Player History And Statistics

I like the depth of the player pool, over 900 players in the rankings, this gives a good sense of immersion and depth and I’m liking full tournaments that start from round 1 rather than a shortened tournament staring at the Qtr. Final stage

I like the player career tab, where it details all the tournaments entered, will this screen retain previous season stats as well? I hope it doesn’t delete at the end of each season? I would appreciate a dev response to this question. Thanks

In the AI player profile I would like to see opponent stats such as games played, won and lost and number of tournament and slam wins.

In my player statistics screen I would also like to see number of games played, won and lost etc ratio, number of tournaments entered win ratio etc.

Head to head stats would also be nice to see before a match and I hope we get to play more than one season a bit weird this was restricted to only one season.

Are there any more additions likely to be added to career mode before release? Like traning mini games?

Or maybe just add some stat info in the rankings screen? - We already have tournaments entered we could also add tournament wins, matches played, won, lost etc. Please?