I agree, and am sure they are aware but its still no where near difficult enough.
The flat shots are in a great place now and i dont think they should change them again for the moment. But the slight buff has made it even easier to beat the CPU.
Also, and maybe i am wrong. But I haven’t noticed the CPU being able to hit flat shots against me. They always seem to stick with top spin. There are occasions where they could put me under real pressure if they did a flat shot but they dont.
u need to be precise of what you mean when u say nerf topspins, nerf doesnt mean make it goes into the net everytime more it means increase the aiming difficulty on hard and expert so that it can go out/wide or into the net like it was in EA7
I agree with the CPU needing to be more reactionary or be smarter about re centralising themselves on the court. Certainly on harder difficulties. I can just top spin a fairly average shot across court without much pace or angle and it still beats the CPU on expert.
maybe crank down the skills and attirbutes of the player you are using to make it competative? Assuming this is a feature as it was in AO2. In AO2 I was always getting 6-0 in Grand Slam difficulty so halved my players skills and attributes which made it very competative in career mode and against the AI. Just a thought…
By all means create a legendary level or up the difficulty on extreme level. But not all of us are that good at the game that we want every level to be very difficult. Difficulty is subjective so there are many of us that don’t want the game so difficult it’s unplayable unless you are an expert. So there has to be balance so everyone can enjoy .
I understand the balance argument. But surely thats why the different difficulty levels exist.
If a group of players want a ridiculously hard challenge on expert or a legendary mode. Surely everyone else that dont want that can just play on lower difficulty?