I think the game is in a very solid state now for super casuals but there is still work to do for people like me and others who like to have a more challenging experience.
First of all…Pumpin up the AI isn’t the solution!
Question going forward is the following! Maybe it’s the best idea at this point to really implent a Arcade(Now) mode and a Simulation mode for the following remaining gameplay issues.
- Serve/Return:
This is still the “loudest” feedback i see across platforms. The New update brought back more Speed but the overall Serve mechanics are still not satisfying or challenging and the serve is still not really an Advantage plus Return is still overpowered! Just press a button and your player gets into animation lock! Almost no weak returns or Serve winners(i am not talking about aces when i say serve winners btw).
- Risk/Reward:
There is too much reward right now in the game. It’s nice that we can aim shots to the lines once again but you have to find a way to make timing and movement matter more. I’ll add a gameplay video from AJ4 Games here. These are CPU vs CPU videos but it shows that there are now a lot of rallies with up to 84 shots possible. That comes from more factors. 1. is for sure that cpu doesn’t go for the obvious winner when possible. 2. The mechanics when it comes to Animation lock. 3. Some smaller mechanic things like half-volley top spin shots are too powerful and easy to aim. 4. It’s too easy to get into the offensive position again if you are in a defensive position.
users like @itsandy09 or @F14tomcats already made good suggestions to add the systems you have in Cricket24 going forward. I know nothing about Cricket and i didn’t play that game but looking into it, it looks like a very good suggesion/solution.
-Gameplay sliders for AI and players!
-That damn slice jumpy forehand finally has to go/reworked please xD it really is the ugliest shot ever modeled in a tennis game IMO. Here’s a video what shot we mean
-Andy Murray serve animation still not right!
-Replays still don’t have that TV Presentation(weird camera angles etc.)
-Another user complains since weeks about Signature strokes from some players. Personally i don’t have a problem how it is now but i definitely want that feedback added here.
-add all stadiums to exhibition mode
-Soundesign: Strokes/Hard Flat Serve could use more “punch” in overall sounddesign. In EA 1 for example the strokes sound punchier. Don’t know why this was changed along the way? Heard this feedback a couple of times now from other users too!
-All surfaces play the same
-I think it would be a good idea to add a bigger pool(for all players) of animations when it comes to
close ball reaches, blocks etc.
-transitioning to the middle of the field plus net doesn’t really work fully. I think there are also animations missing for example forward moving forehand/backhand shot(now you run forward and the normal forehand animation starts) that looks choppy. Also forward slidding animations for short balls behind the net for example and better animations for dropshots.–>overall a little bit better with the last couple of updates but dropshot animations could really use some love!
-Players still don’t apologize when they hit a net cord winner!–>It looks like this is actually fixed in the new update…if you press down on the d-pad when you hit an net cord winner my player apologized yesterday.
-problem with the application of backhand styles on our created character.
the backhand styles never really apply, they’re just generic backhand no matter which backhand style you choose.–>didn’t test that not sure if that is fixed???
ok…i think i have it here mostly. As always folks if you have something to add what i miss or if you have better solutions go forward
Another word for the BigAnt team. I think most of the community really applauds you for the constant updates and showing that you actually care…not like some other folks from another tennis game xD Have a nice one!