September 02 - Update Review

  • Bring back the Australian venues, and add licensed venues ( Adelaide, Rio, etc. ) for
    Exhibition mode,
  • Add CPU and AI sliders.

@JNT_BA @RossSymons

The most anoying thing till this update was the AI serves returns. Keep the same yet?

Add new rackets.

Add Emil Ruusuvuori and Fabio Fognini

Worst sound dropouts have been fixed mainly the ace down the center use to be no audio at all for about 5 seconds now perfect only slight dropout at times by cpu return of serve. Still struggling to win on Hard having great matches and don’t want it much harder. For you better players can’t you get the devs to add Pro and Legend difficulties after expert surely they can do this to keep everybody happy.

:tennis: Tie-break NewToday PATCH!

A new patch is available today, coming gradually to all platforms.

• Career progression by listening
• Tutorials to listen
• Doubles Granted (Fewer AI Lobs)
• Updated a number of Player faces
• Updated several player animations
• Improved stability

Hi , Hello Are you okay ? Which players have had their portraits corrected? And who are the players whose animations have been updated, who is he? You have to specify next time thank you @RossSymons

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Why were the 3 Australia venues not put back in with patch,very disappointing

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Dear @JNT_BA please answer the questions!

Why were the 3 Australia venues not put back?!

Very-very disappointing!

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hope thats fixed asap

the backhand style still not apply on our created player…

you can choose any player style, you will never get his backhand. you will get generic backhand.

sad :anguished:

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The younger versions of Tim, Del Potro and Anderson unlocked through the Djokovic Challenge are also gone, please fix it!

not good at all hope fixed asap

Venue Logos are fixed!
They finally download with the venue and you don’t have to download them separately! Thanks for this!

Play the Djokovic matches where you unlocked them again and it should bring them back. Might even be able to just start them and exit straight away.

thats cool thats fixed

Career mode leveling up still not working. No matter how much I level up, I can’t spend skill points. Or is this available later in career?

It’s impossible to understand how skill points work

Dear Developers,

  • Please bring back the Australian venues, and add licensed venues ( Adelaide, Rio, Chile open, etc. ) for Exhibition mode,
  • Please add CPU and AI sliders for gameplay options.

Cpu now always serves on the top corner in every mode. It’s annoying. It needs more variety.
Please fixed that