Rugby 24 Involvement with Content Creators?

Hey guys, really looking forward to hearing some news about the game. Super excited for an official World Cup game.
There’s a number of content creators on YouTube who love covering rugby, rugby game news and playing the rugby video games. Personally, i’m really wanting to get people hyped for this game, been making video’s about any news we can get surrounding it. Wanted to ask if you have thought about reaching out to the content creators on the platform and working with them directly to help drum up some hype.
I know from the launch of Rugby 22 how many people we’re commenting in the build up to launch that they were holding off on picking up the game till they had seen my coverage on the game and given my thoughts on it.
Rugby gaming videos on YouTube is certainly a niche, but there’s a number of content creators with a great reach to large audiences. Think it could be a great way to share the game more widely and reach a larger audience that I don’t really feel has been exploited in previous rugby game launches, especially as we close in towards the 2023 world cup and everyone is excited to see what Big Ant will deliver.


I completely echo these thoughts. Us content creators are ready and waiting to help Big Ant with a successful launch of this game. Many people sit on the fence, particularly in the rugby video game niche because of the amount of times they have been let down before. Hopefully we can help persuade them to jump off the fence pick up the game :smiling_face:


I completely agree.
The two lads above me have created some great content around the Rugby gaming community.
And I would love to join them in being promoting Rugby 24 as much as possible as I believe that is something that previous releases have suffered from.

It definitely is a niche community but myself as a small content creator has seen nearly 5,000 views on Rugby 24 related content and over 120 watch hours.

The community is definitely there and I want to join these two creators above me in promoting the game to the rugby gaming community.

Would love any opportunities if Big Ant we’re willing :smiley:


I personally drop in every now again to each of the above, and love the work done.

As we get closer to the launch, and when we can, we will reach out.


Appreciate it @RossSymons. Wish you all the best with the game and look forward to hearing from you.


Awesome to hear @RossSymons , we’re all super excited for Rugby 24, looking forward to hearing from you guys closer to release.


Great to hear Ross,

We all appreciate the hard work you and the team are putting into Rugby 24, and we are keen as to see the game in action!

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