March update ruined game

In Career mode the marker that appears on the wicket when batting is appearing a lot later. after March 27th update. I only bought this game a couple of weeks ago and I loved it. I was able to play shots all round the stadium, hooks shots, late cuts, it was brilliant. Now I only score forward drives because it’s impossible to know where the ball is going until it’s too late so I end up just playing the safest shot, a forward drive, and if I hit it I hit it! I didn’t care about the little quirks or anything :slight_smile: I’ve gone from playing it constantly and really having fun to not really caring about it. I cannot believe how they have literally ruined it with this March 27th update. I am honestly gutted :frowning:

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totally agree. This used to my stress reliever, it was so much fun batting, now after this update, batting isn’t fun anymore. Please fix this issue.

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