Steam Patch 1.0.3580 Please Give Us Back Precision Shots - This Is Not The Way


After today’s patch I was hoping that certain issues from the previous patch would have ben improved. And certain aspects have been, the CPU continues to play even more aggressively and they are not falling into very predictable patterns of play as they are now trying shots that go behind and wrong foot.

However there is a huge issue with this. Because the CPU is now playing way more aggressively 90% of their shots are now flat shots instead of top spin shots. The AI is currently not good enough to attempt this super aggressive style of play because even though I found it quite difficult I still won the first set against Alcaraz on expert 6-1 because he ended up making 27 unforced errors with many of his flat shots either hitting the net or simply going long.

I understand its all a balancing act and you are still trying to balance difficulty but the match I just had against Alcaraz, despite winning was the worst experience I have had in this game in terms of gameplay and I played all the way through early access. It feels absolutely horrible. Alcaraz playing extremely aggressive, mostly flat shots, no time to think just react, CPU hitting the net all of the time very difficult to get a decent rally going.

The biggest issue with all of this is that you absolutely must not continue to make the CPU this aggressive and difficult to play against while at the same time severely handicapping human players by having massively reduced the effect of the precision shot triggers. Its a huge handicap in the match and it can be felt. I can no longer be confident of hitting a down the line winner from a ball from the CPU that is bouncing high, I cant be confident no matter how long I hold the analogue stick and hold the shot prep triggers of where the ball is likely to go because it constantly keeps drifting into the centre of court or staying no where near the lines.

You cannot limit the playable court area for players against an aggressive CPU that can still hit all of the lines. If you needed to make a change to stop people abusing top spin angles you should have re implemented the risk to top spin shots that you had in early access, not nerfed precision shots. Please re-add them, this will destroy the game for many people and its just not fun anymore.


I totally agree :+1::100: I want hit where I want and not feel like there’s an invisible force field from stopping me hitting the lines or beyond :sob:


This is exactly what it feels like. an invisible boundry that we cant go beyond. And you can feel it in the rally, its incredibly restrictive.

The first shot on return of serve and the shot after that seem to have old trigger precision still in effect but after that, essentially gets disabled.


This game is taking huge steps back in my opinion. Precision shots have disappeared. Harder to hit flat shots and now the AI is making 30 errors a set on expert.


Agreed. I actually like the foundation of this update especially with the AI actually attempting to run for shots, but the amount of errors they’re hitting is simply unacceptable. I just hope now that we’re asking for that to be reduced, they don’t make it to where the AI makes NO errors at all. Errors are fine, but not 30 per set.

im now an ace master vs the cpu

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After todays update aiming and timing are even worse, foul(wide) on serve has been reduced to almost 0 so the only outcome now is either a ball In or into the net. And the notion of timing has been removed completly

I just want more fine control over ball placement again. I feel massively handicapped when many of my shots are staying quite central even if i am using shot precision.