Maintenant les règles que je pense nous aimerions avoir dans Rugby 25 :
Offside and onside in open play
10.1: A player is offside in open play if that player is in front of a team-mate who is carrying the ball or who last played it. An offside player must not interfere with play. This includes:
a. Playing the ball.
b. Tackling the ball-carrier.
c. Preventing the opposition from playing as they wish.
d. Loitering in an offside position
10.4: An offside player may be penalised, if that player:
a. Does not make an effort to retreat and interferes with play; or
b. Moves forwards towards the ball; or
c. [unchanged]
10.7 Other than under Law 10.4c, an offside player can be put onside when:
a. An onside team-mate of that player moves past the offside player and is within or has re-entered the playing area.
b. An opponent of that player: i. Carries the ball five metres; or ii. Passes the ball; or
i. Kicks the ball; or
ii. Intentionally touches the ball without gaining possession of it.
So i dont know for the steam deck i have the rog ally with windows. But i think its 24h2 or under but when i restore my windows i dont have any crashes