Requesting Gameplay features

As a cricket fan and as a big fan over your games over the years, I am excited for the new cricket 24. Moreover I’m looking forward to seeing the most aesthetically pleasing cricket game to date. There have been big improvements over the generation of games however just to knit pick a couple points which I feel could be added to the game/ addressed which I feel would make the gameplay more fluid and realistic. First point would just be simply to make 1st slip a genuine useful fielding position for seam bowling. And the slips in general. almost every edge behind would result in 2nd or 3rd slip or the wicketkeeper etc diving in front of the other slip catchers and taking the catch. 1st slip has never caught a ball for me because the other slips dive inhumane distances and take the catch. I would actually like to see balls fly past the slip cordon if they’re just out of reach. Or maybe a dive and miss by one of the slips. Because the slip cordon currently doesn’t seem all too realistic. Another point would be to create a full 360 range of dynamic shots making the batsmen as lifelike as possible. For example, the guiding shots down to third man, very popular shot in real life but doesn’t seem to flow as dynamically as it should. Along with the cut shot. Playing shots through backwards of square and 45 seem a little static. The forward defensive shot is pleasing too on the eye but only ever ends up a couple feet in front of you. I’d like to see, especially of the faster bowling, the ball bouncing hard of the defensive shot evening creating running opportunities. I’ve seen plenty of times players in real life playing a front foot defensive shot that is guided down to third man for 4 runs, and that would be a great feature. A lot of my big wheel runs indicate shots in the same areas and gaps in the same areas, it’d be nicer if it was programmed where the shots played are randomly generated to go anywhere in the field with some indication applied form the user to go in that general direction. Because I’ll see the same exact shots being played many times in an innings with the balls going on the exact same trajectory.
Another point would be the bad bowls bowled. If a spinner bowls short in a game it almost always is despatched away over cow corner or pulled hard and slogged. But if a spinner pitches the delivery short in cricket 22 it seems very awkward to punish this delivery as there doesn’t feel to be a shot input for this.
Finally my last point would be for captains tactics to occasionally pay off. Silly point, short leg etc have never really come in handy, especially to seam bowling and it’d be great to see tactics where adjusting the field and bowling to a plan would see the field placement work as a genuine tactic and pay off.
These are a few small points that I would love to see addressed. I know nothing about how difficult any of this would be to add to the game but it would be great if they could as I feel it would help massively towards the most realistic game to date.
Lastly, you guys are doing great and as the leading developers in cricket games I’m very greatful to have a team who strives to create the best cricket game targeting a smaller market than other mainstream games.

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