Request to add Name/Pronunciation to Cricket 24 Game

I think the most common surnames found in all ICC full member nations should be included. In the case of India and Pakistan, the most common surnames in all ethnic groups should be included.

Here are the most common surnames in my native Bangladesh (also common among Muslim people around South Asia in general):

Hasan, Hossain, Rahman, Ahmed, Islam, Ali, Khan, Mahmud, Akhtar, Haque, Mirza, Bhuiyan, Miah, Patowary, Shikdar, Talukdar, Alam, Karim, Chowdhury, Anam, Hashem, Barek, Hakim, Qazi, Kabir, Iqbal, Khondokar, Mohammad, Farouque, Umar, Abdul, Huda, Latif, Shaheed, Uddin, Rabbani, Zaman, Abedin, Imam, Jahangir, Sultan, Ahsan, Bacchu, Farid, Akbar, Jahid, Shuvo, Sadiq, Jalil, Elahi, Quadir, Ishrak, Ghani, Shiraj, Mahboob, Nizam, Razzak, Kamal, Mullah.

Exclusive to females in Bangladesh (and Muslim South Asians):

Begum, Ara, Khatun, Sultana, Un-Nesa, Husna, Laila, Banu, Fariha, Bibi, Nusrat, Mim, Sara, Suraiya.

Exclusive to Hindus in Bangladesh and West Bengal of India:

Ghosh, Basu(Bose), Biswas, Das, Dasgupta, Sen, Sengupta, Bhowmick, Dey, Chakraborty, Roy, Mitra, Halder, Mondol, Karmakar, Debnath, Saha, Ganguly, Mukherjee, Banerjee, Chatterjee, Dutta, Sarkar, Goswami, Guha, Thakur, Mallik, Gupta, Kundu, Maitra, Chanda, Sil, Shome, Pal, Adhikari, Hazra, Basak, Bhaduri, Gayen, Nag, Bhattacharya, Bagchi, Sensharma, Ghatak, Purakayastha, Barman, Patra, Pramanik.

Kindly add the following names

Mc Moqwac

All my teenage club mates , it will be cool to recreate them in cricket 24

Instead of adding every name, can’t there be some kind of AI based speech synthesis in game for custom names?

@life_warrior if not Ai then this can be handy as it will be a short code to implant

Please add my name ‘Hassan’, its very common still it was missing in cricket 22. Also, add my surname ’ Sheikh’ and my son’s name ‘Wajeeh’.

Supporting you guys since dbc 14 so please entertain this request

if possible add these names aswell

If possible please add

I’d like “Chuckinho” added with a stress on the “i”. Happy to provide IPA approximation if required. :wink:

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Hey Team, love the great work that you all do! Like many of us in this group, we have been playing the game since back in the Bradman Cricket days. I would love for my name to be added.
My surname, Brumby, is synonymous with Australian folklore and it was my great, great, great, great grandfather who left his horses in NSW when he came to Tasmania. Those horses became known as Brumby’s as they were known to be wild and free. Therefore, the colloquial term for a wild horse in Australia became Brumby.
My first name, Tristan. Is commonly associated with medieval folklore, but not quite Australian as Brumby.
Please if possible, take on board my request for my name Tristan Brumby to be in this great new game of yours.

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As a cunning linguist I find this sort of thing entirely fascinating. I guess the key thing to note is that everyone on here speaks with a different accent putting different stress and pronunciation into each grapheme.
Without a proper IPA pronunciation or a sound file, many of these requests are impossible to replicate faithfully.
It is also possible ofcourse that some names might be pronounced differently in different parts of the world or even within a particular Sprachraum.
This chart below shows different vowel qualities and I’m sure there are differences everywhere, especially where South Australian English is concerned.

This article scares me…
Help:IPA/Hindi and Urdu - Wikipedia

This article sooths me
Help:IPA/Scottish Gaelic - Wikipedia

Yeah it is but a inbound coded TTS system might do the trick when a person creating his/her player, name & surname can b pronounced also we already have different pitches ( not the grassy or dry :sweat_smile:)
That might feel like AI is voweling

Text to speech is rubbish, generally.

:joy::joy:yeah but that adds a spark sometimes if I am not wrong from ashes17 game Kohli was awesome ( Kolai )


Generally I try to avoid the anusvara…

Then we must be ready for extra tutorials coming up or as a commentators career it would be handy :yum:

NOW THAT IS A GREAT IDEA. - Career mode for Commentators

Justin Venter please

If entries are still open kindly add one more :innocent:
KapCha pronounced as ‘captcha’

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Sir raghu also hahahaha

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