay tutorial would help massively in getting players to test out the game and features also. Right now everyone is guessing how the features work. An example of this again is the hook in the scrum, is this a timing thing, so if you hook at a better timing than the attacking team you can win it, or will it always go to the attacking side? Also maybe my issue on the attacking ruck is a feature about getting enough players into defend and I just don’t know. I think there is a significant gap in how Big Ant may be testing the game in the studio vs how the audience is trying to play it because Big Ant knows how it’s been built and the players are just going off the limited cues on screen. Really think some basic tutorials resolve this, which could also enrich the feedback received by players.

Defensive line: AI controlled players are being way too conservative. They are standing a meter or two back from last man’s feet vs being in line which is what you’d see realistically.

Offsides seems turned off: I keep accidentally going across the offside line and then with the big turning circle struggling to get the player back at the ruck, but it never gets called

General comment: All my feedback is from running on a Steam Deck where the game runs very smoothly.

Crashing bug: Think it may be a Steam Deck issue vs the overall game, but going into general settings in the main menu and scrolling across to graphics crashes the game without fail

Audio: just a general positive feedback that I appreciate the unique audio from the fans for the Springboks. No rugby game has added crowd sung Shosholoza and that definitely adds to the atmosphere and engagement