Poll For Anyone Finding The Game Too Easy EA6 - Please Vote

I am very happy with the games progress and like many, am enjoying the more realistic gameplay in EA6. However, I have noticed that many people are reporting that the game is now way too easy, even on expert. After playing the game for quite a bit I am concerned that if the games difficulty remains as it currently is, it will have a substantial impact on single player and career mode, and the longevity of those modes. I appreciate that many found the previous version far too difficult as the CPU was getting to everything. There have now been some positive changes in this regard but unfortunately the CPU is now making far too many errors on basic shots and over using drop shots when a baseline shot would be the percentage play. I am not sure how much visibility this will get but thought that a poll would be the best way to get data on this to hopefully assist the devs in making further tweaks. If you are unhappy with difficulty at the moment and would like more of a challenge on the higher difficulties, especially expert, please voice your opinion. Honestly, just changing something as simple as the CPU error count would make a big difference as the rallying can still be challenging when the CPU isn’t making constant unforced errors. It is critically important that an option exists for those seeking more of a challenge.

  • Yes - Increase difficulty
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