I put in a fair amount of time into EA and as a result am unable to get a refund from steam.
Anyone have any advice on who to contact
Any advice where to go next? Nacon?
I would quite like my money back.
I put in a fair amount of time into EA and as a result am unable to get a refund from steam.
Anyone have any advice on who to contact
Any advice where to go next? Nacon?
I would quite like my money back.
It’s pretty disappointing to have the game in this state. A cash grab during the six nations, even though the lions are coming up in a few months.
There are positives, such as improved visuals and the abundance of teams and leagues.
However, game play is pretty awful and has regressed since EA5/6. It’s almost makes the EA process pointless. I haven’t completed a game yet, simply because it’s not realistic or fun. So it’s not a good simulation or arcade.
We could wait for more patches but is there much point, I agree that a refund is probably the best option - I suspect many will be asking for this unfortunately.
I really want this game to succeed.
They should give you a 90 day refund policy, I am good financially good, so I don’t need a refund, prefer to invest into a current Rugby game so that we can eventually have a great Rugby game . But the developers have to communicate with the customers, the rucks by far and large seems to be the biggest problem, so give customers 90-120 days for a refund, then this will give time for the developers to possibly fix the main issues with the game, fix the rucks and the game will be playable and less people will want a refund, if you give customers 90-120 day to refund this gives time to win the customer over, In the past Big Ants have made some big changes and game improvements in past games, hopefully it will be the case here. Do not dumb down the rucks and allow to add up to 5 players. Even though it is rarely done in modern rugby. It changes the dynamics of the game.
Refund period should reset when early access ends.
I played 20 od hours of EA so now can’t get a refund from steam.
It’s not about the money for me, it’s the principle.
This game needs more updates. Certain players have incorrect positions. Like Feinberg-Mngomezulu, it should be Fly half, Full back & Centre but instead it’s Fly half, SCRUM HALF & Fly half(again). You can’t add players to a roster. Tried adding Damian Willemse to the Boks via manage roster, when you filter for him by name or even club, nothing comes up. Please update this, as it makes the game feel like it shouldn’t have been released yet. Passing feels like you’re playing with players rated below 40. I’m a Bok fan but was disappointed to see there’s no Haka. Kicking lacks power.
Not like they haven’t had many many many months of EA to fix this……
No excuses to have released such a broken game!
Anyone who got EA on Steam already got a discount and were aware of this. You should have known you were making an investment. You paid 20 less than console users.
Gaslighting much?
They said the game would improve, the passing really hasn’t and in some areas the game is actually WORSE at release than when it was in EA.
It’s your own fault. Suck it up.
It is indeed. I was silly enough to believe the game would improve during the 9 months of early access.
Alas it hasn’t and is a totally sub par product.
Hence why I’m asking for a refund
Glad we got that straightened out
I have lost count of the number of games that are released and need patching. Perhaps some of us could show a bit more patience when it comes to that? Gaming communities seem to prefer being toxic and negative these days and it gets us nowhere. If it really annoys people that much they are free to start their own company and produce a game of their own.
I’m not being toxic.
I’m asking for advice on getting my money back politely.
Ive also played plenty of games that have needed patching, many by big ant.
This game is an absolute mess. I’ve been patient for 9 months, giving feedback after every early access patch
I have no confidence that big ant/nacon can deliver a game of an acceptable standard which is fine. You apparently do, which is also fine.
I’m not free to go and start my own company and develop my own game, I have a wife, child, mortgage, an career I enjoy. Which is a moot point anyway. I’m (one of many consumers) unhappy with this product and am exploring ways to get a refund
I am also looking for a refund.
This game is not playable. It was not ready for release.
I feel they are ripping people off at this point.
The playstation store and big ant studio should be embarrassed and ashamed of this.
Contact PlayStation if you’ve not played an extended period you might be eligible for your money back
Refunds also possible on Xbox just contacted them saying the game was unplayable and unfit for use and got my money back