Player skill points + training: option to skip? + other issues

I would like to request (if not already available) an option to skip the training drills that precede the addition of player skill points in Career Mode. While I understand there’s a certain realism in training before levelling up, I think it would be good for those of us who want a ‘pick up and play’ experience to be able to level up skill points without having to do the drills, once skill points have been earned through match play. I repeat the need to address the absence of female umpire scoring vocals, and a 'valid safe file not found - returning to career hub ’ error when proceeding to the next match after completing a match. Also, I continue to request the addition of an on court shot/serve marker able to be positioned prior to shots/serves, as found in AO2.


First, this thread you created is about training. Please don’t go into your other issues when you bring up one topic. The initial point won’t be takin credit of.

I agree with the training. I need to be able to skip this because I can’t play on anything but easy with my player sitting at 47 ovrl. There is also a bug in my training that doesn’t count it when I hit the corner for service, even though I did it. Therefor I can’t even level up my player when playing the training even.