Recent New Update

I’ve noticed a few recent updates that seem to be going in the right direction.

Still a lot more work outside these points, but wanted to mention some good for a change lol.

They have made an update where after a point, the players don’t just awkwardly bounce around in place for 5 seconds prior to a cutscene being triggered. They actually start celebrating in the gameplay camera immediately after the point. This bothered me prior so a good small fix.

The service game has been a little better.

I’ve hit way more faults in the past 2 days. It seems like it’s less forgiving if you get the timing wrong and you will fault out of bounds.

The AI on expert mode has gotten a little more realistic.

They have mixed up their serve types more and actually seen them hit some different shots rather than just shots to the baseline as they used to. I crashed the net and they actually hit a lob over my head. I haven’t seen them to this until today. Still haven’t seen a CPU play a slice shot or drop shot yet though.

They have also gotten a tad better at playing shots in front of the net. Instead of just hitting it out of bounds or into the net, they have been getting it in play more than they used to. That being said, they are still hit it into the net 40% of the time.

acing is harder this is not good

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I replayed the game and honestly it’s getting really good. The exchanges with the AI ​​in normal mode are good, I can finally defend. Before with the missiles it was impossible.

The only problem I encounter is in the movements before hitting, sometimes he hits sometimes he doesn’t hit the ball or sometimes my player goes into the cabbage.