Patch notes 1.000.06 and 1.000.08

we had a patch yesterday on monday and today i cant find the patch notes or have they not released them yet does anyone know thank you

Dont think theyve released the notes anywhere

They were hot fixes, not patches (i.e. to fix what was broken rather than release or enhance currently existing features). Today is a patch.

I wouldn’t expect notes for hot fixes, but patches should be coming with notes.


@JNT_BA @Lachie_BA

Pls can we get patch notes?



ok sure thank you for letting me and others know

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@Lachie_BA can you guys please look into changing players when ball drops on the floor from miss passes moment that happens you can’t switch players so you just have to hope your players will run for the ball but AI unfortunately always beat my AI to the ball we should be able to have control of our players at all time.

Also just seen and thank you for that place kicking has been fixed no more random players taking penalty kicks to the post

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Do any of you contest the lineouts? Still wondering if it’s possible to steal the ball.

No you can’t contest the lineouts

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Where can I find (XBox One) the patch/build version of my game? I still don’t seem to have the ‘put kicker into pocket’ option…or is this done automatically? Thank you.

The ACTUAL build number is at the bottom right of all menus - it’s the number BA Support ask for if you’re submitting tickets.

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