Phases with contact

Hi, this is an honest question for the dev team.

So many tackles are rugby league ones, so many high shots that would be red cards in an actual game and the rucks look poor too for the animations of the joining players.

Are you able to use any code/animations from rugby 22?

If yes, please use it, you have fantastic graphics of the players and kits etc, but this will help you no end.

The game really still doesn’t feel like a union game, if you have experience of actually playing it to a good level in real life.

rugby 22 is so bad no one wants anything from that terrible game

At this point, it would be a better starting point than we have now.

Use the code/animations as the starting point and this team can tidy them up/improvevthem.

As so far this game isn’t close to playable or a credible union game as chunks of it feel copy and pasted from the rugby league game namcom and big ant made. So there is code and animations pasted from something else already

It is an early access version. It is not pretending to be a credible finished rugby game I don’t think?

They are tweaking and adding new animations all the time, having league placeholder animations in there is no secret. They have said it is the case until they are refined or replaced. We only have to look at now vs EA1 to see that.

Having Rugby 22 anything is no better than having Rugby league anything as a placeholder in my opinion. Unless your only point is to be able to play … an old game. An old very average at best game. Their rugby league games were far better than Rugby 22 ever was to be fair.

It is definitely frustrating not being able to get through a single game because of crashes and having crazy bugs because the breakdown or the maul etc isn’t finished yet. But starting with, finishing with or doing anything with Rugby 22 isn’t the answer I don’t think.

I think everyone (including myself) is with you in being frustrated at just wanting to have a new playable rugby game but it is early access, it just needs time. There is no finish date they have given that they need to rush it by.

I would like a new Rugby game, not a re hash or Frankenstein job of old average ones. So I am on the please no Rugby 22 side too.


I work in game development and the way this is being done and the quality of stage it is at now I find offensive. This game was never in a million years close to being near the release dates that have been pushed back.

When I say credible, I mean that this game is not in a state where £25 was a fair price as we are now past the refund criteria and it is getting progressively worse with patches and it is clear it is massively taking things from the league game.

I didn’t say put in and leave the rugby 22 bits. I said use them as a foundation to improve on. There are some good parts to that game that are far more suitable than using code from a game that isn’t Union.

I think people are being far too forgiving of what is happening and delivered to date, because we are desperate for a good rugby game.

Saying the game is in early access is a lame excuse for the quality of what is being delivered.

They need to stop focusing on likeness and capturing players and fix the actual game ASAP.

Games are hard to make, I see it daily, but honestly this game shouldn’t have been put out with a charge of over £20, with where it was initially, let alone where it is now.

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Well, I guess everyone has their own viewpoint mate, which is all good.


We didn’t develop Rugby 22, so as a game developer you should know its not just take someone elses work and just slot it in. As you said

Again the art team does not program the game. I feel like someone in game dev would understand that an artist by profession does not program gameplay. I personally don’t understand how people come to this understanding so readily but I forgive the public for maybe not understanding how game dev works. As I’m confident I would not so easily understand the work maybe you do, or people who sit around me as many different skilled individuals work in every studio making so many types of games all with complicated tasks. Nor would I assume I know the work of anyone else I pass in the street every day from the top to the bottom level of any workplace. But as you said you are a developer, so I can only hope you understand that.

I do not comment on anyone else’s games publicly as I would never assume to understand what hardship they went through to develop their title. I could really not enjoy a game, which I often do even from very close friends in the industry, but I will still support them either way cause I can appreciate all the work they do even if the game is not for me.

Same with early access titles I have many in my Steam library that I will never play again, and that is ok. Now you are more than welcome to your opinion, but you should know first hand things aren’t always as simple as they seem.

Also maybe don’t admit you hit the vulgarity filter in a previously deleted post. I’m sure you wouldn’t like anyone coming on a platform your studio maybe use and saying those things about your games.


I think people are being far too forgiving of what is happening and delivered to date, because we are desperate for a good rugby game

I didn’t say put in and leave the rugby 22 bits. I said use them as a foundation to improve on.

These two point in the same post :joy:

Suggesting everyone’s being overly forgiving because they want a good rugby game, and then suggesting rugby 22 as a foundation to build on is… Some take


Fair point, I thought namcom made rugby 22.

So my apologies.

My post is being misinterpreted in regards to artist focus and saying they do code. I never said they did.

What I meant was, maybe leave graphics for a bit as they look great. They are honestly amazing.

But why is the game getting more and more broken with updates? Just hold the updates back longer, it is very frustrating to think you have made steps forward and yet the game in key areas is just unplayable for so many of us.

I am sorry my post comes across so rudely, it wasn’t meant to come over as such as it clearly did, so I can only apologise. That isn’t fair on you guys.

I am just getting very frustrated that a game that worked while not perfect first time, for me is getting unplayable and crashing almost every time where it didn’t before on every update since initial launch.

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