Shoulder Charge to Break Defence Lines

Hi Everyone,

Is anyone having trouble doing these on any difficulties?

I normally play on medium and have tried easy difficulty. I just not getting tackles broken by pressing up with Right stick. Is there any advice on timing ?

I don’t know if this needs to be looked at in the future, just trying to look at methods to get forwards or a strong player in forwards or backs up bust open a defence line and gain ground instead of trying to run through a gap.
I understand it can be based on player break tackle ability, stamina and strength. I hope it could be easier to do this in the future or a clearer method explained how to do it. I know in RLL4 you could press the right stick down with some timing and that worked well, pushing up was for an actual hand off animation.

Or is this not working at the moment as we don’t have gameplay for bench replacements to interchange players on low stamina if this shoulder charge is using Stamina ?

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I believe all the directional ones are in the game (cant confirm if anything broke in patch 3, but over my playtime ive seen what I believe to be each animation play out) the timing is very difficult.
Didnt know bump off was added by clicking down the stick either.
Timing is very difficult, and also depends on what camera you are playing in.
Directions on the stick are correct for having your camera set behind the players. If you change to side camera, you need to mentally rotate the direction on the right analog stick 90° to have the labels be correct.
From my playtime the timing is completely different from any other rugby game. Most obvious is the side step, in order for the animation to play out for a successful side step, your player needs to already complete about 50% of the animation before the tackler gets in tackle range, and then it shifts in to a 2nd animation where you player gets passed them.
The shoulder charge and hand off are super hard to pull off even when testing purely to perform them. There is no obvious animation that you have initiated the mechanic, compared to it being very clear in rugby 22.
It seems to be easier to make tackle breaks on the easier difficulties.
The shoulder charge (or what i believe is a working animation for it as sometimes theres a tackle break) ive only ever seen work on a 1 on 1 tackle, and also the tackler has to be stationary as opposed to running into you to tackle.
All of these details just make it extreamly hard to pull off. And its probably just better to opt for the side step every time.

Would like to see when we have stats in the game for different mechanics to be more effective with different players. E.g. a number 8 is more likely to have a successful bump off than a scrum half.
But a wingers have a better chance of a successful side step than a prop.
That way you would have to make the decision of whats best to use depending on which player has the ball. And it would also reduce the ability to spam the right analog stick in every phase.


Good analysis of this issue. I mostly been playing on behind camera view. I think I either broke a tackle once or did a hand off , that was on Patch 2. I spent about 40 mins yesterday playing two games in easy and medium difficulty trying to do a shoulder charge with my players (Australia) hitting the defence lines for (Georgia). No break of the line. Will try for hand offs in the near future.

I think these gameplay moves are important so hopefully it gets a little easier but not too easy to do (Right now I think it’s either not working or way too hard to execute) As a player controlling the team you want it to be fun and have decision making in what tactics to use and when.

I think with RLL4 it was good as you couldn’t always do shoulder charges as it used up stamina and it did not regenerate quickly. Same with doing a big hit on defence you could try to do it with a specific button , again hitting right stick with timing.

Anyway thanks for your reply to look at this issue. Hopefully we get more information on it and we can use it as a tactic in the future.


To jump back in to this one, been testing the “bump off” stick click, and it is now the most OP move in not just this game but maybe any rugby game, it makes every side step in every rugby game look pitiful :joy:
You just spam clicking the right stick in and you can have 1 player bounce 6 players off as they march 100m up the pitch to score a try. Very useful to break the line in the version of the game where its very difficult to do so in any way, but defo needs to be nerfed before full release.


Ha ha you have a different game to me lol. I find it easy ish to break the line a lot of the time but the bump, fend or step doesn’t work that often for me at all :rofl:

If they nerf it I feel like it will never work :rofl: Maybe I will go back and play a game and just try spam clicking it. I thought it was the others that needed raising.

I will come back and edit this if I find it OP too, is this on hardest? (Not sure if difficulty is any different)


Ive been playing current patch on easy and easiest, anything above just feels like a grind of 400 rucks in a row with with no turn overs and the opposition never kicking the ball away. And noticed so many extra game breaking issues all coming from rucks im trying to avoid it to have fun.
Ive still got enough teleporting tacklers that ruin any clean line break for me, im basically down to kicking in behind, or using the bump off.
The bump off for me has been a consistent monster, litterally rapidly clicking it down is a walking try fest, any player who tackles you head on is immediately shoved off, and if you tap it rapidly, players dont seem to tackle you from the side, sometimes they even run away. Maybe we are litterally playing 2 different versions of the game :joy:


Ha ha well no, I only play on hardest so that would explain why maybe. Is the only way can keep the scores realistic ish and not be blowouts.

I guess I have gotten used to playing around the broken bits and teleporters … the 50 million intercepts and rocket passes dead. I mean it still makes me lose the will to live at times :rofl:

I tried the spamming bump off and just kept getting monstered more often than not. So probably does need to be nerfed … but maybe not on hardest? I maybe get 10% bump offs a game on 10 minute halves atm.


Oh yeah, its certainly an easy 50-0 on easy. but atleast something happens. Playing on hardest for me is either me or the AI winning 7-0 because 99% of the game is spent in rucks on the halfway line, and 1 person somehow gets a lucky break, in amongst the bullet passes, or players getting tackled followed by no ruck, so they just get back up and carry on running :joy:

Stick a game on easy and test it out, make your own amusement feeling like the terminator charging through humans with brute force!

@JNT_BA I did have a question, that might fit in this thread. What is the purpose of LT? When I hold it down I can make players kind of skip left or right like they are strafing?
Is that something to do with the right analogue stick hand off’s? Like are you meant to hold down the LT trigger while doing it, otherwise I just cant seem to find a use for the ability to skip sideways and not move forwards.


True mate, I just played a game on easy and the bump off is way more powerful, although I had no where as much luck as you did.

Most likely a skill issue on my part.

I think Rugby League Live 4 was exactly the same, you could pretty much walk through entire teams on the easiest mode. Maybe that is the accessible to everyone who wants to pick up and play thing to do?

Anyway, you are right about the bump off on easy :+1:t2: :100:

(*but please don’t nerf hardest ha ha)

Edit: I only ever use the LT for strafing just before the tackle, stops you from going all over the place if they are changing direction a lot. I didn’t know you could use it on offence? Not sure you are meant to as it is only on loose ball and defending controls.

Although, it does look like it could be very useful for when switching play. Running at one angle then strafe and you can pass back the other way without it going weird. It also seems good to hold down if you are wanting to make a clearing kick as it stops their momentum forward a bit.


It’s great guys to hear all your playing experiences with these controls to perform these actions on the field. I feel it is important to have these working as options for the attacking gameplay.
I guess for Shoulder Charge it can somehow be linked in with player strength attributes that could be a way to use the actions when using stronger players for this action at least.

Hand off could be easier to do as it’s based on timing and level of match difficulty chosen.

For myself I have performed hand off a few times in the past.
I am sure all this will be refined in the future.

Did it seemed like the hand offs and side-steps worked better in original or 1st patch?
That was one of the first things I tested and seemed to be working ok. Also originally, although super slow, it felt like you had better control in the rucks, if you press bind 1 time would only bind one, now it seems a little random. If you press once could have 2 bind maybe even 3. The speed getting to the ruck improved but the controls not so sure of. Hopefully in the big patch they will have this figured out.
The other thing, have asked consistently if they can explain what each action button does in the rucks, and what the thought process behind the system is, at what point can we attempt a steal? At what point can we attempt contest tackle? Before or after the bind? Once you bind , can you still contest or steal? Just seems to be all over the place at the moment. Do we hold down the bind button? Is there a counter to defense attempting to jackle, can you hold on on offense with risk of being penalized? As mention one tap now seems to be random at how many bind. A smooth-running ruck system will allow the game to flow correctly, a huge part of Rugby , this not Rugby league, ruck play is extremely important and sets the tone for the game. Now, in saying all this I have seen some cool clear outs I have not seen in previous rugby games. Just not sure if its automatic or I am contributing to it.

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