PSL License Teams And Kits equals to disappointment

Dear BigAnt Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I’m reaching out to inquire about the long-awaited update regarding the inclusion of PSL (Pakistan Super League) license teams in Cricket 24, which encompasses player faces and kits.

As an avid fan of Cricket 24, I, along with many others, have been eagerly anticipating the addition of PSL teams to the game. The inclusion of these teams, complete with accurate player faces and kits, would undoubtedly enhance the overall gaming experience and bring joy to fans of the PSL.

However, it’s disheartening to note the significant delay in this update. It’s been quite some time since the community has been expecting the incorporation of PSL teams, and the prolonged wait has led to frustration among players.

I understand that development processes can be complex and time-consuming, but the lack of communication regarding the progress of this update has left many of us in the dark. Transparent communication regarding timelines and progress would greatly alleviate concerns and keep the community engaged and excited about upcoming updates.

I urge you to prioritize the release of the PSL license update for Cricket 24 and provide the community with regular updates regarding its progress. Your attention to this matter would not only appease fans but also demonstrate your commitment to delivering a high-quality gaming experience.

Thank you for considering my feedback. I look forward to hearing from you soon regarding the PSL license update and future developments for Cricket 24.

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