More Concise Feedback For The Team


Just some more concise feedback based on a few hours of play with the new patch and observing feedback from others.

Some of this feedback is based on Expert level difficulty.

Please tweak AI serve returns as they are over powered. However, our serve returns are also very powerful as its possible to still use full shot prep precision off serve returns and hit flat shot returns. I am not sure how you balance this between both human and CPU but would be nice if we weren’t nerfed again.

Please get rid of the bunny hop jumping slice animation as it’s horrible. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this shot in real life. I cringe ever time i see it. If you could just stop them jumping sideways into the shot this would be a massive improvement.

In some instances slice shots now die a little too quickly and do not bounce at all. Although it is possible to do this in real life I feel that sometimes when the CPU does it i am artifically prevented from hitting the ball even if it looks like i could do some sort of defensive shot and am there in plenty of time.

Please give us a little more precision back to prep shots that were nerfed a few patches ago. Doesn’t have to be a complete return to the way it used to be but need a little more reliable control of ball position mainly for closer down the line shots.

Please fix an animation bug that resets your players court position and moves them several feet after some baseline exchanges. I can provide a video of this.

Sometimes the player will move off in a direction without you touching anything, putting you at a disadvantage in a rally.

Flat shots down the line need to be tweaked to allow this to be more reliable instead of hitting the net 90% of the time, even when power and timing are perfect. More often than not they are hitting the net when the CPU hits a ball at you from cross court and you are standing in position with plenty of time in the corner and attempt to hit a flat shot down the line with perfect power and timing.

Flat shots in general need to be tweaked to allow them to trigger more frequently instead of the block shot that keeps happening. If this is based on the ball coming at you too quickly or too low that is fine. But that should also apply to the CPU which it doesn’t at the moment. They can seemingly hit them whever ever they like even when fairly close to the net with little reaction time.

Please try to heavily reduce the occurrence of CPU shots hitting the net cord and tricking over. This used to be an issue in early access and was resolved but has now returned.

The CPU difficulty is much better now but improvements still need to be made. Aggressive flat shots are fine, but I think they could use a bit more variety and court intelligence.

Please remove the CPU being able to move out wide when it detects you have switched to slice serve. I get why this was implemented, but the solution needs to be more nuanced as it’s very unrealistic and scripted at the moment.

While lob shots do assist in some situations, the AI can track them down with 100% reliability at the moment so they only help with forcing the CPU away from the net but don’t allow you to win a point out right no matter how well you hit them.

Please improve CPU intelligence and feel at the net or close to net shots and also improve this for human players. This is important for singles but really shows you how bad this is when playing doubles with CPU and they are all constantly hitting the net.

Doubles also has an issue with singles court parameters still applying to human players, preventing from hitting into tram lines while CPU can still do this.

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My biggest issues are the lack of precision when using the triggers and the flat shot being too difficult to produce over the high part of the net. No longer be able to hit close to the lines and hit flat shots down the lines really does have a negative effect on the gameplay.

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After playing extensively today against a human player and more matches on expert, I do believe this is the best the game has ever played and I am enjoying it quite a bit.

What ever changes are made to gameplay going forwards just need to be very carefully applied as I think the game is definitely on the right track. Certain things just need some slight tweaking.