Launch (EA1) Patch 2 Notes

A feels a lot more natural for Punting for me

will you be possibly implementing alternate controll selection like how they have in the fifa games ?


Agreed, A for punt and x for up and under


Does this mean we will be getting mappable controls?
Or are they just a pain in the butt to sort out ahaha

I cant get a video to load up on the FAQ page, but ive got a 5 second clip, which I can send on in a DM on twitter or something. Had it happen 3 times with different teams. Only recorded it the first time, teams were Scotland vs Hong Kong China. Stadium was Stade De France.

Image 1 is the line i was running
image 2 is the lineout a few frames later

on watching the footage back, I did realise theres a few frame before the linout switch, where it looks like my player is lining up to pass th eball in to touch, you get a handful of frames showing the animation starting, but nowhere near completion of a pass actually happenning. Cant speak to the 2nd or 3rd time if for some unknown reason I accidentally hit pass. But i know for a fact I didnt hit pass for the screenshots shown, becuase i was specifically testing the counter rucks, and was only doing 1 off runners and didnt want to pass, so i could keep getting in to more and more rucks, and remember it being extreamly jarring when it went for a lineout, because I didnt think I was near the touch line. So maybe there and issue with proximity to the line / the player behind performing a tackle but the animation not working, and the game is treating it as if the player is offloading / passing left, which obviously no one would ever do.

In regard to the button swap, definitely seems to be a concensus in comment sections and discord about the A and X switch, especially before release for console players. Im sure having a fully remappable control scheme integrated would be tricky, but maybe a “classic” and “rugby 25” preset choice for a control scheme could be nice for new players.

Hello again Big Ants and Ross
I have again played Rugby 25 today, played a few matches and was quite disappointed with a few things that need improvement asap in the future which I am confident will happen as you’re doing great work in the reading feedback so thanks a lot for it).
-Every type of kicking style in the game just does not look the best, it’s almost like there isn’t enough motion on the kicking style from each player kicking it and the ball does not go too far enough when you aim it near a further distance or out for touch. I think some players should have their own signature type kicking meaning if a 10 kicks it of course they’re the best kickers on a team, along with the 9, when they kick it, it shouldn’t be the style where they kick it in a odd way that I can’t describe. It should have more speed, and power into the kick because the ball just doesn’t go far when kicks are meant for more power. The kicks are like balloon type kicking.
-The tackling styles are all the same, I think there should be different types of tackling styles instead of just one. The only tackling feature I’ve noticed is more than 1 guy taking a player out when sometimes there should only be 1v1 instead of 1v1 when more guys go in for the tackle with the one player. I like that style but it’s the only tackling style and there should be more than that type one in the future!
-The running styles look very, very odd. It’s like they’re running through quick sand. Not enough speed at times and all the running styles are the exact same. There isn’t really much realism on the running as you would see in real life rugby matches. There should be some gameplay features where players no matter how big, small or tall should be able to drive through player’s tackles or even barge through them like some forwards do in real life games, and have their own running style. The running style doesn’t have a lot with it, it’s like the player is attached to a straight line through the pitch and running straight through it instead of real life type running. Also to mention some of the wingers who are meant to be the fastest players on the pitch run like they’re stuck in quick sand, too slow and a better running style would be a good addition to that)
-The number 9 does not really get involved as much in getting the ball out of the rucks as they should. It’s ok unless a no.9 is already rucking but it’s always the forwards taking the ball out of the ruck and not the no.9 when it’s the no.9’s job. Unless the no.9 is unavailable such as already busy in the ruck they should always be the one getting the ball. This doesn’t always happen I did see the no.9 getting involved at times but they should be involved in the rucking getting the passes on a bit more)
-The passing badly needs improvement, when I played today and previous days it’s like players are passing it without a care in the world. Passing it to thin air and the ball has this weird glitch where it goes with top speed out for touch which is odd. Passing for me should be like in real life, I don’t know what the balloon passing is all about or the no look passing but it doesn’t look right and if this game wants to go full realism and be successful, the passing is the most important factor in a sports game, whether it’s FIFA, American football etc. I don’t hate all the passing features but the balloon, the no caring to nobody passing, and the passing out for touch glitch needs to be improved. I did get some good passing today but it’s mainly when the ball is out of the ruck but when the passing is passed on that’s where it occurs!
Everything I notes was probably already said but it’s one of the most important improvements this game needs as a lot of what I mentioned are the main factors of what goes on in rugby. Hopefully you understand this and can help sort it out.
Thank you for reading
And take care


Hello Big Aunty !!! Here’s a little feedback on the second patch:

Captain Obvious Bugs ( the game is only pain if these bugs remain) :

  • ball carrier that you can’t tackle at all… and he just walks to the tunnel, ends up in a lineout and lots of clock running !
  • rocket passes to the endzone !
  • floating passes when the receiving player is close !
  • passes to the opposing team !
  • when passing the ball, if often control the guy next to the ball receiver… nah, can’t play like that
  • players on strike, regularly not doing anything on the field ( and believe me i checked, no, it’s not just the french team) !

Sergeant Major Issues (but since they are the core of the game, i can only hope the big July update radically changes all the following points):

  • tackles ! those animations are not union rugby !
  • rucks ! never seen those mini scrums in real life ! In rugby, the tackler is usually still on the ground with the tackled, as either support arrives. Rucks, as they are in the game, do not exist, so i hope it will change for the better
  • running lines ! we need to have some control. For example, after a ruck, if i select the player receiving the ball by pressing the indicated button, i should be able to target with my left stick the direction he will be going when catching the ball. If i see a gap and an attacking player close, i want to pass to him with a flat pass as he is sprinting by using r2 to sprint and left stick to go inside the gap. If there is no gap, i can choose my number 10 running without sprinting to have the time to pass to my centers, or ask my number 10 to go behind the ruck, left stick not moving, he will catch the ball standing still for a good kick. But If i feel the defense is going to pressure me, i can still have my 10 behind the ruck like he is going to kick, but if i use my left stick forward left and sprinting, he will actually take the ball already running, maybe being able to find a gap ! Running lines on rucks and scrums can really impulse the attack by player decision.

Private Minor Bugs:
well, lots to say, from the redundant teleportation on tackle animations to buggy cut scenes showing empty stands, players growing chest and ponytails…

But hey, that’s actually the fun part of being part of this early acces with yall, so let’s not talk about these minor stuff and let you focus on the COB and SMI (Captain Obvious Bugs and Sergeant Major Issues).

While we’re at it, thank you for the small patches, i have just one question regarding what JNT wrote earlier:
“For minor updates there won’t be a schedule. […] Your monthly update will be the reliable time frame drop. With smaller ones not being on a update schedule.”

So my question is, what is the schedule for this Big long awaited July update ?

Thanks, cheers


Here is the link to send videos and raise a ticket for Bug Reporting. It’s quite an easy process and they will get it to the team handling these issues. I have sent a number of videos raising bug issues with video evidence.




We’ll have this in the next minor update this week. Just working on a few more things before we can finalise it.


Nice one Matt and team!

Cheers guys!



I want to point out also that the 9 when he picks up a ball in ruck always go back and then he stops, this kills the momentum.

The amount of mistakes on passing the ball is too much and the ball travels back to far, i often lose about 30/40 meters when my player miss a pass…

The offload are great but i would like to do it more often, like 80% of the time i should be able to do it. Of course you can punish the abuse of offloads with a narrow timing to do it.

Right now doesn’t matter if the player come late in the rucks, just matter if they are been engaged. The ball carrier should be punish for isolating and/or for the teammate supperters to come too late in the ruck.

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I 100% agree with you, most of what you said is quite similar to what I was saying. Although what we mentioned are the MAIN factors of this game so they will definitely need improvement, which I am hopeful they will.

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Hi all, just a thought on goal kicking and lineout throws, two things that perhaps dont use the right stick when doing.

Similar to PGA Golf games, the right stick, pulled back and pushed forwards could be used for lineout throws to determine its trajectory and if it is a straight throw or not.

For goalkicking the same approach could be use to determine the accuracy, even using the other stick to determine where on the ball to make contact for advanced difficulty, again, similar to how it is used in other sports titles, notably golf.

This might help add a bit more skill into that part of the game.



Jonah Lomu Rugby goal kicking for me is still the best. Goal kicking should be skill based and not as easy as it is these days. Like the idea of having right stick :slight_smile:

Hi there,

I have seen a bug more regularly in the last 2 days or so whereby the game just hangs at ruck time and neither team will engage to win the ball.

This seems to be in a normal tackle situation when in possesion.

The player is always the prone player presenting the ball on the ground and you cannot change this selection (See attached.

Screenshot 2024-07-18 102126

Thanks for your attention :slightly_smiling_face:


So a new topic has been created. So feedback there will be best. I’m going to “lock” this one to keep it clean but also for preservation to not cross-contaminate updates.

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