My ultimate Request for final game : enjoy players

Hello to the whole community of tennis fans, I have thought carefully about all our expectations, on the difficulty of the AI and the ball physics on the different effects. Following the many patches we are still too far from our expectations.

My conclusion is as follows: it is everyone who must be able to choose. @JNT_BA @RossSymons

Based on what has already been done on AO tennis 2, by using sliders (sliders in different settings)
, we could get the ultimate tennis game in terms of simulating gaming pleasures.

Here are the sliders that we should have to be able to set up.

On ball physics:

  • Max ball speed of the lift shots
  • Max ball speed of flat shots
  • Max ball speed of slices shots
  • speed of acceleration
  • Speed to flat serve Max
  • Speed on lift serve Max
  • Speed on slice serve Max
  • Bounce height of the flat shots
  • Bounce height of the lift shots
  • Bounce height of the slice shots
  • height above the net of flat shots
  • height above the net of lift shots
  • height above the net of slices shots
  • sensibility and player movement speed

AI Challenges:

  • percentage of fault in the long jump
  • Foul percentage in the net
  • Defensive foul percentage
  • percentage of balls near the lines
  • Max Hit Percentage
  • acceleration percentage
  • Percentage of aggression and going to the net
  • Percentage of double faults

That’s it, the rest will concern the absent and too generic animations.
I am counting on you to support this claim, which I hope will please everyone.


Agree 100%

The game will be Awesome with this.


I agree - currently it makes almost no sense to play career mode since you win all the time.

And I’m not the best player at all, when I play online against better players I get roasted.

So beatin CPU all the time in expert difficulty is a real problem.


If you want to add most sliders, you can propose that here

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Can you take my request please @JNT_BA @RossSymons

Its the most important feature for the game!! Trust me


I am agree with him. We need sliders for many things.
The speed of the ball, the speed of the players movement, the maximum power for lift and flat shot, the level of speed for flat shot :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:……
Please add a maximum of sliders or improve a lot the gameplay but I think it will be better with sliders
Let us create our own configuration and when we will have a good configuration which will be use by most players, you will be able to integrate it in the game


Yes we need sliders to have a more personnal experience.


IA must also have a strategy and not only do left-right rallies. Why not doles shot en the backhand and change on forehand to make an attack
It is also necessary and important that the AI ​​stops hitting the balls 5cm from the lines on the sides.

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I have the impression that the AI rarely hits a backslash, just allows us to run with a goal in the left and right maneuvers.

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I dont know if @JNT_BA @RossSymons want make add sliders??